Does being a police officer mean you can arrest anyone?

2016-03-21 11:39 pm
Say if an American police officer went to Moscow,Russia and tried to arrest someone can they do it, what would happen to the American police officer.

回答 (9)

2016-03-22 2:27 am
Does mummy know your Playing with her Lap top again?
2016-03-21 11:43 pm
No. The police officer is out of the jurisdiction.

He's need to get the Moscow police to do the arresting, and then ask for extradition procedures to be taken. Even in the US, he can't arrest people out of his state, and even a local sheriff can't arrest people outside of his area.
2016-03-21 11:42 pm
No they can't they hold no authority there why do you think edward Snowdon went there for asylum that police officer would probably be sent back to the US
2016-03-21 11:42 pm
No they can't. They don't have jurisdiction there
2016-03-21 11:40 pm
No, the American police officer would have no jurisdiction. What would happen to him if he tried? Well he may get arrested himself.
2016-06-03 12:28 pm
參考: Criminal Records Search Database :
2016-03-23 1:03 am
Only inside of America. There they get away with it. They brag on it as poaching & the judges let them. Like on the interstate/ Only a State cop hs jurisdiction. But every city cop poachs there. Illegal but that is America the cop taxed.
2016-03-22 3:00 am
NO member of law enforcement has ANY legal authority in another country.
2016-03-21 11:42 pm
Yes, if they have committed an offense or you have seen an offense being committed. Other exceptions such as warrants for arrest, return to prison warrants etc etc
參考: You can't arrest who you please

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