Lose weight in a month?

2016-03-22 4:44 am
My boyfriend comes back from boot camp in about a month and I wanted to lose weight before he came back. So far, I lost about 6 pounds! I'm not overweight but I have a little chub that I wanted to go down. Right now, I weigh like 174 and I'm 5'7. How much weight do you think I can lose in a month without starving myself or overworking myself? What other things can I do? I was thinking about trying a cleanse or something to see how that works.

回答 (3)

2016-03-22 10:39 am
I really needed to lose Weight I’m approaching my 32th birthday and I have noticed thats its getting harder and harder to lose Weight. I was desperate because I could no longer fit into my cute clothes and fat pants are just not for me! I just started “Weight loss green store Tea” Tea its only been two weeks and already five pounds down and it tastes great!!! Thanks Weight loss green store.
2016-03-22 5:17 am
Eat less, exercise more. Forget the "cleanse".
2016-03-22 7:51 am
2016-03-22 5:30 am
Cleanses are pseudoscience.

Count calories.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:24:47
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