5 months too soon for engagement?

2016-03-23 4:44 pm
my fiance keeps telling me he is pickiing out my engagement as we speak. he keeps calling me his wife, and we are both madly in love. we arent young kids. im 28 and he is 24. we wanna marry in another year or two. is this too soon or ok since the wedding is another year- two years away

回答 (12)

2016-03-23 4:47 pm
The fact that you're asking a bunch of strangers what to do with YOUR life seems VERY childish for not being young kids. When my husband proposed to me, I was not so overly concerned that I had to ask on an answer forum if it was "ok" to proceed. Really?

If you're a damn adult, make a decision and leave us out of it. You're 28, not 16, for crying out loud, and should be far past the age of asking people whether or not it's "ok" to make YOUR OWN life decisions.
2016-03-23 4:47 pm
Definite red flag. Nobody calls his girlfriend his 'wife' when they're not even planning a wedding yet. And getting engaged after 5 months when you're not planning a wedding for a couple of years is also a problem. Why is this guy rushing everything?
2016-03-23 5:49 pm
Hmmm you are aware that wanting to get married and lock down the relationship so fast is a huge red flag. this sort of man is very insecure and he feels he needs to rope you into marriage so he will not have to compete. this type of man is always very controlling and sometimes violent. I would take a lot of time and watch what he does and how he acts rather than listen to what he says but take note of how he reacts if you tell him that you are not ready to make that kind of commitment and you would appreciate if if he would stop calling you his wife. Listen close and keep your eyes open I must tell you I have a real bad feeling about this guy and people would tell you , I am never wrong
2016-03-23 7:29 pm
I've not known anyone over 5 months that I knew enough about them to feel secure with the idea of marriage. I'd wait a year minimum, 2 is better, before getting engaged. It takes a while before you've really had time to see a person in all kinds of situations, and for love to develop and grow. If you haven't been through some really bad times, as well as good times, you can't really know if you're a good match and truly love and accept each other (warts and all).
2016-03-23 7:40 pm
You're calling him your fiancé so obviously you're already engaged. I think it's too soon, but you wouldn't be the first couple to get engaged that quickly
2016-03-23 6:41 pm
He sounds very immature (and a wee bit foolish).

If you want to get engaged, fine. Remember, planning the actual wedding is what differentiates an engaged couple from a couple that is dating or living together without engagement. So if you aren't ready to start planning a wedding, you aren't engaged.
2016-03-23 5:22 pm
Well, first off, why are you asking US if it's too soon? If the two of you are in love, have agreed to get married, and are ready to get engaged, then get engaged.

Second, have you both actually agreed to get married, or is he just saying, "I'm buying you an engagement ring now and we're getting engaged"? If you've both agreed to this plan, then that's fine. But if he's the only one calling the shots, then that's a huge red flag. If he's in a big rush to call you WIFE and lock you down and make a forever commitment, that's a huge red flag. WTF is his rush? If he're pressuring you to get married before you're ready (or anything else before you're ready - have sex, move in together, have babies, etc.), then you need to run far away from him and not look back.

If you don't plan to marry for at least 1-2 more years, and you've only dated five months ... what's the rush? You don't have to get engaged the second that you decide it might be nice to get married in the future. The entire POINT of dating is to get to know someone and to possibly prepare for a marriage with them.

Furthermore, if you just get engaged now and then hang around for a year or two before you start planning the wedding ... then there's absolutely no point to getting engaged now. You don't get engaged to "lock in" a person or to make your relationship appear more serious to outsiders.

You get engaged when you are ready to start the actual process of getting married. Ideally, if you're engaged then (if it came down to it) you would be prepared to get married right here and now if need be. But if someone had a gun to your head to marry him right now and your answer is "I'm not sure" or "I'm not ready yet," then now is not the time for an engagement, a proposal or a ring.

If you're both adults, completely self-sufficient, and if you mutually agree that the time is right to get engaged and start planning a wedding (even a very small one), then that's your business. Lots of couples get engaged after dating just a short while. Some of them make it last forever, others do not. Likewise, some couples date for 10 years and then wind up getting divorced. Statistically, you stand a better chance at a lasting marriage if you've known/dated each other for longer than five months, but it's not impossible for a whirlwind romance to work out in the long run.

If you're confident, then go for it. If you need to ask a bunch of strangers, though, then you're not confident and you could stand to wait a while. It NEVER hurts to wait if you are unsure. If it's Meant To Be, he'll wait for you.
2016-03-25 6:35 am
He's too young.
2016-03-25 3:19 am
Yes, it is way too soon. There is no reason on God's green either for you two to get engaged until you have set a day and are actively planning your wedding. While I wish you both the best, there is a lot you two don't know about each other and a whole lot that could go wrong in the next year or two. Tell his to chill out. Get some pre-marital counseling and get you plans in order. If you are still sure you want to marry a year from now, get engaged.
2016-03-24 2:57 am
He sounds very immature. Are you sure you aren't the first woman he's slept with?

And yes, five months is much too soon.
2016-03-24 1:37 am
An engagement means just as much as labeling each other as girlfriend/boyfriend. It shows commitment and monogamy for the most part so it cant be bad but if youre questioning if its too fast then its too fast. My husband proposed to me after 6 months but we didnt get married for another 2 years. Its nothing more than a promise to try and create something meaningful.
2016-03-23 9:33 pm
Yes I feel you need to know each other a full year face to face before making permanent plans. Some thing happens after the 8/10 month period people become their true selves they let down guards Red flags start to show. Engagement is only for the time period it takes to put a wedding together. It is not a promise to live together in harmony. The word means engaging in making wedding plans W A I T

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