My teen daughter is afraid shes going to have a stroke or heart attack because our cat randomly had one and is now gone. What can I tell her?

2016-03-29 11:54 pm

回答 (9)

2016-04-01 6:07 am
That' very common. Kids process their anxiety about a death by sublimating it into anxiety about other people dying.

Help her process her feelings about the death of the cat. Or take her to a therapist.
2016-03-31 9:14 pm
Is she a cat.
2016-03-30 5:03 pm
Oh bless her. That's so sad. Remind your daughter that she is healthy. Cats are more likely to suffer these things and I assume the cat was older.
2016-03-30 12:55 am
children usually don't have strokes or attacks. Get another kitty and encourage her to enjoy her life.
2016-03-30 12:18 am
I'm sorry about this, I lost my cat a few years back to what I suspect might have been kidney failure or some type of liver disease; however, the cat was 15 or 17 years old so it lived a long and good life.

But simply, I would just be completely honest with her and tell her that the cat passed most likely because she was old and as we age our bodies just weaken a little bit more every year, and in terms of animals like cats and dogs their bodies obviously age much quicker than we do; hence, we tend to live longer then them but emphasize the cat did live a long life.
2016-03-30 12:04 am
When my dog died, I felt the same kind of. I also felt loneliness too. Tell her everything is going to be okay and take her to places and spend time with her. Just don't try replacing your cat. That's the worst thing to do at the moment.
2016-03-29 11:58 pm
that she is not the cat and neither is she physically linked to the cat. she is a human being. good luck
2016-03-29 11:57 pm
our cat 'randomly' got it, ask your doctor(vet), and tell your daughter not to freak out, live your life!
2016-03-29 11:56 pm
Your cat was a lot older in terms of age(for a cat) than your daughter is in human years. If your daughter is a hypochondriac and has a lot of anxieties, you should consider finding her a good therapist.

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