Why do people have to make their YA answers unnecessarily complicated?

2016-03-25 8:40 am
Like if I a kid asked what 2+2 is, they'll go into the history of the alphabet, today's numerical system, it's flaws and advantages, and after they finish talking talking about the Wright Brothers triumph over gravity and how the Republicans Is obviously the best political party, you might get your answer

回答 (4)

2016-03-25 9:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
Wow, great description of your question! The answer is, for one, I think some people copy and paste long answers, others are just really trying to win best answer, and some are just so friggin intelligent they go down rabbit trails of thought.
2016-03-25 10:28 pm
First of all,you must be 13 to join YA, so it follows that any 13 yr old would know what 2+2 was, plus they would understand most answers they get on here.Maybe you should just concern yourself with your own posts,not other users.
2016-03-25 2:51 pm
The longest answer, assuming it's even remotely relevant to topic, is usually put at the top of the list irregardless of when it is posted. Anything after the first 6 or 7 answers usually doesn't get attention from other users or the original poster.
2016-03-25 8:33 pm
LOL Thanks.

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