What should I do in a school fight?

2016-03-28 2:43 pm
This kid has been talking about me for a while. He called me autistic which I'm not. He called me many things. He is always saying and sending messed up things like about world events. He's annoying and he should get what's coming to him. What should I do?

回答 (20)

2016-03-28 2:44 pm
Tell your parents, don't get into a fight it's not worth it.
2016-03-28 3:13 pm
Bring a gun and he will probably stop. If not shoot him and the rest of your school mates out of rage.
2016-03-29 5:18 am
Sneak up from behind make sure your school has no camaras in the hallway and wait for him to be alone dont fallow to close or hell notice you grab him his neck in a headlock and kick the back of his knee in at the same time then start punching him in the face as many times as you feel you need to the say **** with me again ***** and take his **** if you got time ???? hope i helped
2016-03-30 3:23 am
Be the mature one and IGNORE HIM.

He sounds like an annoying, attention-seeking, stupid little troll and he's not worth your time.
Ignore him.
2016-03-29 2:29 pm
You shouldn't resort to physical violence! you should mentally torture him! make gay gestures to him, leave him love letters as anonymous ( gay or transgender love), sit next to him and fart this usually works!
2016-03-29 4:50 am
If the school officials won't assist you, have your parents call the police and file against him for harassing you and threatening to do bodily harm to you. It is the school's and the district's responsibility along with your parents to protect you.
參考: Education Code; Penal Code
2016-03-29 2:28 am
Ignore him!
2016-03-28 4:02 pm
hit him in the mouth
2016-03-29 12:31 am
Get someone with authority, like a teacher, to stop it so he'll get in trouble. Tell parents. Brush those nasty words away. You know what he says isn't true, so don't let it bring you down. :)
2016-03-28 8:46 pm
Apply Romans 12:21
2016-03-28 3:20 pm
Be bigger than him by not lowering yourself to his level. Don't get upset or angry, don't weaste your time bad mouthing him, just ignore him as he isn't important, and don't let him see that he bothers you.

He isn't important and if you show that you don't care, he will be made to look stupid. Show you're bigger than him by ignoring and not letting him bother you
2016-03-28 2:44 pm
Grow up?
2016-03-28 2:49 pm
World events? What's that to do with anything?! Otherwise, if it becomes intolerable, you must fight him. Win or lose, it'll stop.
2016-03-28 2:44 pm
use chairs to put him in coma
2016-03-30 9:48 am
you have 2 options 1 ignore him if not take a book and hit him with it till he has no teeth your life your future depends on your
2016-03-30 4:52 am
First tell him you want to fight him after school in a private area. Tell everyone is sort of an underground way that your going to fight him and they can watch. Then you in a fight you first aim for the lower-center chest. I forgot what it's called but it's at the bottom of where the rib cage meets. Do this a couple times and it will wind him for sure. Then puch him in the nose area atleast twenty times as hard as you can and block any punches towards you with your forearms. Then punch him in the winding place 1 time and 1 Time in the stomach fast. Finally get him in a headlock with both arms sort of like your hugging his neck and put your leg in front him like your tripping him. Use your body weight to swing him over your leg and tackle him. Now that he is in a submissive position u can punch him as many times as you like. Note: you will likely also get injured. Do not do this if he is more than 20 lbs bigger than u.
2016-03-29 7:59 pm
Don't rise up to it. Be the bigger person and say "yeah, you told me" or something if you don't react they will get bored.
2016-03-28 8:45 pm
I will inbox send an email
from a friend
2016-03-29 2:59 am
Beat his a$$ ? That's what I used to do,he shouldn't be calling anyone that or using that word at all. Also lets be real telling on more often than not results in being bullied worst , beat the crap out of him and I bet you won't have a bully problem
2016-03-28 4:00 pm
Remember the saying sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never do so and let it go

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