How to become a better person (when you re a teenager) ?

2016-03-23 9:23 am
Hi, I m 15 years old and i would love to hear (especially from adults) some tips and ways to become a better person. If you have anything you regret doing in your teenage years that would also be helpful
I find that most teenagers (*not all of them*) are rude and mean and very careless. I don t want to be like that and i am kind of not sure if i am like that or not. I want to become better.

回答 (2)

2016-03-23 10:02 am
1st: forget about popularity, when you become an adult, your whole life is about family and nothing to do with popularity. get used to that now

2nd: focus on academics and atheletics instead of friends, good grades and sports in high school would mean way more to me now than ditching smoking pot and playing mario kart at my friends house which is what I did

that's really it
2016-03-23 9:25 am
Hindsight is a person's good friend. As a teenager, you're bound to make mistakes. My advice? That's what will help you become the BEST person. Learn to view mistakes as chances for growth, rather than something to regret for forever. I have few things I regret in my teenage years- save that I didn't take enough chances. I didn't tell people I loved them when I did. I failed to appreciate myself, and my future.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 21:17:25
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