Guys I need help. I screw everything up. I'm in ninth grade. I'm a Christian guy and I haven't been truly happy for a long time.?

2016-03-25 5:24 am
I've fallen in love a lot. I almost always failed or got over it. The last time I felt truly happy was some night last summer where I actually flirted with a girl. In 7th grade I asked a girl out and she said no in front of the whole class. In 8th I fell in love with some other girl but that didn't work out. The only people I hang out with now are my two friends Matt and Tim, and my best friend Allison. I really don't know what to do with my life. Anyone have an opinion on this?

回答 (4)

2016-03-25 5:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Don't rely on other people to make you happy. It seems that you almost always fall for someone so easily precisely because of the way they make you feel. Distract yourself and find other things to do that make you feel happy before going for a relationship. And don't worry, most people you're age don't know what they want to do yet, you just have to find that one thing that inspires you. Best wishes! ;3
2016-03-25 6:05 am
Wait till you grow older and when you are older and you're a senior go for anyone younger within reason, don't go for a jr. High person, i'm talking sophmore or freshman when you're a senior or maybe junior, those are the hears you should stwrt dating in my opinion
2016-03-25 5:30 am
You seem fine. Is your problem that you dont have a gf or that you don't have friends or that you are just not happy with your life in general? Everyone lives the things you are describing soo... I dont get why\what you are asking, but if you are felling that something is missing just... Try and make it happen. Neither the less... Your fine.
2016-03-25 5:31 am
I'm nearly in the same position as you. Just keep living. Drop the religion, then search for some meaning in humanity. I know what you'll find. I recommend watching Carl Sagen's "The Pale Blue Dot"

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