Need some advice... will be homeless tomorrow.?

2016-03-21 12:33 pm
24 female....

I have nobody, i have to get out of this abusive home. I was waken up just to be spit in my face by my older brother because he said that I didn't wash his sweater like he told me to. I literally forgot. Today's my birthday and it's painful to wake up to this kind of abuse. I've always been told how no one will ever love me and how I will never make it anywhere in life. I'm not hideous, not slow, or anything.I just had a horrible start and need help. My dad told me come Friday, I have to be GONE! He & my mom and my siblings are all moving to Texas. And I cannot come with. They said its time for me to grow up. In which, I agree. I tried to get away, but they never helped me. I will WORK, not LAZY, I had college dreams but they told me that college wasn't for me and refused to pay for it. And I blame myself for allowing it. I'm not blaming anyone. I just don't know how I'm going to make it. All my other family is in Texas and my parents wont allow them to help me out. I live in a small town right outside of Cleveland. I have NO FRIENDS!

I can't find a job! There isn't any near. My dad said he will drop me off where ever I need to go. All the shelters have waiting lists and most are for domestic violence victims.

I have about $60 to my name... I am going to look for cans, and pennies and take all I have and hop on the Greyhound to Florida.

But what would I do when I land? with absolutely no money and no where to sleep. And no car. I have license but no car!

回答 (132)

2016-03-22 4:22 pm
24, young and pretty........yes I said pretty, I've never seen a 24 year old that isn't............any of the fast food places or convenience stores will hire you. I have two teens, neither has been without a job for more than a day. You need an address, so just put down your old one, they won't ever use it. You need a phone. I'd say, don't waste your money on a bus to florida. Buy a gophone and only give the number to the jobs you are looking into. Stay in the house when the family leaves..unlock a window or something and just go back in. It takes time to evict, and by the time you are forced out, you'll have your job and hopefully make some friends at it that would take on a roommate.
2016-03-22 4:22 pm
24, young and pretty........yes I said pretty, I've never seen a 24 year old that isn't............any of the fast food places or convenience stores will hire you. I have two teens, neither has been without a job for more than a day. You need an address, so just put down your old one, they won't ever use it. You need a phone. I'd say, don't waste your money on a bus to florida. Buy a gophone and only give the number to the jobs you are looking into. Stay in the house when the family leaves..unlock a window or something and just go back in. It takes time to evict, and by the time you are forced out, you'll have your job and hopefully make some friends at it that would take on a roommate.
2016-03-23 7:09 am
Hi, I'm so sorry. Pack a bag. Everything you could need, if I were you,(normally I wouldn't recommend this but desperate times call for desperate measures) slip a few dollars from every family members pocket, if they are to treat you that way and if they aren't going to miss you, they sure as hell won't miss a few dollars from their pockets wallets and purses. Budget enough to get on that greyhound and enough for food, but also try to sneak some food before you leave. Florida may not be the best place to go... Here is a small list of good places to go:
Washington (the one that has Seattle in it)
Canada( Vancouver mainly)
There are many other places those are just some recommendations. Make sure you have WARM clothing, hygiene products, your 60$ and whatever you can slip from your family. Don't forget food too! I hope this helped, you'll be ok, good luck! Love and wishes, Ava.
2016-03-23 7:09 am
Hi, I'm so sorry. Pack a bag. Everything you could need, if I were you,(normally I wouldn't recommend this but desperate times call for desperate measures) slip a few dollars from every family members pocket, if they are to treat you that way and if they aren't going to miss you, they sure as hell won't miss a few dollars from their pockets wallets and purses. Budget enough to get on that greyhound and enough for food, but also try to sneak some food before you leave. Florida may not be the best place to go... Here is a small list of good places to go:
Washington (the one that has Seattle in it)
Canada( Vancouver mainly)
There are many other places those are just some recommendations. Make sure you have WARM clothing, hygiene products, your 60$ and whatever you can slip from your family. Don't forget food too! I hope this helped, you'll be ok, good luck! Love and wishes, Ava.
2016-03-21 7:14 pm
Happy bday!!!...hope you have a great bday!!!Get a job as a waitress or a bartender would have to start from the low jobs...

Then there's the problem of shelter...i think there must be some public guest houses which may be can stay there till you find a job or a permanent fixture...

I am sorry you are facing this but I know you can do it...and you will ...ohh and don't let anyone take advantage of your situation no matter what you are facing...

If you got a distant family member or even a relative ...ask them if they can help you..

Good luck!!
2016-03-21 7:14 pm
Happy bday!!!...hope you have a great bday!!!Get a job as a waitress or a bartender would have to start from the low jobs...

Then there's the problem of shelter...i think there must be some public guest houses which may be can stay there till you find a job or a permanent fixture...

I am sorry you are facing this but I know you can do it...and you will ...ohh and don't let anyone take advantage of your situation no matter what you are facing...

If you got a distant family member or even a relative ...ask them if they can help you..

Good luck!!
2016-03-22 6:14 am
Aww I'm sorry this is happening. Well my advice is stay in a homeless shelter till you can afford a house or an apartment. Try staying with a friend for a while. And apply for jobs. And also don't listen to them about college you can take student loans and go to college. Best of luck.
2016-03-22 6:14 am
Aww I'm sorry this is happening. Well my advice is stay in a homeless shelter till you can afford a house or an apartment. Try staying with a friend for a while. And apply for jobs. And also don't listen to them about college you can take student loans and go to college. Best of luck.
2016-03-24 2:00 am
I'm so sorry. Go back to the house and pack as much money and food as you can. Steal your families wallets if you want. Stay at the house until the new family moves in. Instead of Florida, maybe go somewhere in the Midwest, because it's cheaper. You're pretty young, same age as me, so it might be easier to find work than if your older. If you can't find a job, you can become self employed. Any talents? If you can play an instrument or sing or whatever, you can get hired to do peoples parties. If you don't mind yucky work, you can clean peoples houses. There are plenty of places where you can squat for a while (I mean live, not excersize), and keep moving. Or you could do what my friend did when he was homeless. He met a recently widowed woman who was willing to let him stay at his house just for some company. If you can't find a steady job, try looking for odd jobs on Craigslist. You get a cluker for a couple hundred and drive taxis with uber. Or join the army. We all pray for you.
2016-03-24 2:00 am
I'm so sorry. Go back to the house and pack as much money and food as you can. Steal your families wallets if you want. Stay at the house until the new family moves in. Instead of Florida, maybe go somewhere in the Midwest, because it's cheaper. You're pretty young, same age as me, so it might be easier to find work than if your older. If you can't find a job, you can become self employed. Any talents? If you can play an instrument or sing or whatever, you can get hired to do peoples parties. If you don't mind yucky work, you can clean peoples houses. There are plenty of places where you can squat for a while (I mean live, not excersize), and keep moving. Or you could do what my friend did when he was homeless. He met a recently widowed woman who was willing to let him stay at his house just for some company. If you can't find a steady job, try looking for odd jobs on Craigslist. You get a cluker for a couple hundred and drive taxis with uber. Or join the army. We all pray for you.
2016-03-23 4:54 am
I'm so sorry.. I wish I could take you in I really do. As someone stated before, once the family leaves, go back into the house. Right now, pack some things, hygiene is important too so you may wanna take care of that right now. Apply to as many jobs as possible right now. Make sure you have a good blanket and pillow, some clothes, and just in case, something to protect a knife. Keep any non perishable foods you can with you . If possible find a woman's and children's center. I wish you the best and a happy wonderful life ♥
2016-03-23 4:54 am
I'm so sorry.. I wish I could take you in I really do. As someone stated before, once the family leaves, go back into the house. Right now, pack some things, hygiene is important too so you may wanna take care of that right now. Apply to as many jobs as possible right now. Make sure you have a good blanket and pillow, some clothes, and just in case, something to protect a knife. Keep any non perishable foods you can with you . If possible find a woman's and children's center. I wish you the best and a happy wonderful life ♥
2016-03-23 7:30 am
Troll? Or just confused? Your other questions don't add up.
You're dad took all your checks.
You're having plastic surgery.
You state different ages that don't coincide with your timeline.
If you're not a troll, go to a temp service and get a job. Stay at a shelter. Ask the red cross or salivating army for help.
2016-03-23 7:30 am
Troll? Or just confused? Your other questions don't add up.
You're dad took all your checks.
You're having plastic surgery.
You state different ages that don't coincide with your timeline.
If you're not a troll, go to a temp service and get a job. Stay at a shelter. Ask the red cross or salivating army for help.
2016-03-22 2:26 am
Go to a church see if they can help you.job wise try staffing agencies some send you to work same day. As for transportation get a bike lots of people ride bikes in Florida.also get a tent if you can't find housing.also try posting on f ace book there are groups that help homeless or those that need something. I was/ kinda still in the same situation posted on Craigslist that I need a tent and a kind woman brought me one that was when I was in Florida.they say crime is bad in Florida so maybe try to get to somewhere like Phoenix Arizona lots of jobs and warm whether.if you need food go to shelters but not all are the best to stay
2016-03-22 2:26 am
Go to a church see if they can help you.job wise try staffing agencies some send you to work same day. As for transportation get a bike lots of people ride bikes in Florida.also get a tent if you can't find housing.also try posting on f ace book there are groups that help homeless or those that need something. I was/ kinda still in the same situation posted on Craigslist that I need a tent and a kind woman brought me one that was when I was in Florida.they say crime is bad in Florida so maybe try to get to somewhere like Phoenix Arizona lots of jobs and warm whether.if you need food go to shelters but not all are the best to stay
2016-03-21 2:16 pm
Well Florida is certainly nice, but I wouldn't recommend that you go there without a better plan in place. You did the right thing by checking with the shelters in your area. It's unfortunate they have no place for you, but don't give up there. There may be a community somewhere within travel distance for you to get to that will have room, and perhaps a job. Also check with some of the churches in your area. There may be some shelters or homes that aren't currently on your radar.
2016-03-21 2:16 pm
Well Florida is certainly nice, but I wouldn't recommend that you go there without a better plan in place. You did the right thing by checking with the shelters in your area. It's unfortunate they have no place for you, but don't give up there. There may be a community somewhere within travel distance for you to get to that will have room, and perhaps a job. Also check with some of the churches in your area. There may be some shelters or homes that aren't currently on your radar.
2016-03-22 6:18 am
Everything will fall into it's own place. You are going through these rough times, but just think of them as lessons to help you become stronger and test your endurance of how you could handle these certain situations. Nevertheless, believe in yourself, and never doubt yourself by any circumstances. I mean NONE!!! Believe in your strengths, and capabilities. You will get through this nice and easy and next thing you know you will be living te life you always wanted. Keep a positive attitude towards everything. You have made it till now, and are still able to continue. Great things come with time, remember. I wish you all the best, even though I know you will be fine because you def got this!!! :)

