If you had three wishes what would you wish for?

2016-03-22 7:21 pm

回答 (11)

2016-03-22 7:29 pm
1. Meet Jesus
2. Happiness for me and my family
3. Find a great husband
2016-03-22 7:27 pm
1. Booze
2. More booze
3. A bunch of hot chicks
2016-03-22 7:26 pm
1. super powers
2. trillions of money
3. and a hot girlfriend
2016-03-22 7:24 pm
A cure for Diabetes, lots of money, and to be tall and thin.
2016-03-22 7:24 pm
I would wish for lots of money.
I would wish for a beautiful and nice gf.
I would wish for more wishes.
2016-03-22 7:23 pm
My own pirate ship, 10 billion dollars, and a better looking nose.
2016-03-22 7:22 pm
More wishes
2016-03-22 7:22 pm
I would wish that my wishes would also come true.
2016-03-22 7:40 pm
Infinite wishes
2016-03-22 7:34 pm
1 Trillion Dollars $USD

Ability to hide the fact that I'm rich so I can avoid getting used for my money

An unbreakable device that will never stop working and works with NO problems that instantly teleports me anywhere in the world.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 20:36:03
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