How much is the firm's Total Liabilities & Equity?

2016-03-26 9:01 pm
Siskiyou, Inc. has total current assets of $1,200,000; total current liabilities of $500,000; and long-term assets of $800,000. How much is the firm's Total Liabilities & Equity?
a. $2,500,000
b. $1,300,000
c. $2,000,000
d. $1,800,000

firm has total current assets of $1,200,000; total current liabilities of $500,000; and long-term assets of $800,000. How much is the firm's Total Liabilities & Equity?

回答 (3)

2016-09-20 8:50 pm
Never thought too much about this
2016-09-18 11:22 pm
is anyone able to tell what is the correct answer for this question?
2016-03-27 2:49 am
Assets = Liabilities + Equity. This is ALWAYS true for ALL firms. You have ALL of the numbers. Just put them into the equation.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:44:26
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