Who is the best suited for president?

2016-03-28 2:28 am

回答 (19)

2016-03-28 2:30 am
F none of the above

Not Hillary, not Sanders, not trump, not Cruz, not Rubio.

we have a dirt bag communist politician who has more scandals than the Kennedys, A communist who seems honest enough but has unrealistic ideas, A dirtbag businessman, a guy who is about as mature as a 10th grader, and another guy who likes to make fun of people's Genitalia. sounds like a really great crew we have there
2016-03-28 2:31 am
Hillary Clinton is ready to lead day one.
You can love or hate her. The facts are clear as a bell.
2016-03-28 2:29 am
2016-03-28 2:31 am
2016-03-28 2:28 am
2016-03-28 2:34 am
Hillary Rodham Clinton
2016-03-28 2:30 am
2016-03-28 4:20 am
hrc's the only one by far.

gop's a global embarassment
2016-03-28 3:26 am
2016-03-28 2:31 am
Depends on who is the tailor.
2016-03-28 2:31 am
The good liberal Hillary Clinton! She is one of only 2 good liberal candidates, and she is not a dirty Jew like Bernie Sanders!
2016-03-28 5:59 pm
Fred Smith, a white house insider , well OK the janitor in the white house. He's up on all the recent stuff from emptying waste baskets and doing a few midnight peaks into the computers. He knows it all but really just wants to retire to Curacao but Fox news hasn't offered him a big enough bribe yet.
He'd run but Snowden has the inside info on him.
2016-03-28 2:50 am
2016-03-28 4:55 am
If the punishment of fools is to be ruled by idiots no honest wise man will ever stand for the job the same goes for women .Just think . The man who caused the financial melt down ,tossed millions of people out of there homes ,saved the crooks of Wall St and did not get put in jail .I'm not talking about Obama ,he is just a mouth I'm talking about the bankers
2016-03-28 4:22 am
I think the best ones are Republicans who have been eliminated. The best one now is Cruz. He has been steady in his principled Conservative beliefs and not selling out to as Republicans have done since 2000. He was considered the radical before Trump came on the scene.
2016-03-28 2:39 am
None of them should be president
2016-03-28 2:34 am
Sadly, yes. I wanted Sanders, though.
2016-03-28 2:31 am
2016-03-28 2:28 am
Robert Mugabe?

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