DO YOU EAT EGGS often. HOW DO YOU LIKEeggs made, cheese or not and what seasoning you put on them.?

2016-03-29 6:59 pm

Yes, i really do like eggs. I like scrambled with cheese in them or skillet style. i dont do omelets. I like eggs on wheat bread or I will put them in some cheesy grits. I do add substantial salt, pepper , or the seasoning salt. i dont use red peppers or jalapenos. EGGS TASTE GREAT ESPECIALLY WHEN CHEESY, SCRAMBLED, AND right off the skillet. Lots of protein in eggs. I will eat daily despite high cholesterol content. But egg beaters a little healthier. EGGS. breakfast staple thats cheap


the quality of eggs MAY INDEED BE DECLINING. GMOS are often added and you dont know. Organic eggs may seem healthier but its hard to know how organic the eggs are or not. EGGS OF COURSE HAD great taste and those that love salt,pepper, seasoning, and cheese like eggs. many wont eat breakfast sandwiches without scrambled eggs The Great Egg Debate: 4 Reasons You Need to Stop Eating Eggs Jeff Taraday

回答 (159)

2016-03-31 10:02 am
I love eggs but for some reason i get acne from eating them so i would only eat them if i dont have to leave the house for the next day or two giving me a chance to clear my acne up. In terms of how i like them, i love an egg on melted cheese and toast sandwhich. For omlettes i typically cut half an onion into small cubes and also cut some green chillies and mix it with salt and red chilli powder and of course the eggs and make a (sorta) spicy omlette with some pepper to top it off. Im pakistani so i love spice in literally everything.
2016-03-29 8:44 pm
Yes, I either fried them,scramble them or make omelets
I make hashbrown omelets and breakfast burritos with eggs
Boiled eggs in salads.
I eat eggs daily.
2016-03-30 2:22 pm
Love eggs. Especially scrambled Spotted Owl eggs with a side of sautéed Snail Darter and a glass of Manatee milk.
2016-03-30 9:15 am
I eat eggs everyday the whole thing, not just the whites. But I do eat vegetarian cage free organic, and if you can find someone local with farm fresh that is great too! The fat and cholesterol of eggs is the good kind don't be scared of good fats. This country has been scared to death that in order to be healthy everything has to be low fat low calorie and if we were eating the right healthy foods you wouldn't have to worry about it. Even just this year the FDA at to drop its recomendation on low fat and acknowledge that diets with higher contents of good fats are not unhealthy.
Just some egg facts for you!

1. Eggs contain the highest quality protein you can buy.
2. Egg yolks are one of the few foods that are a naturally good source of vitamin D.
3. A large egg contains only 70 calories and 5 grams of fat.
4. Egg protein has just the right mix of essential amino acids needed by humans to build tissue. It is 2nd only to mother's milk for human nutrition.
2016-04-04 12:25 am
I eat them once a week, and had some yesterday over easy with toast.
2016-03-31 4:35 am
Yeah I love eggs. I eat eggs once every 2 days. I usually make sunny side up eggs or hard boiled eggs, with a few pieces of luncheon meat or simply salt or soy sauce.
2016-03-31 2:02 am
2016-03-30 11:38 pm
YEs I eat eggs at least once a week I love breakfast burritos. Sausage egg cheese and chunky salsa on top wrapped in a big tortilla
2016-03-30 12:43 pm
i like em not have em a lot..i like eggs anyways
2016-03-30 3:28 am
I love eggs, I love them poached, hard boiled, and even soft boiled. I'll have a little cheese mixed in if I'm having quiche, scramble, or an omelette. I also love curried eggs on a sandwich with lettuce, cheese, and sometimes smoked ham.
2016-03-30 1:43 am
I eat eggs once a month. I usually scramble my eggs with small slices of devon or sliced mushrooms and add tyme, pepper, and paprika. Sometimes I will make an omelet too. I don't eat cheese because I am lactose intolerant.
2016-03-29 7:10 pm
That is almost all I eat. I am on a low carbohydrate diet and eggs are the way. I usually eat them in an omelet with cheese and sometimes meat.
2016-03-29 7:03 pm
I love eggs , but I only eat them 2 times a week.
2016-04-04 7:38 pm
Every morning i eat 3 eggs.
2016-04-04 9:57 am
None whatsoever.
2016-04-03 6:50 pm
I do. I prefer pan fried in butter over easy with S&P, but since I don't enjoy cleaning the frying pan I've come upon a second scrambled method in the microwave. I microwave milk & chopped onions in a small ceramic dish with butter, S&P, remove and stir in a jumbo sized egg. I let the egg absorb the heat from the hot milk for a while before microwaving in 15-20" increments and stirring, making sure I don't over cook. If it's a little too done I can sometimes rescue it by stirring in cold cottage cheese or even frozen veggies of my choice and it stops the process. Sometimes curry or turmeric for a change of pace.

