Fear of toilets is ruining my life?!?

2016-03-29 5:51 pm
My whole life I've been afraid of flushing toilets. I'm not scared a monster is there, or I'm going to be sucked down, I'm scared I'll flush it wrong because every toilet flushes differently. Some you hold down the handle, some are on the side, some are on the front and the different ways overwhelm me. I have passed up over 20+ vacations I've been offered to go on because of the fear of using the toilet away from home. The only way I go anywhere is if it's automatic or if my mom flushes it for me. Which I'm too embarrassed to ask considering I'm graduating soon. How can I get over this???? My family is annoyed with me because I always stay home but I don't want to tell them why! My mom wants me to go to Florida in a few weeks but I'm mortified of using the toilets once were there!!

回答 (5)

2016-03-29 6:50 pm
The many different styles of fixtures can be confusing. I would start compiling a list of the different fixture styles and how they operate. You could include the model number so if you see this unit in the future you will know how to operate it. You may want to stop by a hardware store for more information about the different models available so you can add to your list and be prepared. Before long you could become an expert and may want to consider plumbing as a profession.
2016-03-29 6:30 pm
The difficult thing about beating a phobia is that in order to get rid of it you need to expose yourself. This is because phobia are a sort of "misfiring" in the brain's panic system. By exposing yourself to what you are afraid of your brain will eventually realize the error and your fear will start to reduce until it goes away. Unfortunately, by avoiding what you are afraid of your brain goes "hey, we are avoiding that and staying alive, keep doing it!" which only makes the fear worse. Try to start slow and work your way up, you have a few weeks so if you give yourself a new (and more difficult) challenge every day you'll be fine by the time Florida comes.
2016-03-29 6:04 pm
maybe they'll have squat toilets or toilets that you don't flush like porta potties
2016-03-29 5:55 pm
A toilet is nothing to be afraid of... Trust me, if your biggest problem in life is fear of a toilet then you have an amazing life.

Face your fear or miss out in everything life has to offer.
2016-03-29 5:54 pm
Just flush the toilet with a quick push of the handle. Make sure you push the handle all the way down.

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