My parents don't close the door when they have s** and it annoyes me?

2016-03-26 6:16 am
Since I was a little toddler, I used to enter my parent's room because I was scared of "monsters" but since I stopped doing that eveytime they have.. Ya know.... S** they don't close the door and it gets too loud and annoying. I put my TV in a high volume but I can still hear them! I think It's nasty and I am a kid and shouldn't be hearing these things. How do I talk to my parents in a respectful manner, (and avoid making it awkward) so they can close their door when they have those nights?

回答 (6)

2016-03-26 6:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'm shocked they leave the door open. My advice would be: next time they have sex, walk by and slam their door shut. It should give them a good scare and honestly, their behavior is disgusting. It's okay for them to have sex- and even if they were loud, that would be understandable because you can get carried away... but leaving a door open? So rude!
2016-03-26 8:00 am
Probably they want others to join the melee !! "More the merrier"- may be their jargon !!
2016-03-26 6:50 am
As them if it would be alright if you come in and shut their door for them because you hear everything. That will wake them up to the fact that your not deaf.
2016-03-26 8:05 am
Join them.
2016-03-26 6:19 am
Frankly they are adults in their own home and it is a natural and fun thing that adults do. Maybe ask them to close their door at nights in a following morning but really you just need to deal with it.
2016-03-26 6:18 am

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