What to do if there is a Diana monkey trapped in the attic?

2016-03-29 1:04 am

My neighbor's pet monkey is hiding somewhere in the attic. I don't know how to coax it out. Will it just return home on its own? My neighbor is on a trip to West Africa and I assumed he hired someone to take care of it, but nobody is home.

回答 (4)

2016-03-29 10:33 pm
As a troll question the answer is probably moot.
2016-03-29 8:44 am
It got in there, it can get out just as easily. Monkeys are very resourceful so it isn't going to go without.
2016-03-29 2:58 am
You call animal control to capture it. If your neighbors own it legally, they can retrieve it upon their return.
2016-03-29 1:09 am
What the heck is a "Diana Monkey?"... 😮🤔

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