im depressed.. please help :(?

2016-03-25 7:45 am
im 13. i wish I could see a therapist but I can't. I'm barely aloud out so I can't hangout with my friends and get things off my mind that much. My parents and family are fighting every single day and all they do is yell. I hate myself and I feel like no one cares about me. I find myself crying a lot more now and I can't stop . I feel empty and terrible and I'm worried I'm having hearing loss in one ear. My parents don't give me anything I really really want. All they do is yell at me or yell at EACHOTHER .. I'm so sick of life , I feel is be better of dead. I feel like. I take on too much for my age. I just want to be loved and happy. I can't do this. I wish I could leave my house. Please help me or tell me what to do . I don't know anymore . I just want to die. I feel hopeless. I sometimes get hit too. I'm sorry this is so long :(

回答 (5)

2016-03-25 10:21 pm
aww . i care .idk if ul listen or not but god is testing us to see if we can care aobut eeryone purely, love god and love good people who care when its hard. if u want a friend email [email protected] but please be careful online
2016-03-25 8:16 am
This is a difficult age for many people. There's a good chance better years are ahead for you.

I've written many depression answers, also some anxiety answers, with information from experts on a variety of topics. If you click on my name and read my answers, you might find something there you'll find useful. Also, if you go to my questions, you'll find an informative post, "Can someone list treatments for depression?"

This is from a book by psychiatrists Richard Brown and Patricia Gerbarg, who have spent years studying the effects of controlled breathing on the autonomic nervous system, moods, and mental health. If you just breathe slowly, 5 breaths a minute, about 4 seconds inhale and 4 seconds exhale, for 20 minutes, that should make you feel better. They say that doing 20 minutes twice a day is an actual treatment for depression. Their book is The Healing Power of the Breath. In their book, they talk about other mind-body things that help - body movement and meditation. If you're interested in meditation, PalouseMindfulness, a free online version of world-famous MBSR, is recognized by universities and mental health professionals and it's absolutely free.
2016-03-25 8:09 am
however bad you feel, someone somewhere is having part of their genitals sliced off without anesthesia
2016-03-25 7:55 am
I've felt the same way before. I'm not sure if you're depressed or not, but I understand your situation. If there's any really really close friend you have who you trust very much, talk to them about it. At school, over the phone, it doesn't matter. Just don't do it over text, anyone could read that. You're not worthless. Your parents love you, and just because they don't give you something you really really want doesn't mean they don't love you or don't care about you. They probably just want to raise you a certain way so that you have to work for what you want and not just receive it for no reason. That's wha my parents do. I have times where I feel like you do now, but I'm happier than I used to be. I filtered out al the and people in m life and replaced them with good people and nice memories. Here's another tip- A happy child makes for happy parents.
2016-03-25 7:50 am
No one is better off dead. Your family deep down loves and cares about you but it sounds like everyone is pretty stressed out right now. Take it one day at a time and get something to look forward to. Maybe try a new hobby or something to get your mind off the stress?

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