What would happen if you took ADHD medication and you didn't have ADHD?

2016-03-21 7:10 pm
Doing a bit of research, more or less, does anyone know might happen when a teen boy takes medication meant for someone with ADHD, and he doesn't have it? I'm picturing he would be very tired all the time and have very little energy, maybe even stop eating due to lack of energy. Anyone know if I'm close? It's for a book.

回答 (9)

2016-03-21 7:49 pm
That depends on what type of adhd meds. Amphetamines like adderal are most commonly abused. Taken in high dosages they get people high, however in a normal dosage it has a similar effect as with people with ADHD. It's commonly used by college students ti help study because it help even non-adhd people focus more.

methylphenidate like rittalin don't really have a risk of abuse as they don't create a "high" but like adderal it will help with concentration. Both also can lead to weight loss since they effect the appetight.

Non-stimulants like Strattera:are atomoxetines. since they are none stimulants that take months to build up in your system so taking one or even a months worth wont do anything.
2016-03-21 7:11 pm
Isn't Ritalin what they take for ADHD? It used to be. If it still is the opposite is true.
2016-03-21 8:00 pm
Actually, drugs used for that condition are powerful stimulants A.K.A. speed. Adderrall is a few kinds of amphetamines combined. If you did not have ADD a took it, it would be like being on Crystal meth. Rapid pulse, very high blood pressure, increased energy, possible heart palpitations, anxiety, fear, severe insomnia, decreased appetite, weight loss, and paranoia are all side effects if you take it and don't have ADD. It is often abused by college students trying to cram for finals. Weirdly enough, it has the exact opposite effect for ADD sufferers. It makes them feel curious about things. It makes them want to read or listen to some explain how things work. One negative effect is that it can make them a bit chatty. Especially young kids. They will constantly ask why questions, lol.
參考: Nurse with Adult ADD
2016-03-21 7:36 pm
he would get speeded up. ADHD medication is speed, amphetamines.... A non ADHD person would stop sleeping and become quite like a child with ADHD. A child WITH ADHD gets sleepy and slows down when taking speed... People buy Ritalin and Adderall on the street to get high... that's why it's so hard to get legally cause teens pretend to have ADHD so they can make money selling their prescriptions... teens take it to stay awake and study or just for fun.... Kids with ADHD don't like taking it because it slows them down and makes them sleepy all day... My son has ADHD.
2016-03-21 10:51 pm
For people without ADHD it works as mild speed. This is one of the ways you can tell if you actually have ADHD - It it zooms you you don't have ADHD.
2016-03-21 7:35 pm
It would mess you up.
2016-03-21 8:01 pm
2016-03-21 7:23 pm
In the 2000's there was an epidemic of parents/moms taking their kids meds. It helped them calm down, focus, and stay on task.
2016-03-21 7:14 pm
I haven't taken it. But I know someone that has and you are about right. It will give you a lackluster attitude which will not allow you to want to do anything.

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