It's worth it to find eggs of good quality.
2016-04-03 5:54 pm
I like Scotch egg.
2016-04-03 7:47 am
I like scrambled eggs with feta cheese cooked in the eggs.On the side i have 2 things which are strawberries and a side of baby spinach sauteed in a bit of butter. I sometimes have 1 piece of toast and i always must have coffee.
2016-04-03 5:18 am
I eat 3 large eggs fried in cooking oil and fried tators every morning with applesauce!
2016-04-03 2:49 am
every once in a while. Hard boiled or scrambled
2016-04-03 2:23 am
i go trough times
2016-04-03 12:45 am
i like scrambled eggs on toast, they are nice with spring onions in them.
2016-04-02 6:27 pm
I eat eggs everyday the whole thing, not just the whites. But I do eat vegetarian cage free organic, and if you can find someone local with farm fresh that is great too! The fat and cholesterol of eggs is the good kind don't be scared of good fats. This country has been scared to death that in order to be healthy everything has to be low fat low calorie and if we were eating the right healthy foods you wouldn't have to worry about it.
2016-04-02 4:26 pm
I never eat them on their own.
2016-04-01 10:45 pm
i eat eggs everyday!
2016-04-01 6:42 pm
Eat eggs usually daily. I fry one side in extra virgin olive oil, then after 30 seconds i add about 1/4 cup water to eggs, place cover and another 30 seconds or so. Dip with sweet baby rays barbeque sauce.
2016-04-01 5:51 pm
I eat them on average 4 times a week yes I love my eggs
2016-04-01 4:27 pm
I came to find a vegan rant and scrolled through all the comments but couldn't find one :/
2016-04-01 4:20 pm
Boiled, sliced, and on a piece of bread and butter with some salt.

I live in the European Union, and eggs in supermarkets here are stamped, to indicate where the hen laid her egg, in a cage or as a happy hen. When you come to Europe, please take eggs where the ID starts with a zero. They are more expensive, but good for your conscience.

I moved from the big city to the countryside some years ago, and I have no need to buy eggs anymore. My neighbor brings them to me free of charge, and I know every hen by name.
2016-04-01 12:18 pm
2016-04-01 10:58 am
I eat once a week and like to have it in any form.
2016-04-01 10:32 am
I go through times when I eat eggs, I like scrambled with real butter, sunny side with toast, omelette and deviled eggs. I just won't eat them raw, oh and I will put cheese on an egg, bacon and cheese sandwich with toast.
2016-04-01 8:19 am
no not really, i hate the saint. but i will eat it if i doesn't taste like egg
2016-04-01 7:34 am
Almost every day, for breakfast, extra large, brown, 3minute, boiled, in an egg cup, with well buttered toast, sprinkled liberally with salt and pepper.
Please advise how do I get cheese inside the egg shell prior to boiling ?
2016-04-01 6:41 am
i like my eggs scrambled, with cheese, little pieces of ham, and yes, garlic salt, mmmm best combination ever
2016-04-01 5:36 am
My favourite is scrambled eggs and sunny side up. I like dipping things in the yolk and have done this for 30 years and never got sick once. Eggs just make me feel healthy for some reason, despite all the hype against them, there is this certain energy boost you get from them unlike any other food. I swear eggs can kill muscle pain and head aches. I know this isn't written about but they just do. They're real good after a work out.
2016-04-01 5:26 am
2016-04-01 5:24 am
I eat eggs maybe.... 6x a month. I love eggs. I can have them any way scrambled, sunny side up, hard boiled etc I love omelettes and I take anything in an omelette. Usually basic spices just salt and pepper
2016-04-01 5:13 am
2016-04-01 4:46 am
2016-04-01 3:43 am
I love both fried and boiled eggs
2016-04-01 3:24 am
I eat at least 2 eggs a day, sometimes 3 or 4. I usually fry them in butter with veggies, bacon, and sometimes cheese. Poached eggs over buttery mashed pumpkin is also really yummy! The only seasoning I really bother with is salt (it stops my legs from cramping).

