Is a cop allowed to do this?

2016-03-26 8:28 am
I was walking home from school with my friend, I'm a junior in high school, and a police officer was standing next to his car. As I walked past him, he said "hello, how are you?"

We didn't speak. I have a fear of law enforcement. He then said "you can't speak?"

My friend said "no" as we kept walking. The officer then asked "what are your names?". My friend said "none of damn your business". Then the officer was like "hey, hey watch your mouth".

I started to get scared and told my friend to just stop. I thought the cop was gonna arrest us or shoot us.

Then my friend starts laughing. The officer then walks up to us while were walking and says he could arrest us for disorderly conduct.

回答 (69)

2016-03-26 8:44 am
Of course they are.

Anything that gives a police officer reason to believe something illegal could be happening or or any form of suspicion gives them reason to ask or investigate further - that it their job.

If you looked stressed he could have though you were in trouble in some way (or even that the other person was threatening you), and seeing how you both respond to a polite "Hello" would give him some idea if that.

The not speaking bit and your friend making daft comments could only make things worse.

A Police officer will never generally cause you problems as long as you are honest, polite and not (ever) involved with crimes or vandalism etc. - or associate with anyone who is.

If you act like you are guilty or scared of them, they are going to assume you are guilty of something...

Just remember they are normal people - mostly good, some indifferent and a few bad, same as the rest of the population. Act as you would with anyone else.

ps. Re the other comments - Harassment must be targeted at an individual and and two or more separate incidents.
Your friend causing a scene is pretty much "breach of the peace" or "Disorderly conduct" type stuff.

Disorderly conduct:
n. 1) actions that disturb others. 2) minor criminal offenses, such as public drunkenness, loitering, disturbing the peace, and loud threats or parties.
2016-03-27 8:53 am
Seem he try to be polite and have small routine conversation and make you feel safe ,but you react opposite and feel scared .That's because mentality that police it's create in the public and news ,which mean you think if police ask you then you are in trouble or something .Your fear from police it does do something with what you see or hear ,which make you over reacting or panic .Your panic will cause police think that some thing is wrong and even your harsh answer is make it worse .In fact a police can stop you if you are under age and ask you question (curfew policy) walking without parents or a elder response person to make sure you are in right path or at least your parents know where you are at the time .You may not know that if there be a sexual predator or crime happened around and they want to make sure you are safe or you are not in trouble .
2016-03-26 9:12 am
No, he's not. That is harassment at it's finest. If he speaks to you and choose not to, you did nothing wrong. For him to go on and say "you can't speak" is harassment. Even if your friend cursed at him, he has that right thanks to the 1st amendment. He was being a bully and abusing his power. Nothing you did was considered disorderly conduct. Because he asked your name and you refused? You are not allowed to give a cop your name, if there is no reasonable cause and since when is laughing a crime? You are just two kids coming home from school. You should have gotten his badge number and reported him.
2016-03-26 1:45 pm
Your friend is a dick. What's wrong in replying to the officers polite greeting?

It's idiots like your friend that escalate a friendly, civil situation into an arrest. He/she needs to grow up.
2016-03-26 8:42 am
No, he's not, and technically he was harassing you.
2016-03-26 8:47 am
Why would you start a confrontation with someone who's job it is to save your life if necessary? Sounds to me like he was just trying to be cordial. You should also have more fear of your friends attitude than a law enforcement officer. And yes, a "cop" is allowed to be nice.
2016-03-26 1:03 pm
He's got the badge even if there's two of you saying one thing and he says something else in front of a judge it's going to be his word against yours and the judge is going to believe him so he can pretty much do or say whatever he wants and get away with it because he's a cop that's just the way it is what is superiors condone it if they knew about it and would it be allowed then no probably not
2016-03-27 7:00 am
Ignoring a cop makes you look a little suspicious. It wouldn't have killed you to just say you were doing good and then go on about your business.
2016-03-26 2:41 pm
Yes, the officer is allowed to have a conversation with you or anyone else.

Could he arrest your friend for disorderly conduct? Maybe. You said you were scared and wanted him to stop. That means his conduct disturbed you. Could he arrest you? No. Nothing in your question indicates you did anything wrong.