Good luck!!!
2016-03-22 6:18 am
Everything will fall into it's own place. You are going through these rough times, but just think of them as lessons to help you become stronger and test your endurance of how you could handle these certain situations. Nevertheless, believe in yourself, and never doubt yourself by any circumstances. I mean NONE!!! Believe in your strengths, and capabilities. You will get through this nice and easy and next thing you know you will be living te life you always wanted. Keep a positive attitude towards everything. You have made it till now, and are still able to continue. Great things come with time, remember. I wish you all the best, even though I know you will be fine because you def got this!!! :)

Good luck!!!
2016-03-24 7:04 am
Happy birthday. I hate to hear that you have been going through so much. I'm really sorry to hear that. I can let you stay with me, but only as a very last resort. You can sleep in hospital waiting rooms. That's what Kurt Cobain did when he was homeless. You could also go to a church. I'm sure someone there would let you temporarily at their house after hearing your situation. You can also join the military, but only if you are definitely sure you would make it there. Email me if you still need a place to stay.

[email protected]
2016-03-24 7:04 am
Happy birthday. I hate to hear that you have been going through so much. I'm really sorry to hear that. I can let you stay with me, but only as a very last resort. You can sleep in hospital waiting rooms. That's what Kurt Cobain did when he was homeless. You could also go to a church. I'm sure someone there would let you temporarily at their house after hearing your situation. You can also join the military, but only if you are definitely sure you would make it there. Email me if you still need a place to stay.

[email protected]
2016-03-22 8:13 pm
I think a lot of the people answering clearly didn't read your question carefully. You have to keep looking for a job, but if you live in a small town, it will be more difficult. I believe you when you say there aren't a lot of jobs available. You have to get yourself to a bigger city. It's also not surprising that you have a hard time finding a shelter in a small town. If you get to a bigger city you will be able to find more job opportunities and there will be more shelters, and more social programs available for people like you. If your dad doesn't drive you, you can probably still find a way to go wherever you need to. Try to find public transportation or maybe Greyhound
2016-03-22 8:13 pm
I think a lot of the people answering clearly didn't read your question carefully. You have to keep looking for a job, but if you live in a small town, it will be more difficult. I believe you when you say there aren't a lot of jobs available. You have to get yourself to a bigger city. It's also not surprising that you have a hard time finding a shelter in a small town. If you get to a bigger city you will be able to find more job opportunities and there will be more shelters, and more social programs available for people like you. If your dad doesn't drive you, you can probably still find a way to go wherever you need to. Try to find public transportation or maybe Greyhound
2016-03-22 12:46 pm
On the off chance you are not a troll. Get with United Way, churches, any group. You will not do well on your own. If you are not sure who to call dial 911 and get some information. If you do not think its an emergency just ask anyone what happens to a 24 year old female with no job with only $60 and homeless.
2016-03-22 12:46 pm
On the off chance you are not a troll. Get with United Way, churches, any group. You will not do well on your own. If you are not sure who to call dial 911 and get some information. If you do not think its an emergency just ask anyone what happens to a 24 year old female with no job with only $60 and homeless.
2016-03-22 9:31 pm
Here's my advice. Wait until about 2 in the morning when everyone is good and asleep. Go in your garage and find something small, blunt and heavy like a hammer or a hatchet. Start with your dad. He sounds like a real asshole. Aim for the temple and hit him as hard as you can. Let the hammers own weight make the initial force and put all your weight into it right before it hits the temple, and it should go right through to his temporal lobe. If he wakes up, just keep smacking him until he shuts up. Repeat this process with the rest of your awful family.
參考: Prison gives 3 meals a day and a warm bed.. And revenge is sweet
2016-03-22 9:31 pm
Here's my advice. Wait until about 2 in the morning when everyone is good and asleep. Go in your garage and find something small, blunt and heavy like a hammer or a hatchet. Start with your dad. He sounds like a real asshole. Aim for the temple and hit him as hard as you can. Let the hammers own weight make the initial force and put all your weight into it right before it hits the temple, and it should go right through to his temporal lobe. If he wakes up, just keep smacking him until he shuts up. Repeat this process with the rest of your awful family.
參考: Prison gives 3 meals a day and a warm bed.. And revenge is sweet
2016-03-24 1:12 am
Death is the only thing at the end of the road and to me you are not ready to die but ready to live. Don't give up on yourself. Live the way you want to live and be the way you want to be and never let anybody put you down for your dreams whatever they may be. Let go of everything and everyone and move forward to a better life where you can be very happy that is the only way for you. Oh and be smart of what you can do and what you can use, this is a great opportunity to think for yourself.
2016-03-24 1:12 am
Death is the only thing at the end of the road and to me you are not ready to die but ready to live. Don't give up on yourself. Live the way you want to live and be the way you want to be and never let anybody put you down for your dreams whatever they may be. Let go of everything and everyone and move forward to a better life where you can be very happy that is the only way for you. Oh and be smart of what you can do and what you can use, this is a great opportunity to think for yourself.
2016-03-23 8:19 pm
How do you get to 24 without friends, employment, anything?

You CAN find a job. You can also make friends. You have no support system, so you need to get on that real fast. Meet some people, get out in the world, and do something with your life.
2016-03-23 8:19 pm
How do you get to 24 without friends, employment, anything?

