In your opinion, what's the best day of the week?

2016-03-28 9:44 pm

回答 (18)

2016-03-28 9:46 pm
Monday. Everyone else is out of the house because they have jobs and here I am waking up at noon and eating good as$ curry in my undies.
2016-03-28 9:44 pm
2016-03-28 11:41 pm
2016-03-28 11:22 pm
2016-03-28 10:46 pm
2016-03-28 10:23 pm
This year Sunday because Christmas is on a Sunday.

Last year Christmas was on a Friday so Friday was the best day of the week.

It is whatever day Christmas falls on
參考: 271 days until Christmas
2016-03-28 10:08 pm
2016-03-28 10:07 pm
i like Saturday
2016-03-28 9:59 pm
Sunday, church, AA home group and NFL football.
2016-03-28 9:58 pm
It's Wednesday my dudes.
2016-03-28 9:50 pm
2016-03-28 9:49 pm
Saturday, because no school. I'm sure that'll change once I graduate this year and get a job though :p
2016-03-28 9:46 pm
It used to be Saturday, but now I work on Saturdays.
2016-03-28 9:45 pm
Hooray for Pizza Day, it's the best day of the week.
2016-03-28 9:45 pm
Monday. It's only a few days' til Friday!
2016-03-28 9:45 pm
2016-03-28 9:45 pm
2016-03-28 9:45 pm
I would pick Friday if it's not a work day. A lot of people will stay up late on Friday.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:43:11
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