The definition of disorderly conduct will vary but as a general rule it is anything that disturbs, frightens, or annoys another person. The officer is expected to have a high tolerance for juvenile behavior, so he can't be the person annoyed. In your example, that could have been you.
參考: 24 years law enforcement
2016-03-26 8:50 am
Yes, he is.
2016-03-26 8:31 am
you should file charges against him for harassment. All you did was exercise your Fifth Amendment rights.
2016-03-26 8:51 am
no, totally illegal. cops are assholes and you should never speak to them even if they greet you.
2016-03-26 9:20 am
That is not right. These cops are in over their heads. Did you hear the story about the cops arresting a mailman, because they were speeding down the street and almost ran him over as he was stepping out his truck and he yelled at them? Just sick. I hope you told your parents about this. I don't speak to cops either. When they say hello to me I ignore them and act as if they are not there. I wish they would harass me, my dad is a lawyer!
2016-03-26 11:57 am
In direct response to your question. Yes . Within reason.
There are any number of reasons one could site for his
activity. You need to get beyond your phobia of Police
Officers. There is not a remote chance in hell he would
have pulled a service weapon and shot you. Unless your
conduct or activity would have breached the rule of deadly
force. Your school mate needs to work on bot being a
jerk. Civility in society is what keeps things in balance.
2016-03-27 6:38 pm
Yes, there are a lot of people that give cops a bad name. He was just trying to have a conversation and be friendly. Your friend shouldn't have said that. That isn't respect to a cop. The cop was very annoyed because you are disrespectful!!
2016-03-26 6:47 pm
And the police wonder why people are going around killing them. If I saw a cop getting his butt kicked on the street, I'd turn and walk the other way and wouldn't say a damn thing about it. I hate them with a passion. Then they have the nerve to try and speak to you and make small talk. Don't freaking speak to me, you twisted son of a b*tches.
2016-03-26 8:32 am
No, he's not allowed to do that but he's very likely to get away with it
2016-03-28 1:58 am
Unfortunately, we live in a police state. So yes cops are allowed to harass citizens and violate the 4th amendment in certain cases. Anything a police believes to be "reasonable cause" is enough for him to harass people. It is okay for you to fear cops. Even if you don't fear them, you shouldn't instinctually trust them. They have a long history of racism, violence, shootings, and harassment and it still goes on today. They are not allowed to use force either, since they know that if you retaliate that force you can get in big trouble. Our government protects police more than it does its own citizens.
2016-03-27 11:46 am
First off, the cop is sensitive. He can't handle people being rude to him.
Secondly, you guys did nothing wrong. Him wanting to arrest you for disorderly conduct is purely based on hurt feelings. What did you guys to that warranted disorderly conduct?
Ask him what crime do you suspect me of committing. Ask him what his reasonable suspicion is for disorderly conduct because ignoring a cop is not illegal. Stand up for yourself.
Try to record next time. It's perfectly legal to record the police.
2016-03-26 9:09 am
yes, cops can make false arrests; they don't care. after all, if police dept gets sued, it will just come out of the city budget and the cop doesn't lose any pay.
2016-03-28 12:16 pm
Sounds a bit harsh by the cop. Report the creep.
2016-03-28 3:29 am
He might be able to arrest your friend for talking down, but you should always be polite to policemen even if they suspect you did something wrong. They're job is to keep people and the community safe from people who make stupid decisions and violent offenders. So don't be afraid, they're just there to help.
2016-03-27 5:46 am
Whether or not they're "allowed" to do this, it doesn't take much just to say "hey" and keep walking. Acting suspicious makes you suspicious.
2016-03-27 10:47 pm
The SAD truth is most parents do not teach their children manners! Most anyone, especially elders, should be treated with respect and a friendly greeting acknowledged.
The proper response would have been to respond with something like "Fine thank you" and continue on your way if you did not want to converse further.
2016-03-27 9:47 pm
Plenty of honest people are afraid of the police. With video being every where
we citizens get to see how crooked, dirty and creepy these psychopaths
REALLY are. My neighbor drove past a cop car in her Mercedes, she
waved and smiled and he made a U turn and pulled her over, and interrogated her.
