I've diabetes for last 17 years and recently I started feeling burning sensation in my hands and feet, how can I get rid of it ?

2016-03-28 7:00 am

回答 (1)

2016-03-28 1:25 pm
First, you ignore the idiotic response from It's Common Sense.

Unfortunately, you MAY not be able to get rid of it. The MOST LIKELY cause is diabetic peripheral neuropathy, which is nerve-ending damage. This is often caused by higher than 'normal' blood glucose levels for extended periods of time. i.e. poor diabetes control.

If what I've just said sounds familiar, you need to 'get back on track' and keep your blood glucose levels as near as possible to the 'normal' range of a non-diabetic ... and that's for all of the time, NOT just when the fancy takes you.

To either confirm, or refute, that neuropathy is the cause you will need to see your local doctor who will refer you for testing. Sadly, this is not something that most doctor's surgeries will be able to carry out on their premises as it takes specific testing equipment AND a specialist that is able to interpret the results. I'm afraid the appointment is likely to take a while to arrange, so don't expect to get it all done tomorrow.

Your doctor will be able to prescribe medications that MAY help. I say MAY help as some of the individual medications don't, apparently, work for all diabetics. (I, myself, was taking very large doses of anti-seizure medications as well as pain killing medications. So much, in fact, that I was sleeping almost all day and all night long, but that has passed now as I no longer have any sensation at all in my feet and lower legs.)

Do yourself a favour [favor, if you are, in fact, one of my American cousins] and see your doctor, sir.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:41:28
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