How do I know if my flight is canceled/rescheduled?

2016-03-28 6:43 pm
Terrorists blew up my country's airport, and now I'm in doubt as to whether my April 5 flight is still a go or not. How am I supposed to know?? I don't want to pack, go to the airport at 5AM; and then discover there are no flights...

回答 (3)

2016-03-28 6:46 pm
Ask the airline you moron
2016-03-31 7:04 pm
You could always call the airport...
2016-03-28 6:53 pm
Check the airline web site. Most have up to date information on flights, such as being on time, delayed, or cancelled. This is something I always make sure of when flying.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:42:40
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