How long can I leave wet laundry in the washer?

2016-03-24 6:25 am
Hello I'm lazy
I put clothes in the washer right before I got into bed
Currently I'm under like five blankets and two cats
So I'm not really in the mood to get up
Would it be okay to leave them in the washer overnight or will they get moldy or something

回答 (13)

2016-03-24 6:27 am
Overnight is fine. Just no more than a full day or they will smell and you'll have to rewash them before drying.
2016-03-24 6:33 am
It'll be ok, but don't make a habit of it.
2016-03-24 3:29 pm
people leave laundry overnight all the time. its fine. Most busy moms do that.a load in at night, into the dryer the next morning.
2016-03-25 11:38 pm
2 hours is the longest you can leave them after the washer stops.
2016-03-24 6:26 am
Till bacteria make it fertalizer
2016-03-24 9:21 pm
overnight .. any longer and they just smell of dampness
2016-03-24 8:16 am
Many people run their washing machines evernight, and take them out the next morning. Left much longer, they might start to develop a mouldy smell, and require several rinses to clear.
2016-03-24 6:28 am
they will stink by morning and you will have to re wash them.
2016-03-26 2:49 pm
Leaving them overnight is okay; they will not mold.
2016-03-25 3:51 pm
Given that you did not leave them in for over 12 hours.. I would say your washing machine is most likely not completely emptying dirty water & is in despirate need of a good cleaning --

It could be small amounts of water not getting out properly, it could be residue from laundry detergent (highly likely if you use dry detergent).. it could be both because detergent residue can cause the water-out pipes to become clogged

the smell became more evident because these shirts most likely have cotton (highly absorbent) and were in the washer for an extended period of time

My Mom brought us up with Fall Washing Machine cleaning... she did it every year ... she used home-made remedy (see below)

To answer your question about your shirts, unless in a hot environment, you should have been okay leaving them overnight or thru the work-day... I would say 8-10 hours should have been okay.... Re-wash the shirts without any additional detergent... but use either 1 cup of White Vinegar or 1/2 cup Borax with the hottest water safe for your shirts... needless to say remove them as soon as the cycle is over

Now.. to address the real problem, your washing machine... I have heard that HE washing machines are even more prone to this type of problem than the regualr type of washing machine

There is a prduct called Affresh that you can buy.. I don't know where, because I have never seen it, I found it just now on the internet to give you this answer

However, there are other remedies... Empty Washing Machine.... then fill the washer to the smallest level, stop the cycle from continueing..... add 2 cups of Arm & Hammer Washing Soda... if you can't find Washing Soda (if there is a Publix in yoru area, ask them to get you a box or two), then use 1 1/2 cup of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda plus 1/2 cup OxyClean (or other oxygen powder cleaner)...... leave this soaking overnight, even 2 days is okay.... then re-start the washer allowing it to go thru the entire cycle... repeat with another small load of water, but this time use 4 cups of Vinegar, allow to sit overnight & then re-start to finish the cycles

Using those products in that order and in that manner should help break up any detergent residue & allow water to flow more freely thus washing your clothes with truely clean water

Hope that helps

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