I'm just gonna say this about Yahoo Answers?

2016-03-30 4:22 am
Yahoo Answers is full of salty assholes. People who have nothing better to do than judge others. People who rather than answering a question, would rather make some shitty judgement in an attempt to hurt feelings. It's so ******* easy to just slop out some **** from your asshole that is reproachful. Or you could take a ******* second to think with your god damn skull and answer a god damn question rather than blaming someone for asking the question which inconvenienced you SO MUCH. Boohoo your question made me think about something WAAA!!! **** THIS **** IM OUT OF THIS **** PIT OF MASTURBATING **** SUCKERS

回答 (12)

2016-03-30 4:38 am
You make some valid points.

I hope you feel better, getting it off your chest a little.

Lady Morgana
2016-03-30 12:28 pm
Hahaha classic. Did somebody strike a nerve, little fella?
2016-03-30 4:23 am
Are you jealous or complaining?
2016-03-30 5:14 am
My but you have a salty, hateful way of speaking!
2016-03-30 4:25 am
if you have been around here for any length of time it shouldn't surprise you. Just ignore them and they go away
2016-03-30 4:25 am
This post isn't a question.

But really, there's nothing to be gained in getting hurt feelings over the internet. If someone says something mean to you over the internet, you ought to just ignore them. No point in needlessly driving up your blood pressure and wasting time getting angry.
2016-03-30 4:24 am
That's what you get for asking people on the internet questions. Why not ask your friends or family.
2016-03-30 4:24 am
參考: yes
2016-03-30 8:13 am
You are the only salty asshole on here.
2016-03-30 8:09 am
It's pretty funny really. Atheists ...some of the most vindictive....don't ask questions,
I've checked but they read my questions just finding fault.
and sometimes I sure let them find it!! I forgot to explain something in outlining
the idea of the question? And they all ....got excited thinking I was
calling screaming 'sin'.
Didn't answer the question, they never do, never can. So they find fault,
and it helps so I become far more careful before posting questions.

Answers CAN help you to be better at what you do.
2016-03-30 4:34 am
Yams Ease Constipation

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