What is the meaning of life?

2016-03-26 10:15 pm

回答 (10)

2016-03-27 3:35 am
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Meaning of life is one of those most important questions that arise in our minds every once in a while and yet we never seem to find any 'right' answers.... this indicates that probably there is no fixed or definite meaning of life that applies to all universally at all times.... the meaning is perhaps as dynamic as life itself. I therefore believe that instead of trying to find a unified and universal meaning of life, we just need to apply our mind to what ever seems the most important to us as of now (not momentarily, but rather on a reasonably continued basis)..... we need to be genuine in our quest and as objective as possible..... since the current meaning arises from the current situation and circumstances of life, this meaning would keep changing as we proceed in our life whereby it would be dynamically changing course as is its wont. In other words, meaning of life lies in going along the current that the life itself follows rather than trying to find a cross or a jump ahead. We also need to realize and accept that there is nothing absolute nor ultimate in our world..... everything is relative and transient. The reason I live, all said and done, lies simply in the fact that I have hope for lots of happy occasions to come in future and those happy occasions would consist only to a limited extent of achievements and success and would mostly be arising from simple, small pleasures and satisfaction generated from routines and relationships. I think life is too dynamic and transient to be given any more steadfast and significant importance than just flowing with it with as much consonance as possible.
2016-03-26 10:21 pm
Loving, learning, earning, and realizing.

Related: "For Couples Only," "The Answer You're Looking for Is inside You," "Popular Economics," "Man, Master of His Destiny," "The Great Divorce."
2016-03-26 10:46 pm
* Stock answer No.1 *

Much as I hate cut and paste I'm resorting to a stock answer, so read no further if you've seen this before, it's exactly the same as last time:

What is the meaning of life, the Universe, and everything, and all variations thereon?

It's generally the first question to be asked (incessantly) by adolescents who have arisen from all fours and discovered the novelty of pressing a virtual button in order to attract the attention of any passing random stranger.

I'm pleased to inform you that you have loads of choice as this is asked and answered on a regular basis and that a simple search will reveal enough data and links to provide you with several lifetimes of  research material to base your own conclusion on.

So far there are about as many different answers as answerers. Perhaps we can add one more when you reach your final informed conclusion. Personally I'm still attempting to emulate the results obtained by "Deep Thought", although it may take me some time.

Enjoy your quest. Ahead is a long and interesting journey. Who knows, somewhere down the path you may even discover what life is really all about. Good luck, and Oh, walk, don't run! Life is there for you to enjoy!

2016-03-28 3:34 am
A terrible question. Just tell me what you mean by meaning? What you mean by life? What they have to do with each other? If that doesn't answer your own question then you don't really have one.
2016-03-27 4:40 am
It's our opportunity to get to know and serve our Creator and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; and to be prepared for eternity.
參考: The Gospel of John (recommended reading)
2016-03-27 4:04 am
At different stages in life, life gives different meanings. Everything is stock-piled in individuals own memory. It takes time to recall everything.

Mainly, one should add more and more knowledge, qualifications, experience, skill, maturity, values and virtues day-by-day to ones own life and give a proper meaning, by exhibiting his superior qualities. It is not good to take meaning from others. It is better to give a meaning to life by adopting quality life-style, by demonstrating or exhibiting and practicing what one has learned so far. It is no good preaching all these things.
參考: compiled.
2016-03-27 1:49 am
2016-03-27 12:33 am
no meaning' its just a blink of an eye
2016-03-26 11:23 pm
8 “The greatest futility!” says the congregator. “Everything is futile.”
9 Not only had the congregator become wise but he continually taught the people what he knew, and he pondered and made a thorough search in order to compile many proverbs. 10 The congregator sought to find delightful words and to record accurate words of truth.
11 The words of the wise are like oxgoads, and their collected sayings are like firmly embedded nails; they have been given from one shepherd. 12 As for anything besides these, my son, be warned: To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion to them is wearisome to the flesh.
13 The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole obligation of man.
2016-03-26 10:19 pm

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