Am I jealous or just being honest with myself?

2016-03-25 3:47 am
I have a friend who wants to go into the modelling industry. The is tall and thin but I don't think she has the fact to go very far with it. Since she has come to me with this all I can think about now is why she wouldn't go very far. Of course I would help her in any way I could to reach her goal and i'm not going to put her down but i am questioning whether I am just being a bad friend or not

回答 (2)

2016-03-25 10:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
Even if you are being honest, you still support your friend. Just be there for her and encourage her. If she doesn't make it, then that's up to the agency, not you
2016-03-25 3:49 am
Well, maybe she won't. It's likely she won't. Just keep it to yourself and let her dream and you're okay.

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