In Natal Chart what cause jealousy?

2016-03-24 2:02 pm
.I have two friends who have had a problem with other women because the other women usually happen to get jealous of my friends.So what in my friends could cause such a negative reaction from other females.

I have another friend who doesn't provoke jealousy maybe because she look harmless

回答 (3)

2016-03-24 2:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Probably something to do with their Moon; if you have their birth charts look to see if Pluto makes an aspect to their Moon especially.
2016-03-24 2:13 pm
Jealousy is the result of serious insecurity. That's what to look for.
2016-03-24 2:31 pm
NOTHING in your friends CAUSES jealousy. Jealousy is caused by poor thinkg in THE OTHER WOMEN,

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