You CAN find a job. You can also make friends. You have no support system, so you need to get on that real fast. Meet some people, get out in the world, and do something with your life.
2016-03-22 7:35 pm
Happy Birthday! You deserve better. You are being abused by your family, go to a domestic abuse shelter, some shelters will send a taxi to pick you up, and have extended stay furnished Apts. which are free for up to two years, this will give you time to go to school, work & make a good life for you. Do a google search for domestic abuse shelters in your area. God Bless you abundantly on your birthday and always.
參考: I volunteers at a women's domestic shelter.
2016-03-22 7:35 pm
Happy Birthday! You deserve better. You are being abused by your family, go to a domestic abuse shelter, some shelters will send a taxi to pick you up, and have extended stay furnished Apts. which are free for up to two years, this will give you time to go to school, work & make a good life for you. Do a google search for domestic abuse shelters in your area. God Bless you abundantly on your birthday and always.
參考: I volunteers at a women's domestic shelter.
2016-03-22 7:21 am
You probably won't like this solution but you could join the military. Air force is the easiest branch and they will help you with college. Free food and housing too. You don't have to stay in forever but it's a good place to get on your feet.
2016-03-22 7:21 am
You probably won't like this solution but you could join the military. Air force is the easiest branch and they will help you with college. Free food and housing too. You don't have to stay in forever but it's a good place to get on your feet.
2016-03-22 5:09 am
He said he'll take you anywhere, so, tell him Texas (somewhere reasonably close to the family). You need a support system nearby, you can't be by yourself until you have a job and a place to stay. Seeing as they screwed you by not paying for college, they should give you that money now for somewhere cheap to sleep. Get 1-4months rent off them. That should buy you enough time to be earning enough money for food and rent.
2016-03-22 5:09 am
He said he'll take you anywhere, so, tell him Texas (somewhere reasonably close to the family). You need a support system nearby, you can't be by yourself until you have a job and a place to stay. Seeing as they screwed you by not paying for college, they should give you that money now for somewhere cheap to sleep. Get 1-4months rent off them. That should buy you enough time to be earning enough money for food and rent.
2016-03-24 11:33 am
Someone spitting in your face is assault, if you are being assaulted at home then how is that not domestic abuse? If you can go to california, I hear that is the best place to be homeless, but whatever you do be careful, I think Daniel has a good idea about going to a church, even if you aren't religious, you should try to make connections with good people and churches would be a good place to start. I'm really sorry for what you're going through, good luck and I hope you will be safe.
2016-03-24 11:33 am
Someone spitting in your face is assault, if you are being assaulted at home then how is that not domestic abuse? If you can go to california, I hear that is the best place to be homeless, but whatever you do be careful, I think Daniel has a good idea about going to a church, even if you aren't religious, you should try to make connections with good people and churches would be a good place to start. I'm really sorry for what you're going through, good luck and I hope you will be safe.
2016-03-23 9:31 pm
Stay strong and believe in yourself. I know this is SUCH a hard time. I wish I had all the answers for you. Is there ANY adult family member that you do not live with now that could help you? Any friends who have a great mom and dad that might let you stay with them for a while? Could you look for jobs with people who want live-in help? Right now you need a safe and warm place to stay and enough to eat. What about looking for a job as a live-in nanny or caretaker? There are so many elder care places that need help and maybe would really appreciate being able to have a young strong person around to take care of their 80 to 90 year-old grandmother. Good luck. Do not let these people get you down. I too had a TERRIBLE family and my life has been better without them. Does it hurt sometimes? Yes. But still, my life has been much better without them. You will be okay. Pray.
2016-03-23 9:31 pm
Stay strong and believe in yourself. I know this is SUCH a hard time. I wish I had all the answers for you. Is there ANY adult family member that you do not live with now that could help you? Any friends who have a great mom and dad that might let you stay with them for a while? Could you look for jobs with people who want live-in help? Right now you need a safe and warm place to stay and enough to eat. What about looking for a job as a live-in nanny or caretaker? There are so many elder care places that need help and maybe would really appreciate being able to have a young strong person around to take care of their 80 to 90 year-old grandmother. Good luck. Do not let these people get you down. I too had a TERRIBLE family and my life has been better without them. Does it hurt sometimes? Yes. But still, my life has been much better without them. You will be okay. Pray.
2016-03-23 5:11 am
Welcome to life, abusive siblings and parents finally kicking you out of the nest. It's time to go hunting for a job, take advantage of the nice weather camping outdoors, forget that shelter if it is too far walking distance from a good paying job. Also, get a credit card with a low limit that you can't over abuse, your going to need a good credit record.
Look for a factory job, they suck to work at but they certainly pay better then most minimum wage jobs. Look at being homeless as a temporary good thing, not needing to pay rent will make your money go a lot farther. The moment you start paying rent, that is where all your money is going to go to. So put your money to a down payment on a house. The next place you live is how you will be living for a while.
How much do you need for a down-payment to a house in the states.. 5%-10%? save for that. Wouldn't it be nice to end up living in a better place then your family could afford. Trust me, this is a good thing, your just going through a hard time, but remember you aren't alone. Many people have to start out this way. Examples: Jim Carry, who lived in a car, Justin Beiber who's mother couldn't afford to feed them and had to go to the shelter.
Good luck
2016-03-23 5:11 am
Welcome to life, abusive siblings and parents finally kicking you out of the nest. It's time to go hunting for a job, take advantage of the nice weather camping outdoors, forget that shelter if it is too far walking distance from a good paying job. Also, get a credit card with a low limit that you can't over abuse, your going to need a good credit record.
Look for a factory job, they suck to work at but they certainly pay better then most minimum wage jobs. Look at being homeless as a temporary good thing, not needing to pay rent will make your money go a lot farther. The moment you start paying rent, that is where all your money is going to go to. So put your money to a down payment on a house. The next place you live is how you will be living for a while.
How much do you need for a down-payment to a house in the states.. 5%-10%? save for that. Wouldn't it be nice to end up living in a better place then your family could afford. Trust me, this is a good thing, your just going through a hard time, but remember you aren't alone. Many people have to start out this way. Examples: Jim Carry, who lived in a car, Justin Beiber who's mother couldn't afford to feed them and had to go to the shelter.
Good luck
2016-03-25 4:36 pm
Get a memebership at a 24 hour gym, you'll have showers, water, and a place to sleep, depending on where you are living in florida you can get a job at a Mcdonalds and maybe a restaurant, but the gym membership is the most important thing
2016-03-25 4:36 pm
Get a memebership at a 24 hour gym, you'll have showers, water, and a place to sleep, depending on where you are living in florida you can get a job at a Mcdonalds and maybe a restaurant, but the gym membership is the most important thing
2016-03-25 12:52 pm
Find a church and ask them if you can sleep on the couch. Tell them your situation. If they say they can't help and move on until you find one that will help. If someone tries to take advantage of you let others know. Don't give up on college. Most states have junior colleges. Show up at admissions and ask to talk to a guidance counsellor. They can find you a job on campus as well. God bless. Life is good...don't give up...many people in their 50's would love to trade places with you.
2016-03-25 12:52 pm
Find a church and ask them if you can sleep on the couch. Tell them your situation. If they say they can't help and move on until you find one that will help. If someone tries to take advantage of you let others know. Don't give up on college. Most states have junior colleges. Show up at admissions and ask to talk to a guidance counsellor. They can find you a job on campus as well. God bless. Life is good...don't give up...many people in their 50's would love to trade places with you.
2016-03-24 3:43 am
I am so sorry this is happening to you. I am in a similar situation but not nearly as bad because I am 17 and WILL be going to college because my dad will pay for it. I know this may be hard to hear, but I would recommend going with your family to texas and working on getting a job. It will take some time and a lot of work, but you will be able to buy yourself a home or apartment away from them and you will be able to create a STABLE life for yourself rather than living on the streets.
2016-03-24 3:43 am
I am so sorry this is happening to you. I am in a similar situation but not nearly as bad because I am 17 and WILL be going to college because my dad will pay for it. I know this may be hard to hear, but I would recommend going with your family to texas and working on getting a job. It will take some time and a lot of work, but you will be able to buy yourself a home or apartment away from them and you will be able to create a STABLE life for yourself rather than living on the streets.
2016-03-24 2:11 am
Join the military. That was my escape from a place that had nothing to offer for a future. The military worked our REAL good for me, even after I got out (5 1/2 years). I was fed, sheltered, transported, train in various jobs and skills. They paid for EVERYTHING and PAID ME.
I had clothes, food, shelter, travel, health benefits, options, pay and a group of people that became good friends. Most people SHY away from the military, thinking you could get killed going to war.
But You get killed in college by drunk partiers driving or just being stupid, under the influence or they can drive into your house while you sleep and lets not forget the snipers that shoot up colleges.

I learned alot in the military. live homeless now, but now helpless.
I have a better life and more freedom, than people making twice what I make at my job.

College COST money, Military PAYS money.
2016-03-24 2:11 am
Join the military. That was my escape from a place that had nothing to offer for a future. The military worked our REAL good for me, even after I got out (5 1/2 years). I was fed, sheltered, transported, train in various jobs and skills. They paid for EVERYTHING and PAID ME.
I had clothes, food, shelter, travel, health benefits, options, pay and a group of people that became good friends. Most people SHY away from the military, thinking you could get killed going to war.
But You get killed in college by drunk partiers driving or just being stupid, under the influence or they can drive into your house while you sleep and lets not forget the snipers that shoot up colleges.

I learned alot in the military. live homeless now, but now helpless.
I have a better life and more freedom, than people making twice what I make at my job.

College COST money, Military PAYS money.
2016-03-24 12:38 am
I'm so sorry this is happening to you. but id say you should sneak some money from your family members if theyre to treat you like this. then pack a bag with warm clothes, hygenie products, money, etc. look for a good-paying job and stay with a friend for a while. I know you said you don't have any but I seriously doubt theres nobody from your schools or neighborhood or anything that you don't know. make sure to spend your money wisely. theres nothing that is worse than wasting money in hard times. possibly, you could stay in the apartment or whatever. best of luck!
2016-03-24 12:38 am
I'm so sorry this is happening to you. but id say you should sneak some money from your family members if theyre to treat you like this. then pack a bag with warm clothes, hygenie products, money, etc. look for a good-paying job and stay with a friend for a while. I know you said you don't have any but I seriously doubt theres nobody from your schools or neighborhood or anything that you don't know. make sure to spend your money wisely. theres nothing that is worse than wasting money in hard times. possibly, you could stay in the apartment or whatever. best of luck!
2016-03-22 3:53 pm
24 year old girl named luke....... right, that's believable
2016-03-22 3:53 pm
24 year old girl named luke....... right, that's believable
2016-03-22 8:55 am
Pray and do not give up. I can send you a few dollars.
2016-03-22 8:55 am
Pray and do not give up. I can send you a few dollars.
2016-03-22 1:13 am
2016-03-22 1:13 am
2016-03-21 10:56 pm
Hop on cab or bus and find a job. And me when I say pray.
2016-03-21 10:56 pm
Hop on cab or bus and find a job. And me when I say pray.
2016-03-24 2:13 pm
24 without a job? I'm sorry but you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself. And you have no children? Honey I'm 25 with 3 children and I work a decent job and I'm in school full time and I'm able to be there for my kids full time. I do not feel sorry for anyone this old who can't think for themselves. I was molested as a child and my self esteem was crushed as a child and teenager. I'm a very attractive woman who was tired of feeling like **** and being told that I was never going to be anything in life. I had my first child at 19, I didn't know anything about being a mother but my difficult mom helped me. I went through years of abuse in her house, not the molestation, but just the emotional and verbal abuse killed my spirit. I finally left my moms house at 24 with 2 kids and 1 on the way. Why don't you go and sign up for the military. They will take care of you. I'm ex military and we had a lot of homeless men from the hood that they sheltered until they went off to training and got them a permanent job in the military. Take care of yourself. **** that family and do what you have to do to make sure you're alright. I don't know you but if I did, we would be searching for you a job right now and I know people who work for shelter homes that would take you right in and help you. Keep your head up and stay strong, no one deserves this but you need to grow up and take control over the things that you can in your life.
2016-03-24 2:13 pm
24 without a job? I'm sorry but you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself. And you have no children? Honey I'm 25 with 3 children and I work a decent job and I'm in school full time and I'm able to be there for my kids full time. I do not feel sorry for anyone this old who can't think for themselves. I was molested as a child and my self esteem was crushed as a child and teenager. I'm a very attractive woman who was tired of feeling like **** and being told that I was never going to be anything in life. I had my first child at 19, I didn't know anything about being a mother but my difficult mom helped me. I went through years of abuse in her house, not the molestation, but just the emotional and verbal abuse killed my spirit. I finally left my moms house at 24 with 2 kids and 1 on the way. Why don't you go and sign up for the military. They will take care of you. I'm ex military and we had a lot of homeless men from the hood that they sheltered until they went off to training and got them a permanent job in the military. Take care of yourself. **** that family and do what you have to do to make sure you're alright. I don't know you but if I did, we would be searching for you a job right now and I know people who work for shelter homes that would take you right in and help you. Keep your head up and stay strong, no one deserves this but you need to grow up and take control over the things that you can in your life.
2016-03-22 10:37 pm
I think your a troll, but if not go look for organisations that help you.
2016-03-22 10:37 pm
I think your a troll, but if not go look for organisations that help you.
2016-03-22 5:15 pm
2016-03-22 5:15 pm
2016-03-21 1:38 pm
Look into Job Corps I copied information from their website for you.

Career Training That Works!
At Cleveland Job Corps, students receive the skills needed to succeed in today’s workforce - at no cost to them or their families!

If you are looking for a better quality of life and are willing to dedicate yourself to our life changing program, Cleveland Job Corps is the place for you!

Young people interested in joining Job Corps are invited to visit the Job Corps Recruiting Website or call (800) 733-JOBS today!

What kind of training is available at Cleveland Job Corps?
Cleveland Job Corps offers hands-on career technical training as well as academic training. We can also help you get a GED or high school diploma. For more information, please see our Career Training and Academics pages.

What else does Cleveland Job Corps have to offer?
Job Corps offers career planning, on-the-job training, job placement, residential housing, food service, driver's education, health and dental care, a bi-weekly basic living allowance and clothing allowance. Some centers offer childcare programs for single parents as well.

