My dad doesn't ever wash his hands?

2016-03-26 11:43 pm
Just as the title says. Number one, number two (he will rinse with water), after touching meat he will maybe wash his hands (probably just rinse) but I haven't paid enough attention since I'm vegetarian. Never when he gets home from work or other places. He sticks his hands in his pants as all guys do to adjust his junk or whatever but doesn't wash his hands at all. He also doesn't wash his hands then tells us (the rest of my family who DOES wash their hands reguarly) that "hygiene is important, always wash your hands, blah blah blah." I always have to remind him to wash his hands before he cooks a meal or goes to prepare something but half of the time I have no control. As I said, I'm a vegetarian. He thinks it's okay to use the same spoon for our pasta sauces while they cook where his has ground beef and mine is plain... he uses the same spoon to mix both pots so I have to pick around little specks of ground beef or chicken. He drinks so much alcohol too, so he's in the bathroom every 20 minutes. I am so fed up with this, I can barely stay under the same roof with him for much longer. I know I can't make anyone change but any advice?

回答 (5)

2016-03-27 12:01 am
Well....... overall you're probably more healthy as the bugs get traded around better.

One of the worst things you can do for your health is wash constantly especially with anti-microbial soaps!!! It's a formula for disaster.
2016-03-27 12:39 am
When I was a school nurse, I bought this product that they have online that is a light powder that you can't see in regular light. They had us sprinkle it on sticker and handed them out to kids at an assembly. At the end of the assembly, we turned off the light and turned on a black light. You could then see fluorescent yellow patches all around their nose and eyes, and all over the room. It shows how disease contamination happens. It is really effective in getting your point across.
參考: I am a nurse
2016-03-27 12:15 am
Anything that is done in excess is bad. As a user said reducing the microbes to very little amount will result in diseases.. many stomach diseases are due to this problem of being over hygienic as well as many allergies.
Even many autoimmune diseases are partially caused by being over-hygienic.
With that being said, it sounds like your father is being 'unhygienic'. This is below normal hygiene standards.. the problem with this is that it can cause infections.. especially if he goes to the toilet and doesn't properly wash his hands (with soap and water).. also if he is touching his genitalia and not washing his hands that can cause disease. If he touches meat and then doesn't wash his hands then that can cause disease.. why? Well non kosher or non-halal meat has more blood in the meat (as the blood is not properly drained out).. as a result microbes can have a better ability to stay in the meat and proliferate.. so he can get those 'microbes' from the meat and thus get diseases. Overall I would say he needs to wash his hands more.. but it sounds like ur dad is having mental problems (e.g. depression or something like that). this is evident from his excessive alcohol drinking.. But an advice I have for you is to be easy going with ur dad.. u don't know wat he goes through in work (if he does work).. try to speak with gentle words with him, and give gentle actions.. and always in a gentle and kind way ask to wash his hands.. Spend more time with him.. perhaps u spending time with him can result in him decreasing his use of alcohol which can then result in him having more mental clarity which can then result in him washing his hands.
That's my advice.. hope it helps
2016-03-26 11:45 pm
Cook for yourself. I wouldn't eat anything that man made.
2016-03-26 11:44 pm
Move out into a house/condo/apartment that you pay for yourself.

Putting up with him is what you must do if you can't be financially independent.

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