She is about the most conservative person that I know, and she is black.
She hates the police now. Sick of their fvcked power-trip attitude.
The cop-apologist are really creepy fvcks too. These disturbed apologists
could watch video of a cop setting someone on fire,... and make excuses
for him.
2016-03-27 3:19 am
Technically yes, but you should always try to be accommodating and respectful when it comes to a cop.
2016-03-26 7:49 pm
all he did was ask how are u and u decided to be an idiot about it instead of just saying you are fine
2016-03-27 9:20 am
So, to sum up .. the Cop said ''Hello'' ..and you started to behave in a suspicious way.
2016-03-26 11:32 am
No. This is just abuse of power.
2016-03-27 12:45 am
Unfortunately there will always be some police who are less than decent. He was obviously offended when you did not reply to his friendly hello but it wasn't really a reason for him to carry on like he did. You will find good manners will prevent some of these sorts of things from occurring and you do not have to like police officers but should never be rude to them as their word carries a lot more power than yours. He could have arrested you on some trumped up charge and his word as a police officer would likely be accepted and you seen as a pair of trouble makers. Likely he knew that if he did trump up charges against you and he was found out he would be in serious trouble and possibly facing charges of his own so he only got verbal.
Just remember even though you may not respect police there will likely be a day when you are on the receiving end of trouble where you will be thrilled when the police arrive to help you. Most police are good people who are only hated by law breakers and they do good work to make life safer for us. Imagine if there were no police crime would be way worse than it is now. People would be too scared to walk the streets as criminals would be everywhere knowing no one is going to stop them. I knew a guy who said he lived in a lawless city where the police force was very small to the point they were virtually ineffectual and he said that all the houses had strong fencing with lots of barbed wire around them. He said they could not walk in their own street as criminals would be on them in a moment bashing and robbing them. He said all you could do was sit at home, drive to work, and to the shopping centre who had security to keep the customers safe. So when you complain about the police and disrespect them think about what life would be like if they were not there. Only criminals should fear the police and the fact you seem to disrespect them says perhaps you and your family have some criminal activity going on where you fear the police coming around, or you come from a country where the police are nearly as big a criminals than the people who really are the criminals.
Next time be polite and say hi when a policeman says hi to you.
2016-03-27 9:43 am
The cop should be arrested. You can always request a backup cop or manager. Sorry :( that's awful that you had to deal with an idiot cop
2016-03-28 3:56 am
**** tha police, they cant do **** for that homie
2016-03-27 9:17 pm
I belive he was just trying to be nice. No hard or bad words were used.
2016-03-27 12:56 am
2016-03-26 7:35 pm
Learn your manners
2016-03-27 10:47 pm
Next time just be polite
2016-03-27 6:09 pm
When someone like that says hello , say " I'm fine thank you ". End of story .
2016-03-27 4:12 pm
Yes, if you are a decent, law abiding citizen and appreciate police and your parents thought you to be friendly and open to a measured response.
No, if you are a idiot college student at any leftist college scared of your own shadow, like Emory students, a BLM domestic terrorist, or were raise by some uber-leftwing parents like obama.
2016-03-27 4:06 pm
Yes. Your disrespecting a police officer. You should be ashamed of your self
2016-03-27 3:57 pm
Sounds like the cop was just being nice and your smartass friend was just a dick to him. Mouthing off to the police IS disorderly conduct.
2016-03-27 3:38 am
yes the police are allowed to do anything.maybe he wasnt planning to do something bad to you maybe he was investigating something
2016-03-26 9:50 pm
He was trying to scare some respect into you.
2016-03-27 5:15 pm
No the **** he not
2016-03-27 8:57 pm
The sad truth is this: yes, cops are allowed to do this. They are allowed to do nearly anything they want to do in the performance of their duties as they see fit, and they are given the widest possible latitude in what they do and how it might affect you. Cops can enforce public order up to and including shooting to kill, and only in very, very rare cases are their actions which cause harm ever brought before the courts in order for the cops to be found guilty.

