im using black iphones since iphone 4s until 6, i prefer black for some reasons:
-there's no explanation but in electronics they said appliances/devices with black color stays longer
-color black is associated with power , authority and elegance.
-advantage to hide scratches on your phone.
-i like black :D
參考: iphone user
black. i don't like white phones for some reason, and the black iphone just looks alot nicer.
Black, because black colored electronics tend to last longer, I don't know why.
I like the white better. It looks cleaner and newer. The black models look old. They remind my of an IPhone 4. My white phone never looks dirty.
Black... White ones might as well be pink, they are for girls.
Black . White is harder to keep clean .
Black iPhone looks so much elegant
You asked this earlier???
Black iPhones as they don't scratch as easily
White is more of a classy color while black is more on the elegance side. White is wonderful, but black is beautiful.
Black because they blend with everything
Black because I don't want to feel racist.
Black, they look sleek and modern
i like the black better because in my family the girls get white so associate it as the girl version
Both but Black more because if you want to leave your phone naked then you won't have to worry about getting it dirty.
Well, I personally love the golden one. However, I used to love the black one and as the response to your answer, BLACK is my choice.
white for girls and black for boys, it make good looking.
White is more acceptable and beautiful
I like black, because if I say white, I will be labeled a racist.
For men you should go for black bcz it looks good when you hold it otherwise white is also a good option
White because I'm a racist A-hole.
black,it looks more elegant
Black often hides ambient light sensors and when watching videos it feels much more immersive.
Black. It makes the screen look much better and makes it more confortable to watch movies and stuff. Also looks better on your hand.
Either, my last three have been white so I think the next will be black.
I think the the black iPhone do sent show as.much scratches and do sent get dirty as the white one.
black iPhone is looking great so i like you black iPhone..
What does it matter? A color is just that. A color.
I like black because it looks thinner and easier to hold idk why haha the white can look kinda bulky
neither. cover your phone in mayonnaise. girls love it
bukka,, bukka,,bukka,, mimini bulukre kawao,,dikakkak,,mikki koi mmma'
white because its prettier
White. Beacuse it look nice.
I had black first, but changed to white. To each it's own, but the white just looks better to me.
White only. They look beautiful.
white. but I agree I buy a case anyway
It's really what's on the inside that counts. But white is the new black.
white if you care about being cool but i prefer white
Makes no difference to me, as long as it does what it is supposed to do, I dont care what colour it is
White is much better to me because I think with black, you see the actual glass itself more, which is bad looking to me. White just looks like it's white and nothing more. Black also is much worse for smudges.
white, looks nicer and i find it goes better with more cases than the black
White for me, I feel they look more sleek
Black, looks better to me. Though keep in mind the front isn't considered the colour of the phone, the back is. So nowadays there is the space grey (black front), silver & gold (white front) models.
Better choose yourself...!! Come on..
Color doesn't matter in a smartphone because the first thing you do with a smartphone is buy a high quality protective case.
I like the look of black but other colors show up better when you are searching your house for the last place you set down your device.