How can I get back at my ex best friend without looking like a terrible person?

2016-03-22 11:56 pm
Hey, sorry for the annoying post but I really need help!
So, a bit of background info: she was my best mate for 5 years (we are 14 now) and recently she has accused me of bullying her for months. It is very clear she is doing this for attention as I know her well and I know how she works. Not only this, she has gotten our very strict school involved and everyone's parents. She drove to our house with her mother and father and then turned my parents against me after accusing me of excluding her from our group and making up rumors about her. Pathetic, right? Anyway, needless to say, I didn't do any of this. Post the event, she went around the school sucking up to people and telling them a fake twisted attention seeking story that resulted in me becoming the attacker and her the vulnerable victim. After this, I found out all of the things she has been saying behind my back FOR YEARS. These include, "so unpretty, why does everyone think she's so beautiful", "so f*cking annoying", "rude *****" and so on. Just your normal bitchy comments, but it hurt because I have never spoken a bad word against her.
So, a few weeks into her story people started to see through her accusations and started to realize that I was in fact right, and not the terrible person that I was painted to be. Most people won't speak to her now but many are still on her side, and this includes every single teacher.. What can I do to publicly humiliate her/ get revenge?
Thanks xxxx

回答 (4)

2016-03-23 12:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Try not doing anything. Don't talk to her, don't talk to those who accuse you of anything. If she's doing this for attention, you not doing anything will make her burn inside. I know this isn't your intention (If it is, even better!) but it might make her realize there was not doing anything.

2. Don't defend yourself. If you have nothing, say nothing. You don't have to explain yourself. Obviously she's in for drama, so just say nothing.

3. Small talk. Your laughing or talking with her will definitely make her think about herself and realize your not a bad person. Try going up to her and starting off a conversation, totally unrelated to the drama, maybe a compliment. If she says "Why are you talking to me?" or something, just walk away, without sighing or rolling your eyes or anything, to show her, hey, that was waste of time anyway. She's gonna hate that she missed out on a heated convo u two could have had.

4. Make new friends. I know you don't even want to go there, and it seems as though everyone is against you. Just find the most trusting person, and be the best you are. You'll be surprised at how things escalate, and your friend will see this and miss the old times.

Now the brutal reality. There is a 75% chance she's gone. I'm sorry, since you said you've been friends for 5 years. I always goes this way. Use will power and resist the urge to want to be friends again. Give yourself time to get used to the new reality.

And listen. No one. NO ONE has ANY RIGHT to be saying the things behind your back, and get to be friends with you. You are SO MUCH BETTER THAN ANYTHING ANYONE HAS TO SAY. There is so much more after high school, you have NO IDEA. Be strong hon. Good luck

PS: Things might work out on their own.
2016-03-23 12:02 am
So, you want to change rummer into fact . Just be a good person and in the end good things will come to you . " DON'T TURN TO THE DARK SIDE " . A little humor at the end to lighten things up .
2016-03-23 12:47 am
You should be the better person and not seek revenge. Seeking revenge makes you no better than the person who caused you pain.
2016-03-23 12:14 am
YOu want to publicly humiliate her? Well, guess what? That might backfire, and people think you're a terrible now, becuase of the things she's said about you, they will surely believe with no doubt that you're ***** if you try to get back at her with witnesses.

Face it, this is life. There will be some people in your life that will be the worst thing possible, but you can't always respond with a plot of revenge every time. You be done with them and move away from them as much as possible. If anything, she's probably extremely jealous of you, that's why she's focused so much negative energy on you. But she'll grow up on one day, and she's going to look back and realize how evil she was. Guilt is hard to live with, and it's waiting for her.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:39:25
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