I have been talking to a girl on snapchat for a while now, and i want to get her phone number. How do i ask her for it?

2016-03-28 9:20 pm

回答 (4)

2016-03-28 10:51 pm
"Can I have your number so I can call [text] you?" Usually a direct approach gets a positive response from a sincere person.
2016-03-28 9:38 pm
Be honest and straight up, and ask her 'can I have your number' or 'I'll call you' or something and she will give it to you if she is interested
2016-03-28 9:38 pm
You say "Can I get your phone number so we can talk on the phone". It's pretty easy.
2016-03-28 9:22 pm
You say, Hello (her name), I'd like to talk with you on the phone, here is my number, give me a call if you'd like to talk with me. Thanks.

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