Batman vs. Spider-man, who will win and why?

2016-03-28 1:27 am

回答 (6)

2016-03-28 12:49 pm
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Spider-Man. Why? He is faster, stronger, and just as smart. He also has the Spidey-Sense. This means that one of Batman's greatest advantages, stealth, will be of no use.
Due to Spider-Man's speed, it will be very unlikely for Batman to actually hit Spider-Man.
Spider-Man can lift 15 tons, Batman can lift 1000 pounds.
In one comic Spidey punched a T-Rex and KO'Ed it. If he punched Batman that hard, Batman would be a smear on the wall. Although Peter holds back, if he wanted to end the fight he could do that easily.
Spider-Man also has his webbing. People think it's useless, and Batman is an excellent escapologist, but those webs have held down the Hulk, so I don't think Batman is getting out anytime soon.
Spider-Man also doesn't have an easily exploitable weakness. If I recall correctly it was some obscure pesticide that Batman won't know about.
Spider-Man wins, as he has almost every advantage. And I like Batman more.
2016-03-28 5:44 pm
I think Batman cause he's more of a strategist than Spiderman so he can easily out maneuver him. Also, Batman is better at keeping his emotions in check. I think Spiderman is more human and relatable. Personally, I think both characters are awesome.
2016-03-28 1:36 am
2016-03-28 5:17 pm
2016-03-28 9:14 am
This hard but if I really had to choose I would say batman because of his intelligence. Spider man may be faster with spidey sense but batman is always prepared to fight ANYONE and he knows everyone's weakness.
2016-03-28 1:27 am
Spiderman bc Batman just sucks tbh

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