Why do people like Donald Trump?

2016-03-30 12:05 pm

回答 (23)

2016-03-30 12:07 pm
Because he saying what everyone else is thinking but is too afraid to say for fear of taking the same heat Trump is taking
2016-03-30 12:12 pm
He's polically incorrect, and not afraid of the backlash that comes with speaking out and offering real solutions on issues such as immigration.
2016-03-30 12:14 pm
1He has a gorgeous Slavic wife.
2He seems to have been a successful tycoon?
3He promises to change the US for the better and repair the leftover unsolved issues of past US Presidents.
參考: Thats what I understood from US cable news and Internet? I hope i wasnt too wrong..
2016-03-30 12:32 pm
See, here's the thing. I'm a conservative and I think Donald Trump is a complete ******* nutcase who should never be trusted within ten miles of the White House. However, the intolerant and fascist (yes fascist) leftists created the Trump monster. How? Well you've probably noticed, every time someone says something that some leftist nutter deems vaguely 'problematic' or 'non-PC', they shout them down, no-platform them, and conduct media and Twitter campaigns against them to shame and silence them. People are sick of these nutjobs pulling wool over their eyes, of shutting down free speech and silencing debate. So they find Trump refreshing. It doesn't matter that many of his views and policies are completely abhorrent, they see him as an antidote to the other extreme, since everyone is so afraid of being 'non-PC' nowadays.

So if you want to blame anyone for Trump's rise, look no further than the world of university politics, identity politics, 'safe spaces' and the increasingly intolerant left.
2016-03-30 12:07 pm
Some people like sex in bathroom stalls with strangers.
2016-03-31 10:19 pm
after a year & a half,,you are clueless about your worst enemies' mindset on trump?????????? you are mystified??? still??????????
u gotta be an autist,a reasonable for a poor kid in the 3d grade,,an adult?
2016-03-31 5:35 pm
He is a talented business man and is very intelligent
2016-03-31 4:43 pm
I like his policy positions and his personality. Same reason for choosing any candidate ever.
2016-03-31 4:24 pm
Cuz he's a jackass like they are.
2016-03-31 3:34 pm
He is cute and cuddly.
2016-03-31 6:28 am
2016-03-31 3:36 am
Mainly because we believe he's not part of the establishment that is selling the American People down the river to the rest of the world.
2016-03-30 11:30 pm
Because he's rich .-.
2016-03-30 3:08 pm
They don't. He represents a break from the status quo establishment.
2016-03-30 2:44 pm
he's smarter than they are
2016-03-30 2:15 pm
common sense.
2016-03-30 1:37 pm
Why wouldn't they?
2016-03-30 12:30 pm
Anti-government, doesn't do PC and tells it like it is
2016-03-30 12:24 pm
trumps great because he's such a baby - who doesn't like babies?
2016-03-30 12:16 pm
the hair

everyone's envious of the hair
2016-03-30 12:10 pm
Some people are attracted to authoritarian figures who provide a very rigid world view
2016-03-30 12:10 pm
Because he is a job creator and is for less government control meaning more liberty for American citizens.

Hillary and Bernie are for MORE government control, meaning LESS liberty and more control over your life.
2016-03-31 6:39 pm
Why do people like Donald Trump?
AS IF you don't know ... beings it's the same reason many IDIOTS like Hillary, Bernie, Cruz or any other corrupt politician ... SADLY, there is no shortage of voluntarily stupid, greedy, uncaring ... people / voters - Democrat or Republican :( !
2016-03-30 12:46 pm
They are children. He uses the language skills of a 4th grader. Short sentences. No big words. Good for Republicans.

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