Eggs don't raise your (bad) cholesterol levels, carbs and sugars do. I eat heaps of eggs and I'm healthy, and I read about a man who was obsessed with them and ate 25 a day, and he didn't have high cholesterol either.
2016-04-01 3:08 am
2016-04-01 2:06 am
2016-04-01 1:47 am
pan fried served with pepper and salt.
2016-04-01 1:04 am
I am allergic to eggs. Therefore, I do not partake.
2016-04-01 12:24 am
2016-04-01 12:15 am
Ovules sure are good.
2016-03-31 11:49 pm
I will not eat them in a house, i will not eat them with a mouse,i will not eat them in a box i will not eat them with a fox, i will not eat them here of there i will not eat them anywhere, I do not like green eggs and ham i do not like them sam i am
2016-03-31 11:46 pm
Not sure
2016-03-31 10:54 pm
Love eggs. I love um so much I bought my own chickens. They make great outdoor pets and I know what the hens are feed.
2016-03-31 10:51 pm
Eggs are love, Eggs are life
2016-03-31 10:33 pm
I love my scrammbled eggs on toast, maybe once in awhile just a sunny side up egg.
2016-03-31 10:11 pm
green eggs and ham
2016-03-31 9:13 pm
I eat eggs regularly. I prefer omelets and I eat them with cheese and salsa. I don't like any meat in my eggs.
2016-03-31 8:16 pm
I go through times when I eat eggs, I like scrambled with real butter, sunny side with toast, omelette and deviled eggs. I just won't eat them raw, oh and I will put cheese on an egg, bacon and cheese sandwich with toast.
2016-03-31 8:15 pm
Hard boiled with the rice every morning. Not ate then then later in the day some one wants a egg for a snack or something. Just normal to throw in some eggs with the morning rice. Live in Asia.
2016-03-31 7:26 pm
I like eggs. I eat them about 3 times a week
2016-03-31 7:09 pm
But I do eat vegetarian cage free organic, and if you can find someone local with farm fresh that is great too! The fat and cholesterol of eggs is the good kind don't be scared of good fats. This country has been scared to death that in order to be healthy everything has to be low fat low calorie and if we were eating the right healthy foods you wouldn't have to worry about it. I'll have a little cheese mixed in if I'm having quiche, scramble, or an omelette.
2016-03-31 6:08 pm
2016-03-31 5:56 pm
I eat eggs a lot but they are yellow and white
2016-03-31 5:51 pm
I love over easy but since I'm prego like to make them scrambled add a touch of milk and either some salsa or cut up onion mushrooms spinach and Jalepeno
2016-03-31 5:49 pm
I love eggs, I love them poached, hard boiled, and even soft boiled. I'll have a little cheese mixed in if I'm having quiche, scramble, or an omelette. I also love curried eggs on a sandwich with lettuce, cheese, and sometimes smoked ham.
2016-03-31 5:13 pm
2016-03-31 5:04 pm
Yes I like eat to egg and egg product
2016-03-31 2:52 pm
Black, I usually start my day with an egg at McDonald's, either in a sausage burrito or on an egg McMuffin. I also like eggs in a skillet, fried in bacon grease.
2016-03-31 2:51 pm
We have eggs for breakfast on Saturday and Sunday. I like mine fried with the tops steamed and the yolks runny. I use a garlic pepper seasoning.
2016-03-31 1:02 pm
i love eggs, but only 1 or 2 per week
2016-03-31 12:47 pm
I have one hard boiled egg in the mourning before breakfast with a cup of green tea to boost my metabolism first thing.
2016-03-31 12:22 pm
a couple of times a month
2016-03-31 11:59 am
yawn. I often get my snake eggs, yup ereday. Erd. what.
2016-03-31 11:29 am
I eat eggs once per week
2016-03-31 10:58 am
I like eggs over easy, with pepper on top. I'm not a big fan of eggs. I'm not sure why, but eating eggs makes me feel sick.
2016-03-31 9:47 am
I love dried eggs with salt and pepper (on toast, in a sandwhich or accompanying a full english breakfast).