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Does it cost anything?
Job Corps has no cost to its students or their families.

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What are the rules at Cleveland Job Corps?
Like any place, Cleveland Job Corps has rules and regulations to follow. These rules are in place to help keep you safe, to help simulate the workforce environment, and to help eliminate distractions so you can succeed in academics and training. To provide the safest possible learning environment, Job Corps has a Zero Tolerance Policy against violence and drugs. Any student who violates this policy will be removed from the Job Corps program.

What We Do
Job Corps is a no-cost education and career technical training program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor that helps young people ages 16 through 24 improve the quality of their lives through career technical and academic training. The Job Corps program is authorized by Title I-C of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998. For more information about the Job Corps program at a national level, please visit our Official Public Web Site.

At Cleveland Job Corps Center, we support the Job Corps program's mission of teaching eligible young people the skills they need to become employable and independent and placing them in meaningful jobs or further education.

Who We Are
Cleveland Job Corps Center is overseen by the Chicago Regional Office of Job Corps and is operated by Serrato Corporation and Horizon's Youth Center. Our Center Director is Mr. William Houston.

General Contact Information
You may contact us at:

Cleveland Job Corps Center
13421 Coit Road
Cleveland, OH 44110
Phone: (216) 541-2500
Fax: (216) 541-7791
2016-03-21 1:38 pm
Look into Job Corps I copied information from their website for you.

Career Training That Works!
At Cleveland Job Corps, students receive the skills needed to succeed in today’s workforce - at no cost to them or their families!

If you are looking for a better quality of life and are willing to dedicate yourself to our life changing program, Cleveland Job Corps is the place for you!

Young people interested in joining Job Corps are invited to visit the Job Corps Recruiting Website or call (800) 733-JOBS today!

What kind of training is available at Cleveland Job Corps?
Cleveland Job Corps offers hands-on career technical training as well as academic training. We can also help you get a GED or high school diploma. For more information, please see our Career Training and Academics pages.

What else does Cleveland Job Corps have to offer?
Job Corps offers career planning, on-the-job training, job placement, residential housing, food service, driver's education, health and dental care, a bi-weekly basic living allowance and clothing allowance. Some centers offer childcare programs for single parents as well.

Return to top of page Return to top of page

Does it cost anything?
Job Corps has no cost to its students or their families.

Return to top of page Return to top of page

What are the rules at Cleveland Job Corps?
Like any place, Cleveland Job Corps has rules and regulations to follow. These rules are in place to help keep you safe, to help simulate the workforce environment, and to help eliminate distractions so you can succeed in academics and training. To provide the safest possible learning environment, Job Corps has a Zero Tolerance Policy against violence and drugs. Any student who violates this policy will be removed from the Job Corps program.

What We Do
Job Corps is a no-cost education and career technical training program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor that helps young people ages 16 through 24 improve the quality of their lives through career technical and academic training. The Job Corps program is authorized by Title I-C of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998. For more information about the Job Corps program at a national level, please visit our Official Public Web Site.

At Cleveland Job Corps Center, we support the Job Corps program's mission of teaching eligible young people the skills they need to become employable and independent and placing them in meaningful jobs or further education.

Who We Are
Cleveland Job Corps Center is overseen by the Chicago Regional Office of Job Corps and is operated by Serrato Corporation and Horizon's Youth Center. Our Center Director is Mr. William Houston.

General Contact Information
You may contact us at:

Cleveland Job Corps Center
13421 Coit Road
Cleveland, OH 44110
Phone: (216) 541-2500
Fax: (216) 541-7791
2016-03-23 2:06 am
If I was you, and i was in your situation, i'd first look for a shelter in florida and hop on that greyhound & head towards florida. I'd stay in a shelter in florida til i found a job there and til i could save up enough money to get an apartment. If you're still readin this 24 female-I'd try Alabama instead cause the home insurance is high in florida. I wanted to move there til i found this out. Don't believe what your family tells u-if they're kickin u out and telling u all this negative stuff, then i'd take matters n my own hands and do what i needed 2 make it & get to where i needed to be in life. If that meant taken a greyhound to florida, by all means. They hire people in florida like they do other places. i saw a now hiring sign n florida where they were willing 2 pay $10 an hour-u say up that money-that's enough to help u get your own place. U do what u gotta do 2 survive & make it n this world like the rest of us. hope this helps.

If you're gonna b homeless living somwwhere, despite what some say, at least b homeless n a place that makes u happy, where u can feel free 2 b u, and will hopefully help u get back on your feet...
2016-03-23 2:06 am
If I was you, and i was in your situation, i'd first look for a shelter in florida and hop on that greyhound & head towards florida. I'd stay in a shelter in florida til i found a job there and til i could save up enough money to get an apartment. If you're still readin this 24 female-I'd try Alabama instead cause the home insurance is high in florida. I wanted to move there til i found this out. Don't believe what your family tells u-if they're kickin u out and telling u all this negative stuff, then i'd take matters n my own hands and do what i needed 2 make it & get to where i needed to be in life. If that meant taken a greyhound to florida, by all means. They hire people in florida like they do other places. i saw a now hiring sign n florida where they were willing 2 pay $10 an hour-u say up that money-that's enough to help u get your own place. U do what u gotta do 2 survive & make it n this world like the rest of us. hope this helps.

If you're gonna b homeless living somwwhere, despite what some say, at least b homeless n a place that makes u happy, where u can feel free 2 b u, and will hopefully help u get back on your feet...
2016-03-22 9:44 am
Jesus Christ is the truth. Jesus loves you. Get a king James bible and believe. Read Romans chapter 5 and 8. Read John chapter 1 and 3. Go to churches in your area and find shelter. Find library to look for jobs.If you have PayPal, I send you few bucks too. Message me at [email protected]
Pray for help and guidance and understanding. Jesus loves you. Don't give up.
2016-03-22 9:44 am
Jesus Christ is the truth. Jesus loves you. Get a king James bible and believe. Read Romans chapter 5 and 8. Read John chapter 1 and 3. Go to churches in your area and find shelter. Find library to look for jobs.If you have PayPal, I send you few bucks too. Message me at [email protected]
Pray for help and guidance and understanding. Jesus loves you. Don't give up.
2016-03-22 1:47 pm
Go have a chat with Cleveland. :3

Also, if you're now homeless, and all that... How are you even writing this question? You'd have to pay for electricity and internet to be able to write this question. Nice try troll.

Also, noone is dumb enough to go to yahoo for help in situations like this. Why would you ever ask total strangers?

That's like that one woman who was being abused and asked for help on Facebook.
2016-03-22 1:47 pm
Go have a chat with Cleveland. :3

Also, if you're now homeless, and all that... How are you even writing this question? You'd have to pay for electricity and internet to be able to write this question. Nice try troll.

Also, noone is dumb enough to go to yahoo for help in situations like this. Why would you ever ask total strangers?

That's like that one woman who was being abused and asked for help on Facebook.
2016-10-20 12:00 pm
well florida is certainly nice, but i wouldn't recommend that you go there without a better plan in place... you did the right thing by checking with the shelters in your area... it's unfortunate they have no place for you, but don't give up there... there may be a community somewhere within travel distance for you to get to that shall have room, and perhaps a job... also check with some of the churches in your area... there may be some shelters or homes that aren't currently on your radar...
2016-10-20 12:00 pm
well florida is certainly nice, but i wouldn't recommend that you go there without a better plan in place... you did the right thing by checking with the shelters in your area... it's unfortunate they have no place for you, but don't give up there... there may be a community somewhere within travel distance for you to get to that shall have room, and perhaps a job... also check with some of the churches in your area... there may be some shelters or homes that aren't currently on your radar...
2016-09-12 3:47 pm
24 without a job? i'm sorry but you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself... and you have no children? honey i'm 25 with 3 children and i work a decent job and i'm in school full time and i'm able to be there for my kids full time... i do not feel sorry for anyone this old who cannot think for themselves... i was molested as a child and my self esteem was crushed as a child and teenager... i'm a very attractive woman who was tired of feeling like **** and being told that i was never going to be anything in life... i had my first child at 19, i didn't know anything about being a mother but my difficult mom helped me... i went through years of abuse in her house, not the molestation, but just the emotional and verbal abuse killed my spirit... i finally left my moms house at 24 with 2 kids and 1 on the way... well, why don't you go and sign up for the military... they shall take care of you... i'm ex military and we had a lot of homeless men from the hood that they sheltered until they went off to training and got them a permanent job in the military... take care of yourself... **** that family and do what you have to do to make sure you're alright... i don't know you but if i did, we would be searching for you a job right now and i know people who work for shelter homes that would take you right in and help you... keep your head up and stay strong, no one deserves this but you need to grow up and take control over the things that you can in your life...
2016-09-12 3:47 pm
24 without a job? i'm sorry but you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself... and you have no children? honey i'm 25 with 3 children and i work a decent job and i'm in school full time and i'm able to be there for my kids full time... i do not feel sorry for anyone this old who cannot think for themselves... i was molested as a child and my self esteem was crushed as a child and teenager... i'm a very attractive woman who was tired of feeling like **** and being told that i was never going to be anything in life... i had my first child at 19, i didn't know anything about being a mother but my difficult mom helped me... i went through years of abuse in her house, not the molestation, but just the emotional and verbal abuse killed my spirit... i finally left my moms house at 24 with 2 kids and 1 on the way... well, why don't you go and sign up for the military... they shall take care of you... i'm ex military and we had a lot of homeless men from the hood that they sheltered until they went off to training and got them a permanent job in the military... take care of yourself... **** that family and do what you have to do to make sure you're alright... i don't know you but if i did, we would be searching for you a job right now and i know people who work for shelter homes that would take you right in and help you... keep your head up and stay strong, no one deserves this but you need to grow up and take control over the things that you can in your life...
2016-03-26 4:00 pm
This is even more cruel than if Harry Potter were real...

Anyways serious now... You should have reported them to the police or something, but I bet you can't now since it is Saturday... anyways you know of any neighbors that may help you and let you live with them? I am sure if you were like a second helper around the house or something they would love to let you live with them! They would probably even be super happy having you especially since all they have to do to pay you is provide somewhere to live and sleep (their house) and food to eat! Definitely go for more older people. They will love your company!
While you are there try and contact a relative even if your parents told them no already to help you. You are no longer under the care of your parents in other words HAVE THE RELATIVES ADOPT YOU!

