Is it bad to want it die at a young age?

2016-03-27 8:04 pm
Hi I want to die when I am 18 or maybe 20 years old I don't want to live to be some old crippled man. Is that bad?

回答 (11)

2016-03-27 8:06 pm
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Why don't you pick 55 or even 60? People in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s are typically not crippled.
2016-03-27 8:07 pm
Death at any age be not proud.
2016-03-28 12:27 am
2016-03-27 9:01 pm
make it 40 or 50
2016-03-27 8:23 pm
LOL! You're fvcking hilarious kid!
2016-03-27 8:07 pm
yes its bad, go to a strip club and you will change your mind after you are slapped in the face with boobs
2016-03-27 8:06 pm
Uhh 18 and 20 aren't old.
2016-03-27 8:06 pm
So 21 or 22 is an old, crippled man in your country?
Where do you live, so I never go there...
2016-03-27 8:06 pm
I think you can answer that on your own
2016-03-27 8:05 pm
Yes, because you probably don't understand how lucky you are to live the life you have, especially with access to the internet.
2016-03-27 8:05 pm
Yes. Get therapy.

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