Can I take a break before transferring to a university?

2016-03-21 5:43 pm
After I finish my General Ed (In about 1.5 years) I want to hit the road for a good while before I have to settle down again and finish my degree. Is it okay if I take a year break before I start applying for universities?

回答 (4)

2016-03-21 6:18 pm
Yes, probably not the best idea though, unless you are REALLY motivated person. With breaks some people procrastinate on going back and sometimes fail to ever go back.
2016-03-21 5:52 pm
Yes, lots of people do that.
You will legally be an adult then, so it's your decision, rather than your parents'/guardians'
2016-03-21 5:48 pm
Sure, go ahead. You're an adult at that point. Nobody is going to stop you from doing what you want.
2016-03-21 5:48 pm
yes, are you stupid?

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