If none of that works go to a church. Even if you are not religious or of that religion they will help you regardless. God is always their for people who need his help. You just have to allow him to help.

I really hope you end up safe and sound in the end...
I will be praying for you!!!
2016-03-26 4:00 pm
This is even more cruel than if Harry Potter were real...

Anyways serious now... You should have reported them to the police or something, but I bet you can't now since it is Saturday... anyways you know of any neighbors that may help you and let you live with them? I am sure if you were like a second helper around the house or something they would love to let you live with them! They would probably even be super happy having you especially since all they have to do to pay you is provide somewhere to live and sleep (their house) and food to eat! Definitely go for more older people. They will love your company!
While you are there try and contact a relative even if your parents told them no already to help you. You are no longer under the care of your parents in other words HAVE THE RELATIVES ADOPT YOU!

If none of that works go to a church. Even if you are not religious or of that religion they will help you regardless. God is always their for people who need his help. You just have to allow him to help.

I really hope you end up safe and sound in the end...
I will be praying for you!!!
2016-03-26 10:49 am
What have you been doing since you got out of high school? Have you never worked before? I don't mean to be mean but if you've been in such a horrible environment with so much emotional abuse, why haven't you tried leaving earlier (or at least plan to), instead of waiting until you get kicked out?
2016-03-26 10:49 am
What have you been doing since you got out of high school? Have you never worked before? I don't mean to be mean but if you've been in such a horrible environment with so much emotional abuse, why haven't you tried leaving earlier (or at least plan to), instead of waiting until you get kicked out?
2016-03-26 6:11 am
become a stripper make that money *****
2016-03-26 6:11 am
become a stripper make that money *****
2016-03-26 5:55 am
What's your email !!!!
2016-03-26 5:55 am
What's your email !!!!
2016-03-26 12:21 am
Go , steal your parents money , pack up warm good clothes & take your laptop or any good items!
2016-03-26 12:21 am
Go , steal your parents money , pack up warm good clothes & take your laptop or any good items!
2016-03-25 4:55 pm
Lol **** your family I would've been left those disgusting fools. And stop feeling sorry for yourself get uo and just do it. Never give up because once you do then your evil family has won. Once you're successful they'll come running back to you. Look at eminems dad a ******* lowlife who found out his son was famous and came running back.
2016-03-25 4:55 pm
Lol **** your family I would've been left those disgusting fools. And stop feeling sorry for yourself get uo and just do it. Never give up because once you do then your evil family has won. Once you're successful they'll come running back to you. Look at eminems dad a ******* lowlife who found out his son was famous and came running back.
2016-03-25 1:14 pm
Sorry that is a bad fsmily
2016-03-25 1:14 pm
Sorry that is a bad fsmily
2016-03-25 12:57 pm
Stay stronge
2016-03-25 12:57 pm
Stay stronge
2016-03-25 12:21 pm
Leave hunny!!
2016-03-25 12:21 pm
Leave hunny!!
2016-03-25 10:44 am
Start packing a bag with all your necessary items you need, steal food and money from your family's wallets. And find a cheap place to stay in.. Get a job ASAP and trust me things will get better in no time. You are going to have am amazing future, a loving family of your own and a very caring husband. Don't give up, we are all here for you. All the best my dear, you are going to survive this!! My prayers are with you
2016-03-25 10:44 am
Start packing a bag with all your necessary items you need, steal food and money from your family's wallets. And find a cheap place to stay in.. Get a job ASAP and trust me things will get better in no time. You are going to have am amazing future, a loving family of your own and a very caring husband. Don't give up, we are all here for you. All the best my dear, you are going to survive this!! My prayers are with you
2016-03-25 9:31 am
Stay strong girl..pack your all things that you need and find some work and start a new life!
2016-03-25 9:31 am
Stay strong girl..pack your all things that you need and find some work and start a new life!
2016-03-25 4:34 am
If you are physically fit and able to, join the services. It'll be rough, but if you do it, you'll have a roof over your head, three square meals a day, and a way to pay for college (Seriously, Post 9/11 GI bill can get you there). It may not be easy, but It'll be way easier than living on the streets. Godsend.
2016-03-25 4:34 am
If you are physically fit and able to, join the services. It'll be rough, but if you do it, you'll have a roof over your head, three square meals a day, and a way to pay for college (Seriously, Post 9/11 GI bill can get you there). It may not be easy, but It'll be way easier than living on the streets. Godsend.
2016-03-24 11:56 pm
Go to a homeless shelter. They will help you get threw it.
2016-03-24 11:56 pm
Go to a homeless shelter. They will help you get threw it.
2016-03-24 10:35 pm
Whoah, so rough... Hang tight, you will survive this situation.... You need to find work and a room somewhere, is there anyone you can borrow money from? Can you sell something? Buy yourself time and get working, anything, wash dishes bus tables apply at Amazon they'll hire you on the spot. Get out of there! You can do it.
2016-03-24 10:35 pm
Whoah, so rough... Hang tight, you will survive this situation.... You need to find work and a room somewhere, is there anyone you can borrow money from? Can you sell something? Buy yourself time and get working, anything, wash dishes bus tables apply at Amazon they'll hire you on the spot. Get out of there! You can do it.
2016-03-24 10:32 pm
Why are you getting treated this way is what I want to know? I feel bad for you but there has to be a reason for the way your family has been treating you????? IDK but people just don't turn on you for nothing.. Have you given then a reason for the way they treat you or for their behavior towards you or is it all them???
2016-03-24 10:32 pm
Why are you getting treated this way is what I want to know? I feel bad for you but there has to be a reason for the way your family has been treating you????? IDK but people just don't turn on you for nothing.. Have you given then a reason for the way they treat you or for their behavior towards you or is it all them???
2016-03-24 10:04 pm
i might be able to help if you can get Skype... add blackops2isawesome
2016-03-24 10:04 pm
i might be able to help if you can get Skype... add blackops2isawesome
2016-03-24 10:01 pm
I would recommend maybe getting online and checking out different locations before simply hopping the greyhound somewhere, but find a place that would have a shelter of some kind that you could stay at til you are able to get working and get your own place, also as far as college goes, screw your family, I had no family to help me with college, namely cause we just didn't have the money so I started at community college level and qualified for pel grant from govt and this past year I graduated with a degree in education and am now working full time as a teacher, so it can be done if you have the want to, and the way you talk I believe you do, so I wish you the best of luck, my prayers are with you, also I would like if you would to keep me updated on how things are going with you so I know how to direct my prayers you can reach me here [email protected] Best of luck to you.
2016-03-24 10:01 pm
I would recommend maybe getting online and checking out different locations before simply hopping the greyhound somewhere, but find a place that would have a shelter of some kind that you could stay at til you are able to get working and get your own place, also as far as college goes, screw your family, I had no family to help me with college, namely cause we just didn't have the money so I started at community college level and qualified for pel grant from govt and this past year I graduated with a degree in education and am now working full time as a teacher, so it can be done if you have the want to, and the way you talk I believe you do, so I wish you the best of luck, my prayers are with you, also I would like if you would to keep me updated on how things are going with you so I know how to direct my prayers you can reach me here [email protected] Best of luck to you.
2016-03-24 9:50 pm
I suggest that you look for a job, anything when you get to Florida you just need to keep searching. Do not give up, even if it's a small job. Once you have that job then you must pay for hotels and places to stay. I am so sorry to hear about this happening to you. Stay strong.
2016-03-24 9:50 pm
I suggest that you look for a job, anything when you get to Florida you just need to keep searching. Do not give up, even if it's a small job. Once you have that job then you must pay for hotels and places to stay. I am so sorry to hear about this happening to you. Stay strong.
2016-03-24 9:20 pm
2016-03-24 9:20 pm
2016-03-24 7:22 pm
Hi! i'm guy, 17 years old(almost 18), and before new year 2016, i had similar family issues, but my family members were more rude and violent, so just before the new years eve, i had a fight with them which was violent and aggressive, and i treated them as they were not my parents but someone else who were trying to control my life freedom, you know you just have to stand against them and back them off and do whatever you like, you are not your parents' little girl, you should be independent and act like an adult, and back them off, so in my case in the heat of the moment i ran away without any equipment or any food or any preparation for runaway, even though i had nothing like food, cash or clothes with me, but i had my mother's credit card with $3000 in it, so i ran away, and it was one of the best feelings of liberation, i felt like an adult, and believe me if your mother and father consider you as their daughter and care about you, then they will try to find you and bring you home back and afterwards they won't do anything which would cause you to runaway again(which happened in my case after a week, they found me and now they treat me well), or if they don't try to call you back, then you better plan plan your future, by talking to as many people as possible while running away, and try going to a sub urban town first for a few weeks and then try to find ways to make money so that you can pay for your college and have a family in future. I've grown up into an adult after my running away experience, people assume that i'm a 22-24 years old adult now. Just in case if you need more information or suggestion then contact me. i can give you good suggestions, don't just try going for bartender or anything.
2016-03-24 7:22 pm
Hi! i'm guy, 17 years old(almost 18), and before new year 2016, i had similar family issues, but my family members were more rude and violent, so just before the new years eve, i had a fight with them which was violent and aggressive, and i treated them as they were not my parents but someone else who were trying to control my life freedom, you know you just have to stand against them and back them off and do whatever you like, you are not your parents' little girl, you should be independent and act like an adult, and back them off, so in my case in the heat of the moment i ran away without any equipment or any food or any preparation for runaway, even though i had nothing like food, cash or clothes with me, but i had my mother's credit card with $3000 in it, so i ran away, and it was one of the best feelings of liberation, i felt like an adult, and believe me if your mother and father consider you as their daughter and care about you, then they will try to find you and bring you home back and afterwards they won't do anything which would cause you to runaway again(which happened in my case after a week, they found me and now they treat me well), or if they don't try to call you back, then you better plan plan your future, by talking to as many people as possible while running away, and try going to a sub urban town first for a few weeks and then try to find ways to make money so that you can pay for your college and have a family in future. I've grown up into an adult after my running away experience, people assume that i'm a 22-24 years old adult now. Just in case if you need more information or suggestion then contact me. i can give you good suggestions, don't just try going for bartender or anything.
2016-03-24 6:29 pm
Go to Social Services
2016-03-24 6:29 pm
Go to Social Services
2016-03-24 6:04 pm
2016-03-24 6:04 pm
2016-03-24 4:11 pm
Well make that your gift pack your bags go to a well knownshelter get food fromchurchs and try again to find a job good luck!!!
2016-03-24 4:11 pm
Well make that your gift pack your bags go to a well knownshelter get food fromchurchs and try again to find a job good luck!!!
2016-03-24 4:07 pm
I am not a criminal
2016-03-24 4:07 pm
I am not a criminal
2016-03-24 2:58 pm
I would find a shelter in your area.
2016-03-24 2:58 pm
I would find a shelter in your area.
2016-03-24 2:07 pm
Not sure what is more troubling: your situation or the fact that nobody around you cares.