I like omelette - with cheese and vegetables.
2016-03-31 9:36 am
yes, I love eggs vey much at breakfast
2016-03-31 9:26 am
I love eggs. I eat them 2 or 3 times a week
2016-03-31 7:18 am
Scrambled or Omelets. I usually scramble them to mask the taste of the yolk

I can eat the yolk but only in a hard boiled or poached egg.
2016-03-31 7:03 am
I am definitely a egg person its by far one of my favorite things to have for breakfast when I make them I always make them a sandwich maker and make myself a couple of a egg sandwiches in it I use sprouted wheat bread, cut-up pieces of green peppers, a couple slices of lunch meat, for little extra flavor and some may say I'm crazy for doing this but use lemon pepper and salami when I'm out of the other stuff at home but no cheese and when my parents make it they do it on the stove they em for me fried that way sometimes we up steak or sausage in them if its leftover from our family dinners my parents use turmeric on their eggs and sometimes on other stuff too

and I can't forget about breakfast at fast food joints like at Carl's Jr. I like there Sausage egg and cheese biscuits with those thick coin shaped tater tots for those who haven't had breakfast here they look a lot like regular tater tots but flatter and more round but still circular shaped I always get two of the biscuits and one large order of the tater tots

and of course McDonald's they have lots to choose from in the line of their breakfast stuff but the things I like the most is their Sausage Egg McMuffins and the hash browns everytime I order two of the McMuffins and one of the hashbrowns

Carl's Jr. Stops serving breakfast at 10:30am daily McDonald's on the other hand they used to stop serving breakfast at 10:30am but now they serve breakfast all day the reason why? they now have a all day breakfast menu

now I know what some of you are thinking fast food even the breakfast they served yeah it may be a little expensive and greasy and the breakfast sandwiches some of like the Monster biscuit at Carl's Jr may be considered as a heart-attack sandwich but the truth is I don't go out to breakfast all that much anymore
2016-03-31 6:53 am
I love my sunny side eggs. :) but I try to say away from eggs.
2016-03-31 6:31 am
No, and Scrambled :P
2016-03-31 6:02 am
I eat eggs quite often. I usually have them poached with salt and pepper.
2016-03-31 5:52 am
I eat eggs almost everyday. hard boiled, dip egss, egg sandwiches, and egg white omelets. I even stir and egg into rice and beans
It's probably the cheapest bang for your buck food available
2016-03-31 5:48 am
throw them in the trash
2016-03-31 4:40 am
I can eat them either boiled so that I can remove the yolk, as I hate those things, or scrambled with salt, pepper and onion powder so that I cannot taste the yolk. No cheese, that is gross unless I have the scrambled egg in a breakfast sandwich with a sausage patty.
2016-03-31 3:48 am
would not say I eat them often, however I love to eat them with salsa to give them added flavor
2016-03-31 3:37 am
2016-03-31 3:36 am
I like them in omelets
2016-03-31 2:25 am
Fried with some salt. Drippy yolk mmm
2016-03-31 2:23 am
love any type of egg I eat them every weekend.normally have them with pancakes or strawberrys and stuff
2016-03-31 1:15 am
4 eggs per day
2016-03-31 12:31 am
I eat them occasionally. I like mine scrambled hard with grated cheese and salt/pepper!
2016-03-31 12:20 am
I hate eggs
2016-03-31 12:06 am
I like to make a toast, spread some fresh avocado on it instead iof butter. Fry some eggs with beans(any beans) and put it on top.
Oh yeah and pepper on top as well,salt sometimes but not too much to maintain the falvour. You get protein and vitamins all in one this way
2016-03-30 11:56 pm
Every day !
2016-03-30 11:51 pm
Land'O'Lakes eggs. The label is reason enough, organic free range.

