How is it possible that the house and senate are both controlled by the republicans, but the president is a democrat?

2016-03-24 12:11 am
That's the current situation, and also the projected situation after the elections

回答 (8)

2016-03-24 12:22 am
The voice of the people.
2016-03-24 12:14 am
'Members' of the Democrat press can 'project' Madame Hillary...But that is different from conjuring up the voters....Oddly enough, you are right about the Republicans increasing their lead in the house and senate.
2016-03-24 12:13 am
It could be because VOTERS elected MORE Republicans than Democrats, YA THINK?
2016-03-24 12:13 am
Well, at the time Obama got elected to his second term, the senate was still democratic, and right before it, so was the house. The fact that there are elections for the house and senate outside of presidential election years is what has caused this.

People still sort of wanted the deomcrats in charge during the 2012 election, but the 2014 elections was when the republicans gained control of the senate. Since there was no presidential election in 2014, that's why we have a democratic president. This happens all the time. Bush had a democratic congress in his last two years as well, as did Reagan.

Typically, if the presidency goes one way, the congress will go in that direction. If the next president is a democrat, then likely the democrats will gain seats, and probably have control of the senate again, and gain seats in the house(but not take it since the republicans have such a huge lead there)

If the next president is a republican, then likely congress will remain republican or become more republican.
2016-03-24 12:26 am
i dispute your allegation that it will be the same in February 2017. and if it turns out to be so, you can be sure that very little will be accomplished in Washington with the then President vetoing the bills passed by the House and Senate -- just like today.
2016-03-24 12:13 am
Because conservatives keep their voter base fired up with a constant flow of propaganda from their right wing media outlets and talk radio, where as most democrats only get excited about politics during presidential elections.
2016-03-24 12:15 am
that crazy
2016-03-24 12:13 am
Extreme G0P voter suppression in the midterms depressed turnout to 36%.

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