When do we stop defending Islam? After how many deaths?

2016-03-22 2:01 pm

回答 (13)

2016-03-22 2:08 pm
When do we stop defending Islam? After how many deaths?

The sane and rational amongst us have NEVER "defended" terrorist acts - and that includes the American "War of Independence"!
參考: Brit antitheist
2016-03-22 2:04 pm
We stop defending Islam when we stop defending the 1st Amendment.

Or, like my ancestors, the Pope calls for a Crusade.
2016-03-22 4:39 pm
When do we stop defending Islam? After how many deaths?
There is nothing wrong from a human point of view with the fundamentals of the Islamic faith.
It is the extremists that cause all the bother. Usually lead by individuals who wish for supreme domination of the nations in this world.
There will always be problem between religions and nations until the time Jesus returns to establish God's Kingdom on the earth.

Acts 1:9-11 KJV
(9) And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight.
(10) And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel;
(11) Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.
參考: Gospel message found in the Bible.
2016-03-22 2:27 pm
Religion creates division
Division creates conflict
Conflict leads to violence
Violence leads to death.

It was ever thus and no religion is exempt. Islam merely follows these same rules followed by every other religion on the planet.
2016-03-22 2:14 pm
I hate muslims so much.
2016-03-22 2:10 pm
"When do we stop defending Islam? After how many deaths?"

Well, it still hasn't come close to all the blood and lives on the hands of christianity, and people still defend that... so, where do you draw the line?

Your lovely christian Dumbya Bush, the worst president in US History, lied in order to go to war and kill tens of thousands of people. You all didn't screech or shriek about that. Because it was one of your own cultists pulling the strings, so, stop being a goddam hypocrite.
2016-03-22 2:05 pm
Europeans are so idiots they let savage uncivilized people like muslims into their developed countries and then they come crying when they blow them up..
2016-03-22 2:38 pm
It is as God spoke, "There is Darkness upon the Earth and gross darkness upon the people." Peace has existed in the Muslim community for a long time and the Generation of Children that Muslims that have come forth live within these words and we are now seeing the results of their brain washing that to gain a Favor from Allah they follow the Quran to the letter........described as the "Will of Allah" or "The purchase of Allah" invented by Muhammad to spread Muslim religion that he created......kill any that say no it..... and to make sure it stays invented that the men must bow five times a day and women to covered and made rules to keep it as such.....and punish hoarsely those that do no obey.....what gets me in this prison he peach peace and death at the same time.......use the native method of respect against themselves to create leaders that use the Quran to stay in power which led to division within the Muslims religion.......What also gets me is for all their hope of receiving eternal life.....the Quran only tell them they will a only receive a Favor if they do this "Will of Allah" ........so sad so many good men and women are answering the Prophecy why Hell is widening it's borders.......
2016-03-22 2:29 pm
We should stop defending Islam when it isn't just less than 3% of their people causing hell for people. Like when the KKK quits being the voice of Christianity then we should start defending Christianity.
2016-03-22 2:10 pm
The same could be said about Christianity.
2016-03-22 2:20 pm
Yes, religions are bad.
2016-03-22 2:09 pm
about the same time we stop defending Christianity
and any other religion
2016-03-22 2:13 pm
You can't defend Muslims killing other Muslims in the name of the 'religion of peace'.

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