Don't get me wrong. I think it is great that all these strangers on the internet suddenly want to help out, but surely there are people who have known of your situation for some time.

The system isn't broken, the people are. If we actually cared about one another we wouldn't need a "system" to fix problems like these.
2016-03-24 2:07 pm
Not sure what is more troubling: your situation or the fact that nobody around you cares.

Don't get me wrong. I think it is great that all these strangers on the internet suddenly want to help out, but surely there are people who have known of your situation for some time.

The system isn't broken, the people are. If we actually cared about one another we wouldn't need a "system" to fix problems like these.
2016-03-24 9:29 am
I'm sorry for what's going on its obama fault just steel a car and leave I'm in AZ
2016-03-24 9:29 am
I'm sorry for what's going on its obama fault just steel a car and leave I'm in AZ
2016-03-24 8:39 am
I am so sorry this is happening to you, I don't know much but I think you should probably start searching for a job wherever you are while you still look like presentable and if I were you I would continue trying to reach out to your other family in Texas to try and get someone to help you. Im so sorry that I don't have good advice...
2016-03-24 8:39 am
I am so sorry this is happening to you, I don't know much but I think you should probably start searching for a job wherever you are while you still look like presentable and if I were you I would continue trying to reach out to your other family in Texas to try and get someone to help you. Im so sorry that I don't have good advice...
2016-03-24 8:16 am
Call 911 and ask for help.
2016-03-24 8:16 am
Call 911 and ask for help.
2016-03-24 7:25 am
Roger is the only one who offered you hospitality. Either that or call the police and report abuse.
2016-03-24 7:25 am
Roger is the only one who offered you hospitality. Either that or call the police and report abuse.
2016-03-24 7:19 am
I wish your birthday would have been better. You can go stay with Roger. He said he would take you in. Of course he did say that only as a last resort. You have many options here. Choose wisely and above all please stay safe.
2016-03-24 7:19 am
I wish your birthday would have been better. You can go stay with Roger. He said he would take you in. Of course he did say that only as a last resort. You have many options here. Choose wisely and above all please stay safe.
2016-03-24 6:27 am
You need to plead your case with your family and move with them. It doesn't sound like you have a job or anything behind to worry about. I don't know your situation but it's always good to have a savings account for times like these or at least a part time job. It's not too late to go to college and study something you like but for now, honestly pray. It works!
2016-03-24 6:27 am
You need to plead your case with your family and move with them. It doesn't sound like you have a job or anything behind to worry about. I don't know your situation but it's always good to have a savings account for times like these or at least a part time job. It's not too late to go to college and study something you like but for now, honestly pray. It works!
2016-03-24 4:50 am
Learn to what plants you can eat, learn your body, combat
2016-03-24 4:50 am
Learn to what plants you can eat, learn your body, combat
2016-03-24 3:48 am
2016-03-24 3:48 am
2016-03-24 3:28 am
I would look into a shelter till you can get on your feet. also you can try and be a nanny to someone, . or look around for some kind of job where you can live in with someone. I'm sorry your going through this. I wish you well
2016-03-24 3:28 am
I would look into a shelter till you can get on your feet. also you can try and be a nanny to someone, . or look around for some kind of job where you can live in with someone. I'm sorry your going through this. I wish you well
2016-03-24 1:42 am
set yourself free. praying for you
2016-03-24 1:42 am
set yourself free. praying for you
2016-03-24 1:30 am
2016-03-24 1:30 am
2016-03-24 1:30 am
You've been treated horribly in life. This is not real life, everything you've dealt with, everything you're facing is unjust and abusive. Misery isn't real life, misery is b*llsh*t. A huge percentage of people under 34 are living at home. The economy is horrible, even people with college degrees are living at home. The- you're 24, time to fend for yourself is just a complete cop-out.
I've not been in your situation so I can't really offer advice. I definitely think you need to not look for salvation in a man or sexuality however. Men will only treat you according to how your dad treated you and you're socio-economic class. They create low socio-economic classes to have people to abuse from.
You will need to demand society helps you with a job, with some education and treat you with dignity and respect.
2016-03-24 1:30 am
You've been treated horribly in life. This is not real life, everything you've dealt with, everything you're facing is unjust and abusive. Misery isn't real life, misery is b*llsh*t. A huge percentage of people under 34 are living at home. The economy is horrible, even people with college degrees are living at home. The- you're 24, time to fend for yourself is just a complete cop-out.
I've not been in your situation so I can't really offer advice. I definitely think you need to not look for salvation in a man or sexuality however. Men will only treat you according to how your dad treated you and you're socio-economic class. They create low socio-economic classes to have people to abuse from.
You will need to demand society helps you with a job, with some education and treat you with dignity and respect.
2016-03-24 1:03 am
don't listen to the negative !
be strong :)
2016-03-24 1:03 am
don't listen to the negative !
be strong :)
2016-03-24 12:30 am
2016-03-24 12:30 am
2016-03-23 11:29 pm
2016-03-23 11:29 pm
2016-03-23 10:18 pm
Try Catholic Charities or the Salvation Army. They might be able to help you.
2016-03-23 10:18 pm
Try Catholic Charities or the Salvation Army. They might be able to help you.
2016-03-23 9:49 pm
Leave asap. Find a shelter and meet friends. U can always ask the shelter if there's jobs near by. Believe in yourself and pray everyday. And while your home, take somethings with you. Good. Luck
2016-03-23 9:49 pm
Leave asap. Find a shelter and meet friends. U can always ask the shelter if there's jobs near by. Believe in yourself and pray everyday. And while your home, take somethings with you. Good. Luck
2016-03-23 9:27 pm
2016-03-23 9:27 pm
2016-03-23 9:04 pm
sosial services is a great place to come up with resourses AnD guidance some have a path to self sufficiency pland out for people when all in all fails you gotta go the street way rule #1 always be alert I speak from experience I grew up in AC and spent my teen years living on The street not cause i didnt have anywere to live,always have a way to defend yourself and good judgement no ones your friend do what you have to do to keep yourself clean and warm if you go to a city most buildings have stairways or laundry rooms The city is infact the easyist place to fulfill your needs be nice to store owners especialy during ramadán if your hungry ask for food never for money the more people and places are around you the better your chances are of someone helping you but since your a girl the probability of them wanting sex from you is higher.the situation your in isnt the worst youl get primal very fast and learn if your smart how to take care get to know every inch of the city you chose
2016-03-23 9:04 pm
sosial services is a great place to come up with resourses AnD guidance some have a path to self sufficiency pland out for people when all in all fails you gotta go the street way rule #1 always be alert I speak from experience I grew up in AC and spent my teen years living on The street not cause i didnt have anywere to live,always have a way to defend yourself and good judgement no ones your friend do what you have to do to keep yourself clean and warm if you go to a city most buildings have stairways or laundry rooms The city is infact the easyist place to fulfill your needs be nice to store owners especialy during ramadán if your hungry ask for food never for money the more people and places are around you the better your chances are of someone helping you but since your a girl the probability of them wanting sex from you is higher.the situation your in isnt the worst youl get primal very fast and learn if your smart how to take care get to know every inch of the city you chose
2016-03-23 8:52 pm
Maybe you are eligible for welfare. Some towns have social workers who might be able to guide you. You sound like a great person. You can take small steps and eventually build for the future.
2016-03-23 8:52 pm
Maybe you are eligible for welfare. Some towns have social workers who might be able to guide you. You sound like a great person. You can take small steps and eventually build for the future.
2016-03-23 7:57 pm
Lolol thats funny. I hope you sleep under a bridge in the snow.
2016-03-23 7:57 pm
Lolol thats funny. I hope you sleep under a bridge in the snow.
2016-03-23 5:40 pm
How old are you. I will say a prayer for you
2016-03-23 5:40 pm
How old are you. I will say a prayer for you
2016-03-23 5:39 pm
Can you qualify for the military ? I was similar; At age 18, I joined the Navy, and stayed in for 22 years ! Went to college on the GI Bill ! Go on-line and search for help ! GOOGLE !
2016-03-23 5:39 pm
Can you qualify for the military ? I was similar; At age 18, I joined the Navy, and stayed in for 22 years ! Went to college on the GI Bill ! Go on-line and search for help ! GOOGLE !
2016-03-23 4:19 pm
Spitting in someone's face is assault. You should call the cops on your brother and any other family member who abuses you. As an assault victim, the police's victim services may be able to hook you up with resources to help you survive over the short term. And your family should not be allowed to get away with assault.
2016-03-23 4:19 pm
Spitting in someone's face is assault. You should call the cops on your brother and any other family member who abuses you. As an assault victim, the police's victim services may be able to hook you up with resources to help you survive over the short term. And your family should not be allowed to get away with assault.
2016-03-23 2:31 pm
Just apply to the military apply to be a cook save the money you make there and when your out go to college and don't worry about it.
2016-03-23 2:31 pm
Just apply to the military apply to be a cook save the money you make there and when your out go to college and don't worry about it.
2016-03-23 2:10 pm
Come to my place !!!! 32 Dearly street Katoomba NSW Australia !! I'll put you up !!!
2016-03-23 2:10 pm
Come to my place !!!! 32 Dearly street Katoomba NSW Australia !! I'll put you up !!!
2016-03-23 12:36 pm
What I would do is find out where in Texas your family is going and make your on way there.
While there you should go to the red cross and sign up for Certified Nursing Assitant course.
They are always hiring for nursing assistant. You'll still be where your family is and one day when
your on your feet you can show them how well your doing, so never mind going to Florida go to Texas.
Show them how wrong they were to leave you.
2016-03-23 12:36 pm
What I would do is find out where in Texas your family is going and make your on way there.
While there you should go to the red cross and sign up for Certified Nursing Assitant course.
They are always hiring for nursing assistant. You'll still be where your family is and one day when
your on your feet you can show them how well your doing, so never mind going to Florida go to Texas.
Show them how wrong they were to leave you.
2016-03-23 11:57 am
If you're pretty you can ask some guy to be your boyfriend and then move in with him.
2016-03-23 11:57 am
If you're pretty you can ask some guy to be your boyfriend and then move in with him.
2016-03-23 10:15 am
Ask the police.
2016-03-23 10:15 am
Ask the police.
2016-03-23 8:29 am
I'm sorry but pray and everything will be ok
2016-03-23 8:29 am
I'm sorry but pray and everything will be ok
2016-03-23 7:18 am
I been through there. And my best advice is to find a shelter don't live off in the streets. They are many place that can help you trust me
2016-03-23 7:18 am
I been through there. And my best advice is to find a shelter don't live off in the streets. They are many place that can help you trust me
2016-03-23 6:56 am
i am so sorry dont worry, things will get better! join a shelter and get a job that pays well even if it means working in a factory, then once you have enough to live off of maybe switch to start working for restaurants. you are young, go make friends. maybe if they understand your situation they will let you stay. if i were you, i would not go to Florida just because its expensive, i would get a job where you are now and stay in your family's house until its shut down so you can make as much money as you can now before spending money on a ticket to florida with no where to go. stay where you are, get a job at the nearest fast food reastaraunt, until you can find a better paying job. eventually when the house is evicted, decide if you still want to go to flordia. where ever you go, stay in a shelter, get a job, and do research on a house to get because you are going to be living there for a while. i hate 2 say it, but for a little while this is going to be rough,(continued below)
2016-03-23 6:56 am
i am so sorry dont worry, things will get better! join a shelter and get a job that pays well even if it means working in a factory, then once you have enough to live off of maybe switch to start working for restaurants. you are young, go make friends. maybe if they understand your situation they will let you stay. if i were you, i would not go to Florida just because its expensive, i would get a job where you are now and stay in your family's house until its shut down so you can make as much money as you can now before spending money on a ticket to florida with no where to go. stay where you are, get a job at the nearest fast food reastaraunt, until you can find a better paying job. eventually when the house is evicted, decide if you still want to go to flordia. where ever you go, stay in a shelter, get a job, and do research on a house to get because you are going to be living there for a while. i hate 2 say it, but for a little while this is going to be rough,(continued below)
2016-03-23 5:23 am
Yesterday you were 25. Your other questions show you bouncing between ages 23, 24, and 25. And they all tell weird stories that aren't all consistent.
2016-03-23 5:23 am
Yesterday you were 25. Your other questions show you bouncing between ages 23, 24, and 25. And they all tell weird stories that aren't all consistent.
2016-03-23 4:56 am
twin oaks intentional community in Virginia you will really like. It's a communal living with cohabitating with lots of people making hammocks and coexisting on a very low budget