I eat eggs practically anyway you can think of. Huy Fong Sriracha sauce on hard boiled eggs is divine.
2016-03-30 11:33 pm
yes i like them hard
2016-03-30 10:58 pm
i like eggs. I LIKE THEM HARD BOILED, DEVILED, SCRAMBLED, AND SOFT BOILED. No cheese. I rarely put seasoning on them, condiments yes SOMETIMES KETCHUP.
2016-03-30 10:29 pm
I love eggs. I eat them 2 or 3 times a week
2016-03-30 10:29 pm
I love eggs.I eat them every day.
2016-03-30 10:17 pm
I love eggs. I prefer them scrambled or in an omelet. Sometimes I just eat them scrambled alone with a little bit of salt and pepper; then, I usually eat them with salsa. Sometimes I like to scramble them up with sliced-up smoked sausage or chopped-up ham, vegetables and cheese.
2016-03-30 9:56 pm
I like fried eggs with the yolk a little runny, scrambled eggs with melted cheese on top, and omelets with spinach, tomatoes, and ham
2016-03-30 8:48 pm
Two fried eggs over easy with a medium amount of liquid in the middle, crispy edges, salt and pepper
2016-03-30 8:13 pm
I like my eggs microwaved with salt and chilli sprinkled on it
2016-03-30 8:04 pm
2016-03-30 7:58 pm
2016-03-30 7:56 pm
Every day about 15 egg whites
2016-03-30 7:24 pm
2016-03-30 7:10 pm
2016-03-30 6:43 pm
I like eggs.
2016-03-30 5:46 pm
2 a day, healthy
2016-03-30 5:38 pm
I don't know
2016-03-30 4:38 pm
scrambled with mozzerela cheese
2016-03-30 3:59 pm
Omelette with onions peppers ham and cheese
2016-03-30 3:32 pm
sunny sideup
2016-03-30 3:14 pm
Yes, I like them scrambled, boiled, poached, fried, in pies/tarts/quiches and cakes.
2016-03-30 2:28 pm
i only eat eggs about once a month. then i either make a chinese egg fried rice to go with something else or i make a vegetable frittata.
2016-03-30 1:44 pm
Love eggs eat 2 or 3 times a week scrambled most of the time.
2016-03-30 1:32 pm
I Love mine with cheese, it's so delicious
2016-03-30 1:06 pm
When I have eggs I like them over easy or scrambled
2016-03-30 12:57 pm
fried egg with cheese on toast
2016-03-30 12:42 pm
i rarely eat eggs when i do its scrabled with bacon no cheese and no seasoning
2016-03-30 11:29 am
love em, hard boiled, omelettes etc etc, pity u cant take alot
2016-03-30 10:24 am
I love eggs. They lower your cholesterol, so we eat them, fried, scrambled, poached to top off a salad. In frittatas and crustless quiches.

