Question about the 30 hour per week rule on companies having to provide health insurance?

2016-03-26 6:33 pm
I have a friend who is working PRN or part time, ironically for a hospital, but going to work caused her to lose Medicaid since we live in a state that didn't expand it under the ACA. If she works 30 hours a week, do they HAVE to give her insurance? How consistently does she have to work 30 hours a week?

回答 (7)

2016-03-26 8:54 pm
They don't have to "give" her insurance, they only have to "offer" it. It will be up to her to figure out if she can afford it or not.
2016-04-05 7:20 pm
She is considered part time since she is not regularly scheduled for more than 30 hours per week. Working over that amount on unscheduled occasions does not move her into the full time category.
2016-03-28 12:09 am
They never have to give her insurance. They can pay the fine, instead. Just like she doesn't have to buy into it - she can pay the fine, instead.
2016-03-26 10:58 pm
Not to be a wet blanket, but my guess is that the hospital will closely montitor her hours, so that she will not be eligible for the health insurance.

After spending so much time in hospitals for my mom/dad and my ex inlaws (prior) to them dying w/in the last 20 years, have seen changes. With my family/in laws, would visit and see the same nurses day in/out and loved them for how well they took care of them.

But, 2 years ago, my husband was admitted for surgery and in the hospital for 17 days. After talking to the nurses, found out that only 1/2 worked for the hospital, or was an independent and worked for an agency that paid them. With an agency, the agency pays them, so they get no benefits from the hospital and the agency many times. Many complained not getting enough hours, or being cut down to a "specific" level.

So, since she lost Medicaid, then she most likely qualifies to buy insurance herself and hopefully gets a subsidy to pay for the premiums. Then, (if) she does qualify under the hospital, then can cancel her health insurance and go on the hospital's insurance.

But, if she waits, I "think" she has 60 days to apply, and if she does not and (if) hospital does not keep her at the 30 hours/130 per month, then she would have to wait to buy in November for an effective date of Jan 1, 2017.
2016-03-26 10:46 pm
The law applies to companies with over 50 full time employees in 2016 have to offer insurance. They may pay a share of it.
2016-03-26 6:41 pm
Many companies have now upped the cost of the insurance they offer so that it is more then one would get through the exchange. That is something she will have to keep in mind if they do offer it to her.
2016-03-26 6:39 pm
She has to have an average of 30 hours a week or 130 hours a month for the "look back period". The look back period is determined by the employer. It can be immediate (monthly) or any time between 3-12 months. Following the look back period they will give her a period of time to select the insurance (waiting period) and then the insurance will be in effect until the start of the next effective period, if she is not working the 30 hours weekly.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 20:32:14
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