But before you get there, go greyhound Florida agreed. New college Sarasota ...
2016-03-23 4:56 am
twin oaks intentional community in Virginia you will really like. It's a communal living with cohabitating with lots of people making hammocks and coexisting on a very low budget

But before you get there, go greyhound Florida agreed. New college Sarasota ...
2016-03-23 3:54 am
Bookmarked. Thanks for asking. <3
2016-03-23 3:54 am
Bookmarked. Thanks for asking. <3
2016-03-23 3:06 am
The advice is, call the cops on the guy you are dating, go to a shelter, and get a job.
2016-03-23 3:06 am
The advice is, call the cops on the guy you are dating, go to a shelter, and get a job.
2016-03-23 1:46 am
there must be a shelter somewhere
2016-03-23 1:46 am
there must be a shelter somewhere
2016-03-23 1:02 am
If you're under 18 then you report this to the authorities because then this it would be illegal.
2016-03-23 1:02 am
If you're under 18 then you report this to the authorities because then this it would be illegal.
2016-03-22 9:13 pm
Go to a church or a close friend
2016-03-22 9:13 pm
Go to a church or a close friend
2016-03-22 8:08 pm
Damn thats tough, I agree that you need to be able to stand on your own two feet, but even then you need support initially to be independent, but think of it this way, experience only makes you stronger, if you let it. Always believe in yourself, life is an adventure and love is the end goal. May god guide you to the right path
2016-03-22 8:08 pm
Damn thats tough, I agree that you need to be able to stand on your own two feet, but even then you need support initially to be independent, but think of it this way, experience only makes you stronger, if you let it. Always believe in yourself, life is an adventure and love is the end goal. May god guide you to the right path
2016-03-22 7:12 pm
Can you catch a cab or bus to the homeless shelter? You look up some shelters nearby and call them. Wishing you the best love, happy birthday.
2016-03-22 7:12 pm
Can you catch a cab or bus to the homeless shelter? You look up some shelters nearby and call them. Wishing you the best love, happy birthday.
2016-03-22 1:57 pm
these are all good advice. first of all try to stay calm so you can think and make plans. it is awful that your family will do you this way. how old id your brother that he can give you orders as to what to do for him. and why does your parents go alone with him doing this and treating you like this. plus not trying to put you down, but at 24 why don't you have a job or somewhere to go? next, do you have neighbors? ask them if you can stay with them until you can find a job and get enough money to move away. is all of your family in Texas? if not try to get the help of those who are not living in Texas. try to find a job if it is no more then in McDonalds, or equal to that. this is just so you can have money to live on. ask neighbors you may be surprised at how they might be willing to help you. check out churches, especially Catholic churches, they always have connections to help people. also check out other churches too. I wish you well.
2016-03-22 1:57 pm
these are all good advice. first of all try to stay calm so you can think and make plans. it is awful that your family will do you this way. how old id your brother that he can give you orders as to what to do for him. and why does your parents go alone with him doing this and treating you like this. plus not trying to put you down, but at 24 why don't you have a job or somewhere to go? next, do you have neighbors? ask them if you can stay with them until you can find a job and get enough money to move away. is all of your family in Texas? if not try to get the help of those who are not living in Texas. try to find a job if it is no more then in McDonalds, or equal to that. this is just so you can have money to live on. ask neighbors you may be surprised at how they might be willing to help you. check out churches, especially Catholic churches, they always have connections to help people. also check out other churches too. I wish you well.
2016-03-22 12:14 pm
I would speak with a social worker if I were you.
2016-03-22 12:14 pm
I would speak with a social worker if I were you.
2016-03-22 11:59 am
I'm so sorry
To hear this. Happy birthday! Try all the shelter and ask their advice if there isn't any room? What you should do! Go in all places and ask outright for jobs/ show you are a hard worker!!
2016-03-22 11:59 am
I'm so sorry
To hear this. Happy birthday! Try all the shelter and ask their advice if there isn't any room? What you should do! Go in all places and ask outright for jobs/ show you are a hard worker!!
2016-03-22 7:51 am
Sign up for food stamps, stay with family members sleep on their couch until you can find a job and help pay rent then get 2 jobs and get your own place or rent an apartment and get a romm mate
2016-03-22 7:51 am
Sign up for food stamps, stay with family members sleep on their couch until you can find a job and help pay rent then get 2 jobs and get your own place or rent an apartment and get a romm mate
2016-03-22 7:08 am
Ur brother sounds like a total fck wit. Join the army n get training as a nurse or a trade. Do u guys get paid unemployment benefits like Australia? Don't go into the porn industry or prostitution yuk!
2016-03-22 7:08 am
Ur brother sounds like a total fck wit. Join the army n get training as a nurse or a trade. Do u guys get paid unemployment benefits like Australia? Don't go into the porn industry or prostitution yuk!
2016-03-22 6:45 am
Go to social service. They can help you with housing and foodstamps.
2016-03-22 6:45 am
Go to social service. They can help you with housing and foodstamps.
2016-03-22 5:30 am
They're always short of cab drivers, esp on the night shift. I did that because I was unemployed. They hired, but you have to pay for your license, about $75. You'll make enough for a motel room and three meals with little left over. Do you have a license? Many Worksource/unemployment agencies will then have scholarships for you cuz you'll be some forgotten about poor person, and the government treats them better.
2016-03-22 5:30 am
They're always short of cab drivers, esp on the night shift. I did that because I was unemployed. They hired, but you have to pay for your license, about $75. You'll make enough for a motel room and three meals with little left over. Do you have a license? Many Worksource/unemployment agencies will then have scholarships for you cuz you'll be some forgotten about poor person, and the government treats them better.
2016-03-22 4:53 am
My mom's has a great Christian house but she's in Vero Beach, Florida.
2016-03-22 4:53 am
My mom's has a great Christian house but she's in Vero Beach, Florida.
2016-03-22 3:54 am
get a job
answer mien
2016-03-22 3:54 am
get a job
answer mien
2016-03-22 2:53 am
Call social services depending where you are they can find you a place to stay for a few days in the meantime please find a job look in newspaper article on jobs babysitting walking dogs just a little money then by some supplies with the money and move out buy a tent or a small tarp make your own house hoped this helped
2016-03-22 2:53 am
Call social services depending where you are they can find you a place to stay for a few days in the meantime please find a job look in newspaper article on jobs babysitting walking dogs just a little money then by some supplies with the money and move out buy a tent or a small tarp make your own house hoped this helped
2016-03-22 1:09 am
At your age leave that nut house.
2016-03-22 1:09 am
At your age leave that nut house.
2016-03-21 11:27 pm
Use and be a good guest while you look for work.
2016-03-21 11:27 pm
Use and be a good guest while you look for work.
2016-03-21 9:04 pm
My advice would be to find a job as soon as possible. You should look for one right when you get to Florida. This part you're gonna have to hustle and put your back into it. Do WHATEVER it takes to get a job.Keep calling every single job you apply for. Keep telling them how interested you are in this job. Keep doing follow ups. Keep applying. Just don't get into something illegal or dumb. After you get a job or as soon as you know 100% that you will have a job. Find out how much you will be making monthly. Ex: $600 - $800 (typical part time wages) After that you're gonna wanna look on Craig's List for people renting out their rooms. This is a very cheap way of living. It's a lot cheaper than renting out your own apartment and in most cases even cheaper than renting out a studio. Just look around at places near your job (since you don't have any transportation). Once you find a room within your budget.
Call them, make arrangements, discuss payments, then finally go check out the place. If you like it (don't be too picky), you will have you're very own room to stay in. Of course it's not much, but you'll be better off. From there it's up to you on how you wanna tackle life. Definitely should go to school after you get settled in. Maybe you will even meet a nice man, you can date, then if he works as well, you can both rent out your very own studio apartment. Studio apartments are very cheap as well.
2016-03-21 9:04 pm
My advice would be to find a job as soon as possible. You should look for one right when you get to Florida. This part you're gonna have to hustle and put your back into it. Do WHATEVER it takes to get a job.Keep calling every single job you apply for. Keep telling them how interested you are in this job. Keep doing follow ups. Keep applying. Just don't get into something illegal or dumb. After you get a job or as soon as you know 100% that you will have a job. Find out how much you will be making monthly. Ex: $600 - $800 (typical part time wages) After that you're gonna wanna look on Craig's List for people renting out their rooms. This is a very cheap way of living. It's a lot cheaper than renting out your own apartment and in most cases even cheaper than renting out a studio. Just look around at places near your job (since you don't have any transportation). Once you find a room within your budget.
Call them, make arrangements, discuss payments, then finally go check out the place. If you like it (don't be too picky), you will have you're very own room to stay in. Of course it's not much, but you'll be better off. From there it's up to you on how you wanna tackle life. Definitely should go to school after you get settled in. Maybe you will even meet a nice man, you can date, then if he works as well, you can both rent out your very own studio apartment. Studio apartments are very cheap as well.
2016-03-21 9:01 pm
Contact your local social services as soon as possible
2016-03-21 9:01 pm
Contact your local social services as soon as possible
2016-03-21 8:55 pm
Go to and apply for a PELL grant to go to college.
2016-03-21 8:55 pm
Go to and apply for a PELL grant to go to college.
2016-03-21 1:11 pm
You need to seek out some friends, maybe find a job at a fast food restaurant -- somewhere where you can easily get a job -- their are also homes for abused women and children all across the globe, and I suggest you report this somehow as well.

