Why don't more question the official version of 9/11 ?

2016-03-24 4:50 am

回答 (13)

2016-03-24 4:51 am
Tin foil hat sales are going through the roof.
2016-03-24 4:58 am
cause i ain't a fkin retard conspiracy theorist
2016-03-24 5:00 am
Scared about what it would do to the country!

Like I only recently heard about the 28 pages of the 911 report that were classified and not included in the final report released to the public!
2016-03-24 4:52 am
There isn't really a public forum in which to raise
questions about the official version of 9/11.

We have news media corporations.
2016-03-24 4:57 am
Why don't more question the official version of 9/11 ?

Most people are sane and not conspiracy nuts.
2016-03-24 4:52 am
Because there is no believable evidence that it was an inside job
2016-03-24 5:42 am
to even question that their government, which most see as their protector and in many cases provider, might not be trust worthy would cause them emotional discomfort and require them to think, two things they don't care for.
2016-03-24 4:55 am
bc the commoners want something sweet and easy to swallow
2016-03-24 4:56 am
Bin Laden took credit for it, nothing more needed.
2016-03-24 4:52 am
Because all the truthers are idiots.
2016-03-24 4:24 pm
Because all of the evidence supports it.
2016-03-24 5:27 am
**** Cheney wanted the war in Iraq & 9/11 was the way he sold it to a scared nation .... the little Bush boy was right behind him & Rumsfeld loved the whole strategy of fooling the world!
2016-03-24 5:00 am
Americans have a very short attention span.

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 18:48:22
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