Is it fair to say that male feminists are either...?

2016-03-27 3:53 am
1) Self-hating losers.
2) Deluded, self-righteous fools who don't understand what feminism actually is, and genuinely believe that they're fighting for "equality".
3) Politically correct opportunists.

回答 (12)

2016-03-27 4:13 am
No. I'd say quite a few don't like gender roles.
2016-03-27 5:09 am
The "male feminist" thinks he is ingratiating himself to the "female feminist;" however, the girl feminist despises him. That is generally why the "male feminist" strikes out with women, both sexually and all-around.

Women want--and need--men to act like men. The loathe the man who adopts her characteristics. They seek a man with whom to have children. They seek a man who is decisive. They seek a man who can provide.

Women don't want a mirror image of themselves. They don't want another chatter mate to b.ittch to.

Male feminists are either ingratiating or--more likely--confused. You don't have a birth canal, so stop acting like one.
2016-03-27 3:56 am
NO - they are usually way way way fairer better more ethical men than most of the women-demeaners here. And way more intelligent too.
2016-03-27 4:17 am
2016-03-27 3:59 am
2016-03-27 4:03 am

What would you call a female traditionalist?
2016-03-27 6:22 am
Yes. It's also a fair bet that they're just trying to get laid. I wouldn't say they're both 2 AND 3. Those seem to be an unlikely combo in the same person.
2016-03-27 2:15 pm
Hm, I thought they were either gay or brainwashed puppets.

Guys who believe they are girls, but in the wrong body. (Stupidest thing I've ever heard of, even if was reversed with women wanting to be men).
2016-03-27 6:52 am
2016-03-27 8:50 am
No its either 1) sycophants or 2) woke
2016-03-27 6:06 am
#4 all the above.

2016-03-27 1:42 pm
They're punks raised by single mother or trying to get some pum pum aka
2016-03-27 11:02 am
Maybe some of them. I would guess that most of them are beta males who like dominatrices.

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