Alternatives to cutting? Self harm?

2016-03-24 8:10 pm

回答 (8)

2016-03-24 11:18 pm
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Here. 99 coping skills that are not self harm.

Exercise (running, walking, etc.).
Put on fake tattoos.
Write (poetry, stories, journal).
Scribble/doodle on paper.
Be with other people.
Watch a favorite TV show.
Post on web boards, and answer others' posts.
Go see a movie.
Do a wordsearch or crossword.
Do schoolwork.
Play a musical instrument.
Paint your nails, do your make-up or hair.
Study the sky.
Punch a punching bag.
Cover yourself with Band-Aids where you want to cut.
Let yourself cry.
Take a nap (only if you are tired).
Take a hot shower or relaxing bath.
Play with a pet.
Go shopping.
Clean something.
Knit or sew.
Read a good book.
Listen to music.
Try some aromatherapy (candle, lotion, room spray).
Go somewhere very public.
Bake cookies.
Alphabetize your CDs/DVDs/books.
Paint or draw.
Rip paper into itty-bitty pieces.
Shoot hoops, kick a ball.
Write a letter or send an email.
Plan your dream room (colors/furniture).
Hug a pillow or stuffed animal.
Hyperfocus on something like a rock, hand, etc.
Make hot chocolate, milkshake or smoothie.
Play with modeling clay or Play-Dough.
Build a pillow fort.
Go for a nice, long drive.
Complete something you've been putting off.
Draw on yourself with a marker.
Take up a new hobby.
Look up recipes, cook a meal.
Look at pretty things, like flowers or art.
Create or build something.
Make a list of blessings in your life.
Read the Bible.
Go to a friend's house.
Jump on a trampoline.
Watch an old, happy movie.
Contact a hotline/ your therapist.
Talk to someone close to you.
Ride a bicycle.
Feed the ducks, birds, or squirrels.
Color with Crayons.
Memorize a poem, play, or song.
Search for ridiculous things on the internet.
“Shop” on-line (without buying anything).
Color-coordinate your wardrobe.
Watch fish.
Make a CD/playlist of your favorite songs.
Play the “15 minute game.” (Avoid something for 15 minutes, when time is up start again.)
Plan your wedding/prom/other event.
Plant some seeds.
Hunt for your perfect home or car on-line.
Try to make as many words out of your full name as possible.
Sort through your photographs.
Play with a balloon.
Give yourself a facial.
Find yourself some toys and play.
Start collecting something.
Play video/computer games.
Clean up trash at your local park.
Perform a random act of kindness for someone.
Text or call an old friend.
Write yourself an "I love you because…" letter.
Look up new words and use them.
Rearrange furniture.
Write a letter to someone that you may never send.
Smile at least five people.
Play with little kids.
Go for a walk (with or without a friend).
Put a puzzle together.
Clean your room /closet.
Try to do handstands, cartwheels, or backbends.
Teach your pet a new trick.
Learn a new language.
Move EVERYTHING in your room to a new spot.
Get together with friends and play Frisbee, soccer or basketball.
Hug a friend or family member.
Search on-line for new songs/artists.
Make a list of goals for the week/month/year/5 years.
Face paint.
2016-03-24 8:33 pm
Drawing or writing all the things you hate and/or thinking about on a paper and then burning it or somehow destroying it
2016-03-24 8:23 pm
You could turn to sculpting or wood turning, that way you don't get hurt and you boost creativity.
2016-03-24 8:16 pm
drawing on your self
picking out your leg/arm hair
snapping a rubber band where ever you liked to cut
your favorite hobby to distract you

hope your doing good and stay strong
2016-03-24 8:12 pm
Pinching and therapy.
2016-03-24 8:11 pm
Trim your toenails and fingernails.
2016-11-01 4:45 pm
Self Harm Alternatives
2016-03-24 8:11 pm
Self harms ignorant completly pointless
參考: A suicide survivor

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