What states allow you to become a police officer without a college degree? ?

2016-03-28 6:58 am
I know some states allow you to become a police officer without a college degree if you go through their academy. I'm in the Marine Corps and have military background which I know helps. But I don't have a college degree yet. If anyone knows any dates that allow that.. please let me know! thanks

回答 (17)

2016-04-05 6:12 pm
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No state requires you to have a college degree to become a police officer. Whether or not you must have a college degree to become a police officer depends on the department. Some police departments only require applicants to have at least a high school diploma or ged. Some police departments require applicants to have a certain amount of college credits (30 or 60 for example) or a 2 year degree. Some police departments require applicants to have a 4 year degree. If you want to become a police officer, you should try to get a college degree. Many of the departments that don't require applicants to have college prefer them to. Having a degree can help you get hired. Some police departments pay their officers more if they have a degree. Having a degree can also help you get promoted during your career. Getting police officer jobs is getting more and more competitive. However, all else being equal, veterans with college degrees have a very good chance of getting hired. Best of luck!
2016-03-28 8:44 am
The Pennsylvania State Police require 2 years of college, and prefer someone who has served in the military
2016-03-28 11:33 pm
Kansas and Arkansas, those two states only require that you can count to ten.
2016-03-28 10:33 am
James Boob is living in Cloud Cuckoo Land.
There are thousands chasing a few hundred jobs jobs USA Police Departments.
Therefore they can afford to pick the cream of the crop..
Being a Marine will give you a small to tiny advantage.
But a Two to Three year stint in Collage wth a degree will help nail it.
2016-03-28 8:05 am
2016-03-28 7:01 am
Most departments allow that. It doesn't matter if you have a college degree or military experience (yes that helps A LOT, don't get me wrong) what REALLY matters is you competing and winning. You gotta know how to compete. Once again, most departments don't REQUIRE a college degree, but helps to have one. Best class to take for it though is psychology. Hope that helps.
參考: Soon trying to become a Police Officer, and studying for it
2016-03-31 5:13 am
it depends on the department. find the website for the department you want to apply at and look at the "requirements" page.
2016-03-30 8:41 pm
Sad think is, I have an AA in Criminal Justice, and guess what?

It means next to nothing in reality. A cop learns all that stuff and much more being on the job.

The people in charge have no idea how silly it is to require an associates degree. An associates is nothing and a bachelors isn't much more. They shouldn't require a degree to be a cop.

To be a top cop, maybe they should require a post-graduates degree in public administration.
2016-03-28 10:20 pm
Each police department is different
A state can make that requirement for the state police but not for counties or cities
Other then a few preference points military service gets you nothing and being military law enforcement actually works against you
2016-03-28 2:26 pm
No state in the US requires a college degree.
That is up to the specific departments.
Very few departments require a bachlors. Many better paying and modern departments require 45 to 60 college level semester hours from and accredited college.
Only a few care what the hours are in as long as they are at an appropriate level.
Never saw a department that requires a bachlors or AA in any specific subject.
Saying that almost all who make it onto my huge old dpeartment (that requires 60 semester hours) have at least a bachelor's and many have graduate degrees.

BTW james bob military does not help except to get a few points on some civil service type tests. Nationwide fewer than 5% of new cops have military experience.
Also there are thousands of those who self sponsored through a police academy who cannot find jobs with a dpeartment.
參考: retired LEO. M.Sci-Law Enforcement Administration
2016-03-28 1:23 pm
The Dallas (TX) police force allows a person to apply with 45 hours of college credits. If a person has been honorably discharged from the military, the college hours are waived. I think there are several police departments in TX that don't require a four-year degree from a college.
2016-03-30 2:06 am
Are you asking about state jobs or Police / Sheriff?
Many state jobs require a BA Degree or higher.
Police and Sheriff Departments set their own criteria
2016-03-29 4:31 pm
All of them.
2016-03-29 12:49 pm
f u
2016-03-29 4:19 pm
All of them . But even an AA degree would be a big help .
2016-03-28 10:24 pm
Chose me as best answer

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