who is ernest hemingway??

2016-03-22 11:59 pm
someone wo was

回答 (4)

2016-03-23 12:06 am
He is the author of one of my favorite books: A Farewell to Arms. Hopefully some of the people who read my answer will try it.
2016-03-23 12:16 am
Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961) was an American novelist, short story writer, and journalist. His economical and understated style had a strong influence on 20th-century fiction, while his life of adventure and his public image influenced later generations. Hemingway produced most of his work between the mid-1920s and the mid-1950s, and won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. He published seven novels, six short story collections, and two non-fiction works. Additional works, including three novels, four short story collections, and three non-fiction works, were published posthumously. Many of his works are considered classics of American literature.
In 1959, he bought a house in Ketchum, Idaho, where he committed suicide in the summer of 1961.
2016-03-23 12:03 am
Ernest Miller Hemingway was an American novelist, short story writer, and journalist. His economical and understated style had a strong influence on 20th-century fiction, while his life of adventure and his public image influenced later generations.
2016-03-23 12:03 am
You wouldn't understand.

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