why eating dogs is morally right, they r just animals, if u prohibt chinese in eating dogs, whites shouldnt eat turkeys?

2016-03-22 3:02 pm

回答 (10)

2016-03-22 3:05 pm
This is your big issue? Securing the rights of Chinese to eat dogs?
2016-03-22 3:12 pm
It isn't the meat that is objected to. It is the fact that in countries who eat dog meat the dog is tortured first because it is believed that fear and pain make the meat taste better. If 'white people' tortured turkeys before they ate them, they would go to jail.
2016-03-23 3:13 am
There are way too many stray dogs in cities. Even PETA resort to gassing them in their shelters. Eating them is a much better idea. Morally speaking, not eating them is harder to defend.
2016-03-22 3:10 pm
You have added new meaning to the term "Chow down". It should now be "Chow down with Chow". And you can make a coat out of the fur.
2016-03-23 6:51 pm
Actually dogs are meat-eaters, and eating meat-eaters meat = disease.

So eating dogs is morally wrong, because it raises the public-risk of disease by a lot.

Turkeys don't eat meat, which means they are a much cleaner meat, with less risk of spreading disease.

Interestingly enough, historically Turkeys are THE reason we have Salmonella.
2016-03-23 9:49 am
We already eat dogs. They're called hotdogs. Animals can't vote. That's why we have to eat them.
2016-03-23 3:27 am
Dogs are cute. Turkeys are kind of ugly. Survival of the cutest.
2016-03-23 2:16 pm
It's all about the cuteness!

Turkeys make great "guard dogs," are loyal, and can be quite ferrocious to strangers. But no one will ever call them "man's best friend" even though they possess the same pet-like qualities sought after in dogs.

People object to dogs being eaten because dogs are cute or thought of as friends and eating your friend is just icky!
2016-04-11 11:04 pm
"Hello. Which way to American hamburger-hotdog stand?"
2016-04-02 7:25 pm
And blacks should stop eating crow

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