Sometimes if I am hungry in the afternoon, I just have the protein pack of a boiled egg, keeps me going until dinner.
Eggs are great.
2016-03-30 9:07 am
Seldom nowadays...
2016-03-30 8:54 am
i eat eggs regularly.....fried...omelette...french toast....boiled........but my favorite is scrambled.....i first saute chillies & chunks of sausage...Salt to taste.....then i add the whisked eggs....let them solidify,,,,and just before i plate them i sprinkle some Coriander & some Oregano.....
2016-03-30 7:15 am
No, stop eating eggs. Only like them if they are in a cake or some kind of mix and I can't see them.
2016-03-30 6:00 am
Not often but sometimes, I like scrambled eggs.
2016-03-30 5:50 am
2016-03-30 5:03 am
I eat eggs a lot because it is known to be good for eyesight
2016-03-30 4:30 am
2016-03-30 4:11 am
yes, with cheese and scrambled
2016-03-30 3:45 am
Yes I eat eggs often. My favorite is scrambled.
2016-03-30 3:16 am
Raw since I box a lot.
2016-03-30 3:14 am
2016-03-30 2:32 am
2016-03-30 2:27 am
yes, scrambled
2016-03-30 2:00 am
2016-03-30 1:40 am
I eat eggs almost every day; either over easy or as omelettes.
Favourite omelettes are Western or Mushroom & Cheese.
2016-03-30 1:33 am
I eats 'em all the tiiiiime. I likes 'em scrambled and over eeeeeeasy. I puts peppa on 'em and tabasco saaaaaaauce. Oh yeah!
2016-03-30 1:25 am
Yes I have eggs for breakfast, a few times a week. I like them two ways either poached or as an omelet.
2016-03-30 1:03 am
scrambled, cheese, salt and pepper
2016-03-30 12:49 am
I eat egg there good for you
2016-03-30 12:30 am
i only like them scrambled if i am just having eggs. i put on cheese and sometimes hot sauce
2016-03-29 11:58 pm
usually scambled with turkey or fried and a little slasa or tabasco. keeps me full throughout the day with spiciness of tabasco.
2016-03-29 10:13 pm
I never eat eggs they make my stomach upset.
2016-03-29 10:03 pm
When cooking them season them with smoked paprika.It will make them taste like bacon
2016-03-29 9:47 pm
Its nice to have one boiled in b'fast or in 'shami burger'
2016-03-29 9:31 pm
Sunnyside up, and on a bacon sandwhich with cheese
2016-03-29 9:05 pm
no not really
2016-03-29 8:57 pm
We keep hard boiled eggs in our fridge at all times. I cook breakfast on the weekends, so we either have scrambled eggs with cheddar shredded on top or runny eggs without cheese.
2016-03-29 8:48 pm
Omelettes with veggies, salt, pepper power to taste. These are great with toast or to eat them singly. It is filling with enough calories and energy to keep me going.
2016-03-29 7:53 pm
Only scrambled, I don't mind cheese but prefer my eggs without. I use only black pepper for seasoning. I don't cook with much salt.
2016-03-29 7:13 pm
Once a week. I like them as an omelet with spinach and onion, little white cheese on top.
2016-03-29 7:10 pm
yes, eggs is indeed a breakfast staple. The poor and underclass find eggs cheap and affordable. May not be the healthiest. but for the poor and large families, eggs are great addition for breakfast
2016-03-29 7:06 pm
I like my eggs green... with ham... green ham...
2016-03-29 7:02 pm
I love egss. I eat them like 5 times a week. I eat egg salad sammies a lot. I soft boil them and put them in my ramen. And I just eat them friend and scrambled too.
2016-03-29 7:01 pm
yes, like eggs scramble, cheesy, and seasoned salt. I do eat eggs beaters. but SKILLET EGGS TASTE GREAT
2016-03-29 7:34 pm
2016-03-29 7:02 pm
yes, I like eggs. BUT EGGS ARE HIGH IN CHOLESTEROL AND ALL the salt may not be good for people with hypertension. I eat eggs beaters only now. already seasoned, much protein, less fat and cholesterol than normal eggs. EGGS ARE GREAT. I DO ONLY SCRAMBLED
2016-03-29 7:01 pm
Well done scrambled only. No seasoning and definately no cheese, eww.

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