My art depressed me..?

2016-03-27 6:27 pm
I'm a 14 year old "artist ".
Quoted because I feel so disgusting when I call myself an artist,because my art style is disgusting. I'm not improving. I can't do anything right. I have never showed any of my drawings.
I feel like giving up on it already but then other people inspire me but then when I start working,I see 12 year olds or younger who can do REALLY good art and here I am,it annoys me so much that young people do them better...

Depresses* typo. Sorry.

回答 (14)

2016-03-29 12:45 am
I've felt that before. I'm almost 21 and I've seen 16-17 year olds that put my art to shame, or people my age who are just way more advanced than me. And then I remember.. my art is better than some 40-50 year olds. It's not about age or competition. You should create art because you WANT to. It's about how it makes you feel. Don't like your style? Try practicing other styles until you get yours right. Look up tutorials. You'll find your style and it will continue to improve. And at 14? You have your whole life ahead of you. It will come to you in time. Look up stuff like "How to draw a dog" (or something similar) and copy it. Once you learn to do that, you can try something else (a more detailed dog, or move to another animal/object). Trust me; giving up before you've really started.. you're wasting your talent. You are an artist. Keep going.
2016-04-02 7:22 pm
Don't feel bad, art has no boundaries, there's no defination on 'beauty' or 'ugly', art is simply everything. For what you've created, its art. I'm 14 too, we all are artists. Learn to appreciate your effort given on art, it is a beauty indeed. I love art, so do you.

Never let yourself feel bad for what you've created :) these will all sum up to your master pieces in the future. When you soon look back into the arts you have done now, you will realise the times of fustration and dissapointment was all worthing.
2016-03-28 11:23 am
As long as you create art, you are an artist, no matter how good/bad you are, you are an artist. Art can only be improved over time, you can not improve in a instant, only through hard work and dedication can you then improve. But to do that, you must also have pride in your art work be confidence in what you do , and what you create. ''Dreams betray many, hard work betray none'' Good luck on your work :)
2016-03-27 7:50 pm
you keep up with that attitude and you'll never improve

art is an improving skill for the rest of your life. it takes hard work and dedication to get better, which i'm assuming you're not doing because you just want to give up because you're suddenly not amazing
2016-03-27 6:28 pm
Art is a skill of practice and time. No one can suddenly become a great artist. You should feel good knowing that there are major artists like Van Gogh who didn't begin painting until later in life. You will get there.
2016-04-09 4:55 pm
My art depressed me.. Now I'm ok with it again. I'm starting to see improving. Just stop looking at extreamly good artists and focus on your own. Looking at some good ones does help. But it can drag your down. Don't worry if your drawings are bad, your not meant to impress people with fantastic art at day 1. What impresses people is that you keep trying and you get up again.
2016-03-31 4:13 am
Hello, we all we're beginners at drawing once, we didn't draw perfect lines or had the perfect shape we wanted, however, we kept at it and we got better and better, if you keep up your artwork, you might become a famous artist one day, so stay determined, and you'll achieve that dream. ^_^
2016-03-30 2:24 pm
dont call yourself disgusting. im an artist myself, and it took years of practice for me to arrive at where i am with my art skills today. what i want to tell u is, there is no disgusting art to me. all kinds of art is beautiful. just look around you. art is everywhere. you might think your art is disgusting or bad or whatever, but there are so many people in this world someone out there is bound to like your style. everyone and even you has their own art style, you just have to find it by practicing a lot. keep drawing, keep painting, keep doing whatever you want with your art. keep exploring your creativity. watch shows, cartoons, get inspired. i started drawing at the age of 6 or 7, and has never stopped. art is a passion, something fascinating. you express yourself through your art, so dont think it is disgusting. you have to love your art, treat it nice, think about your improvements from the previous to the current ones instead of "im not improving" or "i cant do it". you are 14, you are still young, there is still a long way to go. just keep practicing, if you really love art, you will never give up on it no matter what. but keep in mind there will always be someone better than you. it is something you have to accept. i myself have seen tons of people create art better than me, and i dont get discouraged. i feel glad, because they inspire me to improve my art and it motivates me, and that is what i want you to know, to accept the fact that no one can be the best, because someone will always be better. it is natural, no one is perfect, and you have to accept that too.

dont put yourself down anymore. keep your head up and keep trying. start with why you want to be an artist. ask yourself, why do i want to draw? why do i want to be an artist? if you have the answer work towards it slowly at your own pace and dont rush, dont compare yourself to others too. everyone is different. create your art with your heart. treat it nice and love it, slowly you will notice improvements if you keep practicing. i dont know who you are but i believe that you can do it if you keep trying :) good luck.

PS whoever managed to read this wall of text i applaud you.
2016-03-28 8:21 am
You are 14, you are developing.

Art is not mandatory, at this stage it is a hobby, if you do not enjoy doing your art then don't do it. If you do continue then do it for yourself not because you feel you have to. There will always be people who are "better" than you.
2016-03-27 6:31 pm
First of all. Everyone has an inner artist in them. Try to find what style suits you best. Is it abstract? Sketching? Still painting? Experiment with everything. Maybe you can combine everything and create a whole new art. That's what "art" is really about. Its not that complicated. If u notice, its actually very fun. :) good luck

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