If Marijuana still remains an illegal drug in the U.S. what does that tell you about how FREE American citizens are from our government?

2016-03-30 10:28 am
Alcohol is the most deadly and addictive recreational drug in the United States. It is responsible for the most harm to families and people's health out of any other illegal drug. Why is this drug able to remain legal over a harmless plant? Especially when the majority of Americans are on the side of legalizing cannabis? Let me give you an example. When the state of California approved cannabis to be used legally for the sake of medical purposes, the federal government cracked down on dispensaries and users of the plant, seizing personal property and imprisoning thousands of innocent citizens even though the people had voiced their opinions, gone through the necessary legal processes, and above all practiced their rights as Americans to do as they see fit. Our federal government has taken a stand against the people, seeing fit to imprison so many innocent Americans that our prisons are at MAX CAPACITY! The majority of our prisons make up minor "drug" offenders. So why is it that we allow an opposing federal government to ignore our voices and to persecute us for doing what we believe in? Why do we sit back and allow it?! IT IS TIME FOR US TO STAND UP to our government and demand that they heed our voice for we are the American people!

回答 (4)

2016-03-30 11:30 am
It should be legal. Here in Ohio, we somehow voted against making it legal last Nov.- mostly because a few very rich wanted to control the whole thing.

2016-03-30 10:53 am
Alcohol is awful but the "powers that be" love it being legal because they can get away with the amount of profit they earn from it not to mention it seriously adds wealth to the NWO regime. They could never get away with legalizing crack or heroin now which are just as bad as alcohol. But there is absolutely no reason why cannabis is illegal. Look at Colorado. Since they legalised it in that state, they have made billions of dollars on the profit from cannabis sales. I think its just a matter of time before prohibition is over and weed is free throughout the states. Alcohol on the other hand could never be banned now because all those poor people who suffer from alcoholism can actually die if they just suddenly stop. I totally agree with you. FREE THE WEED
2016-03-30 11:57 am
Drugs of any type are not even the tip of the iceberg. Try Obamacare, seat belt laws, zoning laws, etc.
2016-03-30 11:36 am
That your idea of free is awfully skewed.
Lots of things are illegal, like driving drunk.
Why are you alright with that?
This last weekend a pot smoking woman crossed the berried and plowed head-on into a car killing the occupants.

Are you saying HER freedom was denied ??
What about the people she killed ? What about their freedoms?

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:46:34
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