I have no idea what is wrong with me. I am in love with my best friend. And like 7 other people. what do I do?

2016-03-25 5:01 am

回答 (6)

2016-03-25 5:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Organize an orgy.
2016-03-25 5:02 am
You're not inlove with 7 people.. You're just desperate lmao
2016-03-25 5:33 am
Nothing. Eventually you'll get over your crushes in the long run. Don't say you love someone unless you really do. I think you may like them right now but with time you'll outgrow these feelings.
2016-03-25 5:09 am
You should control your emotions. That may be attraction.
2016-03-25 5:08 am
It is very likely that you aren't in love. I understand how your feelings are so persuasive for these several people you could call it love, but this is just infatuation. Would you be willing to break up with one of them (if your in a relationship with one of them) just so they could be happy? Would you give without expecting something in return? There are other questionsc, but I do not want to bore you. Most likely, your hormones are playing a part in this. If your an older adult, maybe it's you lacking self identity. All I can tell you is that you are not "in love" will all 7 of these people. If you love any of them, it's a deep friendship bond that had immense amount of trust. And remember, that is just as special.
2016-03-25 5:03 am
your not in love, it's probably just a crush

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