If you get waist training, can you become pregnant?

2016-03-29 1:39 pm
Or will the baby die in the womb

回答 (3)

2016-03-29 2:55 pm
Oh my God, how stupid. Women used to wear corsets ALL THE TIME, and they still got pregnant and still had babies. Lots and lots of babies.

Here's a clue---babies aren't formed anywhere near your WAIST.
參考: Wishes basic human anatomy was still taught in schools.
2016-03-29 2:49 pm
You can. Waist training is a scam anyway.
2016-03-29 1:45 pm
I'm not sure exactly what movements are involved in waist training, however exercises involving a lot of bending at the waist are not recommended. Click on the link below for a medical website listing which exercises should be avoided during pregnancy. Other than those, a healthy workout is good for the mother and the baby's health.

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