How do I approach a guy I like, but have never spoke to before?

2016-03-28 7:53 pm
There's a guy I've seen at my college, I'd like to get to know him and talk to him I have no idea how I supposed to do that, he's not in my classes but I often see him in the hallways.

回答 (2)

2016-03-28 7:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Go up to him and say "Hi,my name is Courtney,I just wanted to meet you." Then ask him what his name is if he hasnt told you by then. Start chatting with him so you and him can get to know each other.
2016-03-28 7:55 pm
I would introduce yourself and your name and throw a short compliment about something you like about him and if nervous, keep it short the first time and end by saying I will see you later

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