In my opinion, you should treat cops as enforcers of community order, and nothing more than that. They are not "friends"; they are employees of the state doing their jobs.

I would simply avoid any interaction with them. Avoid speaking with them, avoid responding to them, avoid social interactions with them.

You have a Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, which means you literally have the right to not answer any question they ask you, even if it is a question such as "How are things going?" If the cop asks you a question, and you feel you *must* respond, respond with "I am exercising my Fifth Amendment right to remain silent." Then, say no more.

Anything you say to them *can* and *will be* used against you if necessary, because they are *cops* first and foremost, and it is *their job* to find bad people and bring them to justice.

This does not make them your enemy. They are not necessarily the "bad guys." This is simply to remind you that they are not on your side--they are on the side of order and law and community power.
2016-03-27 10:27 am
He had no right to act the way he did. I doubt anything will happen as a result. Police shouldn't be allowed carry guns or drive police cars, they should have rubber sticks and ride pogo sticks.
2016-03-27 8:10 am
A cop could shoot you and not get in any trouble.
2016-03-26 10:21 pm
The cop might have been doing something wrong, but yet he is the authority. Don't ever disrespect a cop, because he could have taken you to juvi and charged both of you with disorderly conduct. Also think about how your parents would have felt if you would have been in trouble with the law.
2016-03-27 10:08 pm
Your fear is totally understandable and the police officer is just being kind and it seems that he is trying to make you less afraid of police. While it is possible for a cop to arrest you for "running" your mouth he wouldn't arrest you if your friend did it. Although it is very uncommon.
2016-03-27 2:38 am
The reason why he didn't arrest for Disorderly conduct is because you didn't do disorderly conduct. He was just playing with you guys.
2016-03-28 5:18 am
Shut up kid you guys are total *****, he isn't going to shoot you, but you should have just been like "hey or I'm good" and then gone on throught your day but nope you sons o bi*ches had to be Coc* suckers
2016-03-28 1:29 am
Sounds like a sadistic psychotic police officer to me I bet that he was a bully in school who like pick on kid of all ages
2016-03-27 5:22 pm
2016-03-27 2:26 pm
You're rude f****** little bastard quit being such a jerk all the time
2016-03-28 12:45 am
Your friend probably should have been nice to this officer. You will find out that if you are nice to cops, they are normally nice back. Some cops might not be nice, but not all cops are. I don't know if they can arrest u for that, but I still wouldn't say no.
2016-03-27 4:25 pm
You guys had the chance to shoot the Easter bunny
2016-03-27 9:28 am
I think so
2016-03-26 8:29 am
2016-08-16 11:42 am
ignoring a cop makes you look a little suspicious... it wouldn't have killed you to just say you were doing good and then go on about your business...
2016-03-31 5:48 pm
Jesus Christ the officer was just having a conversation. What is the deal with the idiot youth of today? Too much social media and don't know how to have a conversation? He should have arrested both of you and then make you take mandatory probation classes how to act like a human being.
2016-03-30 2:03 am
You could have said HELLO and gone about your business?
2016-03-30 12:03 am
Why couldn't you both just be courteous to the officer and reply with something like, "Hello Officer"? Is that so difficult?
2016-03-29 12:30 pm
your friend deserves a good beating
2016-03-28 12:35 pm
Just say g'day back, far out
2016-03-28 7:27 am
You and your friend are kind of *****les but the cop is a bigger one
2016-03-29 2:42 am
The cop really should have arrested you and your friend. It would have taught you a lesson that you really needed to learn.
2016-03-28 8:38 am
you should just act polite ,,he said say hello back!!!!! be polite ..
..if you are cheeky etc,..
he can arrest you..and you would deserve to be arrested if you act bad..

police need to be respected..if there was no police..youd not be safe to even leave your home cause murder/rape and theft would happen all the time with no law ./.
2016-03-27 7:01 am
2016-03-26 9:01 pm
Only in America. Lucky he did not gun you down there.
2016-03-27 1:54 am
While an officer of the law has a right to stop and question anyone, it should be done only if there's a legitimate reason, and then using the training and respect they were taught in the officer training course. He had no reason to treat you and your friend that way even though your friends actions likely upset him. He certainly should have handled it in a different manner. If you thought quickly enough to get his name and badge number, you should report him at the local police station. But in the future, make sure your friend acts more civil manner towards any one of authority. Let the other person be the idiot, not yourselves.
2016-03-26 4:57 pm
YUP you could be arrested for interfearing with a officer in the act of doing his duty or not answering his questions and about 20 other things that you did not know about.

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