Am I obligated to have my father at my wedding?

2016-03-28 10:31 pm
Im getting married in July of 2017. I really really dont want my father there. A bit of backround. My dad and I have a terrible relationship. He is very nasty, and is a alcoholic. He punched me in the face when i was 16 and is a all round trouble maker. i cant even have a good conversation with him without him being drunk and a complete dick to me. My mom says i have to invite him to the wedding cause he is my father but i honestly see my moms bf (who i call my stepdad) of 7 years as a father to me and would prefer he walk me down the aisle or my brother. is that terrible? he is just a nasty drunk who is always mean to everyone and never sees his kids and rarely bothers with us. i get a phone call once a year from him.

回答 (5)

2016-03-28 11:11 pm
if you don't want him there, don't invite him, case closed
2016-03-28 11:08 pm
No. Do not invite that horrible father of yours. He doesn't deserve it. If he wants to come to the wedding then he should have thought about that before he hit you. Don't let him ruin your special day. It doesn't matter if he's your father. At the end of the day he's just a drunk old man who doesn't deserve to be loved.
2016-03-28 11:07 pm
No. It's always been true that you don't have to invite anyone with a high potential to be disruptive. Also, unless your mom is paying, she doesn't get a vote here. You need to remember that as you make plans, because moms frequently forget whose day this is. It's yours and your fiancé's.

Also, if you do decide to invite him, don't walk down the aisle with your stepdad. Your dad may be the biggest jerk on the planet, but you don't want to publicly diss him on your wedding day. More brides are walking alone for this and other reasons.
2016-03-28 10:38 pm
You do not have to have your father at your wedding. It is YOUR wedding, YOUR day, you and your fiancé. You guys choose who to have there. It would be a nice gesture to have your father there but not mandatory. You can have anyone walk you down the aisle, even your mother. Again, it is your day.
2016-03-28 10:41 pm
you don't have to, unless there's a legal obligation to in your country.. i don't know of any country that has a law like that though.

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