Not to be insensitive and all... but ... I have no idea why but this reminds me of cinderella.
2016-03-21 1:11 pm
You need to seek out some friends, maybe find a job at a fast food restaurant -- somewhere where you can easily get a job -- their are also homes for abused women and children all across the globe, and I suggest you report this somehow as well.

Not to be insensitive and all... but ... I have no idea why but this reminds me of cinderella.
2016-03-21 12:48 pm
You'll need to seek out a homeless shelter. If not here, find somewhere that has shelters which will actually try to help you.
2016-03-21 12:48 pm
You'll need to seek out a homeless shelter. If not here, find somewhere that has shelters which will actually try to help you.
2016-03-23 7:40 pm
You need a short term solution and ultimately a long term one. Get yourself to a church & see if they can help for a while. Maybe one person in the congregation has a spare room. Get that for a while. Plus, they can advise you what to do next re jobs and so forth. That's one way.
Florida doesn't sound like such a hot idea right now. Try your hand at a job, find one that you enjoy & then you can go from there.
參考: Life, practice, watching people and learning what works.
2016-03-23 7:40 pm
You need a short term solution and ultimately a long term one. Get yourself to a church & see if they can help for a while. Maybe one person in the congregation has a spare room. Get that for a while. Plus, they can advise you what to do next re jobs and so forth. That's one way.
Florida doesn't sound like such a hot idea right now. Try your hand at a job, find one that you enjoy & then you can go from there.
參考: Life, practice, watching people and learning what works.
2016-03-23 5:49 pm
Right. Pack all you need, get all the money you own and maybe nick a bit more from your family members, and leave when everybody is sleeping. As quickly as possible. I actually advise going after your birthday so you can see how they treat you then...if its bad then you know they're not for you. Travel as far as you can, stay near civilsation. Find a homeless shelter or something. You will need support, that's for certain, you can't live alone. Maybe phone some distant fsmily member?
2016-03-23 5:49 pm
Right. Pack all you need, get all the money you own and maybe nick a bit more from your family members, and leave when everybody is sleeping. As quickly as possible. I actually advise going after your birthday so you can see how they treat you then...if its bad then you know they're not for you. Travel as far as you can, stay near civilsation. Find a homeless shelter or something. You will need support, that's for certain, you can't live alone. Maybe phone some distant fsmily member?
2016-03-23 8:55 am
hand jobs in the alley is a profitable venture.
2016-03-23 8:55 am
hand jobs in the alley is a profitable venture.
2016-03-23 4:26 am
Get on, (other ones too) and try to find something you can do. In the meantime try to find somebody willing to take on a roommate, splitting bills and having an actual house to come back to every day beats the heck out of apartment life.. I don't know any website or apps for roomies, so you'll have to dig around. I know Craigslist (ugh) has a "roommates wanted" listing but... it's craigslist.

Be careful with bartending jobs. In my area, a lot of bartending girls wind up emm.. how can I say this? Most wind up doing "favors" for extra cash, get hooked on pills, drugs, whatever, and fall into a rut they never make it back from. It's sad. I'd say worse than being homeless out on the street. Just be careful who you deal with.. Happy birthday and best of luck! You can make it, don't ever give up, don't ever give in.
2016-03-23 4:26 am
Get on, (other ones too) and try to find something you can do. In the meantime try to find somebody willing to take on a roommate, splitting bills and having an actual house to come back to every day beats the heck out of apartment life.. I don't know any website or apps for roomies, so you'll have to dig around. I know Craigslist (ugh) has a "roommates wanted" listing but... it's craigslist.

Be careful with bartending jobs. In my area, a lot of bartending girls wind up emm.. how can I say this? Most wind up doing "favors" for extra cash, get hooked on pills, drugs, whatever, and fall into a rut they never make it back from. It's sad. I'd say worse than being homeless out on the street. Just be careful who you deal with.. Happy birthday and best of luck! You can make it, don't ever give up, don't ever give in.
2016-03-22 11:47 pm
Be a prostitute worse comes to worse
2016-03-22 11:47 pm
Be a prostitute worse comes to worse
2016-03-21 8:17 pm
sleep in the park or under a bridge.
2016-03-21 8:17 pm
sleep in the park or under a bridge.
2016-03-21 12:39 pm
There are homes for women that come from a abusive home.
I suggest you go to the police. You can lay charges against tne abuser and or the police will suggest a place for you stay at. I know you stated they have waiting lists but younhavevto,do something. You can also,go to a church. Try the Salvation Army.
You want help,but you listed all,sorts of excuses not to seek help.
2016-03-21 12:39 pm
There are homes for women that come from a abusive home.
I suggest you go to the police. You can lay charges against tne abuser and or the police will suggest a place for you stay at. I know you stated they have waiting lists but younhavevto,do something. You can also,go to a church. Try the Salvation Army.
You want help,but you listed all,sorts of excuses not to seek help.
2016-03-23 8:15 pm
I say you need to ask a family member who can help you like a grandparent (grandparents are great for extra love) who's retired (as a bonus for you) to send you money through you bank account and to not tell anybody you're getting money from anyone. Then go to a college, go to the office, and tell them what's going on. Or call the police when your family is completely gone and has no clue where you are (so they can't hurt you). You go for it. BTW I'm under guardianship and can't get out til I get married if I'm even allowed still by then. Put parts of these ideas together and write out a plan and or plan map.
2016-03-23 8:15 pm
I say you need to ask a family member who can help you like a grandparent (grandparents are great for extra love) who's retired (as a bonus for you) to send you money through you bank account and to not tell anybody you're getting money from anyone. Then go to a college, go to the office, and tell them what's going on. Or call the police when your family is completely gone and has no clue where you are (so they can't hurt you). You go for it. BTW I'm under guardianship and can't get out til I get married if I'm even allowed still by then. Put parts of these ideas together and write out a plan and or plan map.
2016-03-23 1:24 pm
Go to florida cuz it's warm sleep on beach n take shower in beach shower room. Wash ur clothe's in public restroom sink. Then spend whole day walking through town asking for work at everywhere. Eventually you'll get a job maybe at a restaurant washing dishes or hostess. Good work cuz they feed u. Sleep on beach til u got enough for cheap apartment. Then keep working til u a waitress n save up a lot of money. Buy pretty clothes, get a boyfriend, get married n start a family. Then ur husband seals a big business deal n u become filthy rich. Then take vacations in ur yacht to carribean. All this can happen but u gotta have a dream. Keep ur dream in ur head n keep swimming no matter how hard it gets. No matter what keep moving. It'd good xp
2016-03-23 1:24 pm
Go to florida cuz it's warm sleep on beach n take shower in beach shower room. Wash ur clothe's in public restroom sink. Then spend whole day walking through town asking for work at everywhere. Eventually you'll get a job maybe at a restaurant washing dishes or hostess. Good work cuz they feed u. Sleep on beach til u got enough for cheap apartment. Then keep working til u a waitress n save up a lot of money. Buy pretty clothes, get a boyfriend, get married n start a family. Then ur husband seals a big business deal n u become filthy rich. Then take vacations in ur yacht to carribean. All this can happen but u gotta have a dream. Keep ur dream in ur head n keep swimming no matter how hard it gets. No matter what keep moving. It'd good xp
2016-03-22 4:37 pm
So long you're not fat and got a money making face and body, you can always sell yourself for quick and easy Bucks
2016-03-22 4:37 pm
So long you're not fat and got a money making face and body, you can always sell yourself for quick and easy Bucks

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